The Nintendo Switch was a surprise hit for many, including Nintendo, but especially 3rd-party publishers – with many studios being unprepared for its overwhelming success. It seems as though lessons have been learned, with Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick confirming that they “fully expect to support” Switch 2 when it releases.
As part of the company’s latest fiscal earning report – in which they confirmed that GTA V has sold over 210 million copies – Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick offered his thoughts on the upcoming Switch 2 and how the publisher plans to support the system, saying (as transcribed by NintendoEverything):
“We’ve had a longstanding relationship with Nintendo and we’ve supported the platform when it made sense for the individual release. There was a time when Nintendo platforms were really geared at younger audiences and that was reflected in our release schedule. Now with today Switch and potentially Switch 2, the Switch device can support any audience.”
Zelnick continued, “As you may have noticed, Civilization 7 is now available on Switch. While we have nothing specific to report, we actually would fully expect to support Switch.”
Of course, Take-Two is much more than just the publisher of GTA, with the company owning a ton of IPs including but not limited to XCOM; NBA 2K; Bioshock; Mafia and more – and so it’s entirely possible that Zelnick is referring to these franchises more so than Grand Theft Auto.
Regardless, hopefully the success of the first Switch means we will get more comprehensive ports for the system at a faster and more consistent pace. And who knows, we might eventually see GTA VI come to Switch 2 – as unlikely as that may be.
KitGuru says: What do you think of Zelnick’s comments? Could GTA VI eventually come to Switch? Will Take-Two re-release GTA V one final time instead? Let us know your thoughts down below.