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KitGuru visits Logitech’s G Labs in Switzerland

After saying goodbye to the software engineers, we were regrouped with our fellow journalists for a big sit down interview, press meeting with some of the professional gamers that Logitech consults with before, during and after the production of some of its most famous peripherals. They ranged from MOBA, to FPS, to CCG gamers, all of them some of the best in the world at what they do and we had a chance to ask them some questions about their relationship with Logitech and what it's like being a pro at one of the world's most popular hobbies.

How many faces can you guys recognise?

They explained how Logitech consulted them at various stages of the Romer G and latest G series mice' development. This was something they were keen to push, as it not only makes it clear Logitech takes its product testing seriouosly, but that it's willing to be more than a name on a shirt for professional gamers. Logitech wants to equip its sponsored teams with the best hardware available.

And in-fact, with just a week or so to go before this year's ESL CS GO tournament, nearly all members of Cloud 9 switched to one of Logitech's new gaming mice. That's practically unheard of, but shows real confidence in Logitech's products.

Some of the pros in attendance were operating now in a more managerial capacity, so I thought it would be interesting to ask how they felt about sponsorships like Logitech's after the highpoint of their gaming careers. They said it was good to have another avenue of not only revenue, but something to work on. This makes the career of a professional gamer that bit more stable, as beyond doing well at a game, they can find work as consultants with companies like Logitech further down the line.

Maybe note that one down next time you pitch your parents about your gaming career kids.

Unfortunately, due to flight times, it was at this point that KitGuru had to head on home, missing out on an opportunity to “beat the pros,” or more accurately, get our asses handed to us by the pros. But they were at least nice enough to pose for the picture above, which was good of them.

All in all it was a fascinating incite into not only peripheral production, but how seriously Logitech takes every aspect of its products' development. So much so in-fact, that it puts them in vending machines in the cafeteria.

I'm not kidding.

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KitGuru Says: Thanks go out to Logitech for inviting us out to lift up its skirts and look around its campus.

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  1. Imagine if you’re one of those lucky people that got 2 of something from the Vending Machine – you’d be extremely happy if that happened here…. 🙂

  2. They don’t do tests for middle mouse click? I hate Logitech since they started using tact switches for middle button and mechanical wheel encoders. Both break fast because I use wheel constantly with 3dsmax! Why not optical wheel sensors and standard switch for MMB? They charge a lot for crap… Better of with another brand mouse.