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Sennheiser GSP 300 Gaming Headset Review


The packaging for the Sennheiser GSP 300 is of a high standard, with a nice mix of glossy and matte card, and a big, artistically shot picture of the headset itself.

While we might bemoan fancy packaging for the potential cost saving, when you are spending close to £100 on a headset, it never hurts for it to have a nice box to make it feel fancy.


The back of the packaging gives you an exploded look at the earcups and the drivers inside them, letting you see how the headset is put together.


Not much in the way of accessories with this headset, but you do get a short setup leaflet and a 3.5mm two-to-one converter for mobile phone or tablet usage.

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  3. hey, i agree with you. i bought gsp 350, the mic is also very quiet..

  4. So I had mine replaced because I thought it wasn’t working (I swear it used to on Windows)… but the replacement unit has the same problem. Virtually unusable.

    I tried it on my 2012 MacBook Pro (by way of the little adapter that combines the 2 jacks into a single 3-pronged one). Sounds perfect! WTF!?