Home / Tech News / Announcements / AMD withdraw KitGuru Fury X sample over ‘negative content’

AMD withdraw KitGuru Fury X sample over ‘negative content’

AMD's upcoming Fury release next week has been much anticipated – the incredible level of global coverage so far gives a firm indication that this is indeed one of the most anticipated hardware launches of 2015. Many enthusiast gamers are hoping that AMD will become competitive again in the high end against Nvidia, and based on leaked results so far, it would appear this is going to be the case. KitGuru will however not be in a position to handle a launch review for our readership. I try to avoid the complex and frustrating politics which are heavily engrained within this industry, but sadly it is not always possible.
On the 11th June AMD informed us via email that the upcoming FIJI hardware was reserved for KitGuru, as would normally be the case. We subsequently set a plan in motion to analyse the hardware for launch and were awaiting the arrival of the sample. Earlier this week I had a call from Christine Brown, Senior Manager, EMEA Communications at AMD to let me know that the company had withdrawn their sample from KitGuru labs and that we would now not be involved at all in the launch next week.

Christine Browne informed me directly on the phone that the reason for withdrawing the sample was based on ‘KitGuru's negative stance towards AMD'. She said that with limited product they wanted to focus on giving the samples to publications that are ‘more positive' about AMD as a brand, and company. I was not informed during this call of anything we have published that was factually incorrect, we were also not told to edit or remove any content we had published. Based on what AMD had seen via KitGuru editorial in recent weeks it was felt that overall coverage was just too negative.

I did stress the point that KitGuru's news coverage of their ‘updated' 300 product range would in no way alter my ability to accurately analyse their hardware – after all I have been doing it for 13 years now. We approach all hardware reviews from a strictly neutral stance, and then work towards a conclusion, after many days of detailed analysis.

Due to their decision, KitGuru will be unable to deliver unbiased and detailed coverage of AMD's FIJI part to millions of readers on launch day. I will continue to try and work with AMD if I can, however I simply cannot let any company or corporation try and dictate or change our independent ability to cover news, or to share our opinions – even if this means losing product support for big hardware launches such as this.

If we become unable to share our genuine views and opinions out of fear of a company withdrawing product samples then I see no point in being here at all. KitGuru has always had an primary focus to our enthusiast readership and our goal is to deliver accurate and genuine buying advice.

On a brighter note, we currently still have the full support of AMD partners and will aim to deliver content on the new hardware, as soon as possible.

Allan ‘Zardon' Campbell.
Editor In Chief KitGuru.

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  1. Yes!

  2. BTC farmers again. Why didnt you use Titan Z to farm but “close to 30 cards” with 295X2 then complained about issues after you squeezed everything out of them?
    Low IQ people never get the tricks that companies like Intel/Nvidia play them but still. oh well, suit yourself, I have never run into problems with AMD drivers so I don’t know. If you have, poor you lucky me. =)

  3. I can understand why they’re selective. They’ve a product to sell and some site are biased. Never thought that way about Kitguru though.. perhaps its the neutral tone of the reviews?

    AMD are taking some cues from nvidia and is determined to see Fury (and itself) to success.

  4. Like If Game A and B work perfectly on HD 5870 but games C crashes, blame AMD
    Game A and C work perfectly on GTX 580 but game B crashes, blame game B’s developer?
    “The way it’s meant to be played” – so true, but sorry I’m one of those be played but don’t even realize it.

  5. It’s an Nvidia marked game title. So don’t expect much about it with CFX support soon. Nvidia always does that to cripple AMD’s performance/ability to run correctly.
    Companies like Nvidia/Intel exploit addicts’ urge of doing/playing something, then do some tricks to force those addicts to spend money on their products.
    Nvidia Cards still play fairly good on AMD marked titles for AMD’s technologies are open source so that Nvidia can optimize their drivers before the launch of those games. And because their technologies are open source, they hardly can do any triks or there will be hell and chaos on Internet cozof the overwhelming Nvidia fanboys/girls/gays alike.

  6. Well I would throw brick at them if they ever criticize my yet-to-be launched products like that. kitguru probably got something from Nvidia to make that BS video.
    And don’t call anyone stupid, because if it turns out they are smarter than you, that make you really dumb and stupid +ER. Got it? Don’t make people educate you every time, its not good. Got it too?
    Thank you and have a good day!

  7. That is so bad. Does NVIDIA do this shit, too? What can we as consumers do to let them know we won’t stand for this bullshit? There are times when a publication is making inaccurate statements, or is obviously biased, and I could understand a vendor/designer being justified in distancing itself from such a publication. But here it seems AMD is crossing way over the fuzzy line into press manipulation. They should at least explain to us consumers what their specific gripes with you are, because as it is, it looks very, very bad.

  8. This isn’t AMD’s fault.

    Kitguru broke their NDA with AMD several times in the past few weeks releasing confidential information, hence the withdrawal:





  9. If you are about to open a restaurant, one of your guests made a video telling how wonderful the food of another restaurant and stated that your food were “awesome” even though you have gone to a chef school and he has never tasted your new food that you are about to present at the “launch date”. What would you do? Send tht worthless SoB samples of your new food and welcome him to your grand opening day or throw dishes at his face and tell him to get lost?

  10. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Since when is posting facts spamming?
    Oy Vey.

  11. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Wow your dumb.
    “AMD THEMSELVES said that all their new cards were based on existing
    chips and i quote “reimagined” for better speed boosts on existing
    games, you’re defending AMD by going against their own words”
    This comment of yours is oxymoron.

  12. why do i have to listen to this shit again
    why do i have to listen to people that justify a 1000 worth of card on a 1080p monitor?
    why why why?
    you dont spend that kind of money on a card and then goes to drive it on a 1080p monitor
    nor the card is made to actually deliver its power on 1080p (actually most of the serious reviewers did some vsr test to on a 1080p but it was horrible on some monitors)
    also yes most of the test are being done on 4k ultra while e.g fxaa/aa/msaa are useless on 4k because you cannot see any difference due to the fact that the pixel dot is just too small (without most of the useless post process the top tier cards from both companies actually surpass the 60 fps quite easly

  13. If Kitguru weren’t biased against AMD before they sure will be now! Schwing!

    And who wouldn’t be biased against a power hungry fire hazard? Like seriously? And I thought this new crop of cards from them would iron out all the common complaints against AMD too.

  14. I don’t really understand what you said there (He stated my food is “awesome”? Isn’t that good? And please refer specifically to whatever potential gripe you think AMD might have with kitguru, don’t allude to that in some weird, vague analogue form.), but it doesn’t matter. Your analogy is terrible. Hardware reviewers are not the analogy of restaurant patrons. They are more the analogy of food critics. Even then, due to the price of computer hardware, it’s not a good analogy. But if you’d like to try to make your point again, you are welcome to go right ahead.

  15. I used to like Tom’s Hardware but because they squeeze their forum pages I don’t like them any more. Way too narrow. There are side boarders here but at least they don’t obnoxiously squish the middle.

  16. While I’m nVidia all the way I think they have their shit together. AMD is in serious danger of going out of business so they have to correct fundamental issues with their products. Heaping HBM onto crap isn’t going to cut it, they need decent drivers, far superior power efficiency (from what I read they’re achieving that) and less heating. I’m keeping up on Fury news but aren’t that optimistic.

  17. How does nVidia and Intel fool customers? By actually caring about their cards’ performance, power efficiency, drivers, and solid architectures? AMD is known for running too hot and having poor tessellation. Intel does some stuff I don’t agree with (iGPUs taking up space that could be going to more cores) but has the best processors overall.

  18. For a start, the only person who would have been under an NDA is Allan as he was the one set to review the card. Nobody else at KG agreed to or were sent an NDA. Additionally, every single news story you just posted was sourced from other sites. KG did not leak anything themselves, other sites did and KG reported on it- which isn’t breaking NDA as the information is out there in public domain and thus, free to discuss.

  19. You really don’t know what sarcasm is?
    awesome = good
    “awesome” in common sense = opposite of good. Got it?

    And, you don’t get the logic in my statement, then, well, nvm.

  20. Vizeroy Asklenius

    And how exactly is “you don’t get a free sample. Go buy your own” censorship?
    AMD never tried anything to prevent them, writing a review.
    KitGuru just don’t get a free sample for launch. They can do reviews on AIB cards or buy a reference card.

  21. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Nope. When Pascal is there, AMD also has the next gen of GPUs ready.
    Pascal is still a year out.
    They will have to compete with AMD’s HBM2 chips

  22. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Html5 works great for me. On the AMD 2014 Omega driver from December.
    The old Nvidia drivers before Maxwell launch also have no issue with Html5.
    Please explain again, how this is Google’s fault.

  23. While I enjoy your reviews and it’s pity that we won’t see your review any time soon, I must admit that a lot of articles in recent weeks were quite aggressive towards AMD. In their position I would be afraid about your bias too, but withdrawing sample is a solid mistake in my opinion.

  24. That is a bit strange as I can pull around 50FPS with xfire 7850s with sweetfx on ultra/high. Setting tessellation to 8x in CCC I can run hair works at around 45FPS

  25. TheGoodBadWeird

    The video is only the first of what many journalists in the industry think in secrecy. All points in there have been explained in a logical derivation. There is no incorrect content in there, so the criticism of the journalist is placed wrong and exaggerated.

    The latest launch of AMD is far from perfect. I have seen many sites shift their tone because AMD tries to openly con them with old cards and childish marketing tricks. They are long enough in the business to know when they get fooled. Too many deception and trickery attempts happened over the years from various brands and companies. Journalists could handle them in small dosis and at least report over them here and there.

    Lately this whole farce of AMD hits a new all time low. To report positively about this is worse than biased.

  26. I have that in mind too, but criticizing a company about a product which yet-to-be-launched isn’t a thing that anyone should do unless the “anyone” is working, either under the table or not, for the competitor. Seriously I don’t know what a chef brings to the table based what he cooked for me to taste yesterday. No one knows how much improvement he could do to the recipe in a day of experimenting. So criticizing his food based on what he made yesterday to judge what he is going make tomorrow seems not right to me.
    Has ever an article been posted criticizing how bad Nvidia cards perform before it was launched? Fermi GPUs were simply pieces of scrap silicon comparing to Evergreen series, weren’t they? Any article about how bad they were before launch? Hell no.

  27. TheGoodBadWeird

    Nvidia got quite the beating for the 400-Fermi-series too. Some sites had their field day with this story and so it’s deserved for AMD too. Try to place yourself into a journalist shoes. You tell your audience weeks and months after another how awesome the new future series of products from AMD and wake hope in your readers to maybe wait.

    The whole time you heard and wrote about leaks with complete rebrands this year. This was so absolutely unbelievable, it could only be total FUD. The closer the release comes the more of your trusted sources confirm this to be true. As a journalist you naturely feel dumbfounded by this … I call it ‘scandal’, that you as a video reviewer talk clear what you think about his a week before said to be release – still with no clear official information. Nobody got paid to do this as bribe or anything as you claim. It was pure human emotion at play here. I personally wondered how much he stayed objective beside his (for me) obvious enraged stage.

    If you, the fans or AMD themselve have a problem with founded critisicm before release, something is terrible wrong here.

  28. The improvements come from competition. You don’t improve, you lose. Improvements don’t count tricks and illegal implements which cripple your competitor. Those are anti-trust practices, and exactly what Nvidia and Intel has been doing in front of your nose and you don’t even realize it.
    Since when tessellation performance is poor on AMD cards? you mean the early Evergreen series or GCN? Even the HD 5870 has better performance/watt in tessellation than GTX 470/480. What are you talking about?

  29. kitguru does not showacse the mistakes a bit more or whatnot. The 970 controversy with nvidia caused as much of a buzz as what AMD does if not more. I sitll rmemeber the flaming, the ahting and the videos.
    The reason it dies out faster is because ultimately people stick to nvidia in the end regardless, so saying that it’s not good doesn’t change anything.

  30. Well, it was after the release of GTX 480, not before. We are talking about criticizing to chase off wondering customers before the launch, not after. Vividly 2 different things.
    Wait until it is out, measure it then criticize how much you want, no one cares about you, they will only care about the card.
    And, are all of the new lineup complete re-brands? What is this flagship Fiji they are talking all over the place? re-brand too?

  31. TheGoodBadWeird

    I don’t care for Fiji! This card(s) are already ridiculous before their launch. The Fermi GTX480 had its downfalls and was criticized because of this before and after the launch more than enough. AMD needs a beating too if they release something awful too. Not to communicate with the press and potential customers is in this category too.

    Many guys as me wanted new affordable cards in the up to 400€ region. Now AMD brings stone old stuff which is 2-4 years old and adds the prices with 30-50% here in Europe. Tonga is less than a year old and still the same in a new card? Why bring it again?

    Customers have all right to know about this beforehand so they don’t wait eternal for this re-something. They could have bought a Nvidai GTX700 / 900-series or AMD 200-series way back and still have the same as AMD released recently. If you like that, you are a fool!

  32. “It is clearly an attack”

  33. The griping and all the fuss is about AMD rebranding a whole series of cards and calling it something new. It’s deceptive really. I was looking to maybe switch over to the 390x but now that I’m aware its just a tweaked 290x, I’ll pass. I’ll stick with the 980s I have. And I’m no fanboy of one particular company. As far as AMD not wanting negative reviews upon release of the new 300 series goes…..AMD brings the bad reviews on themselves. As a consumer I’m glad I can stay informed and see comparisons between the 200 and 300 series. So once again, AMD will not be getting my money.

  34. Shots fired….

  35. Kitguru, cry me a river. BUY the damn card and review it. Pay like the rest of us do.

  36. Tessellation and Physix performance has always been subpar on AMD cards. I too have own a number of AMD GPUs in the past. And I was going to possibly buy the 390x but now that the info is out and its just a rebranded and retweaked 290x, they can keep it. Now I’m sure some suckers will buy these cards and that’s on them but for me, I’ll pass. Again.

  37. It takes a special kind of moron to see bias in factual charts.


  38. I don’t think you know how to use sarcasm. There’s no sense to it there. What logic? You didn’t display any logic, you displayed a poor-fitting analogy. All you have to do is clean it up, I’d really love to reply to something that I can reply to.

  39. Can any1 send me a link where lisa su or AMD stated that the 300 series are rebrands? I’ve read from here that they actually admitted it.

    Rebrand or not are they significant? You don’t actually use all those features do you(gaming wise)? seems to me the 300 series are for those who don’t own a 200 series card or have older cards who have yet to buy new ones and are looking at that price range. If you were planning to buy a 290x then, the 390x would be right for you now. Or get a 980. What I dont like about all of this(the video especially) is that it mostly suggests AMD cards are irrelevant which in fact to some it isn’t. Unless you use CUDA or want a cooler, possibly quieter,has a good tdp, and a bit pricier card then go NVIDIA.


  40. “it is clearly an attack”

  41. Vizeroy Asklenius

    If it works for you, it’S more than OK.
    I just don’t like to be lied to by a company.
    I lost my Laptop to Bumpgate and it took a lawsuit and several months to get Nvidia to admit the issue. Sadly, this was way too late for my laptop.
    On top of that, Nvidia said, the Laptop manufacturers were responsible for the GPUs.
    In the end, I had a dead laptop without any chance of getting some money back (because of the timespan, it was in the trash already)
    I was a student back then and that one really hit home hard.

    I’m an engineer and don’t believe Nvidia a single second, the wrong specs were “a miscommunication” and it took them more than a month to spot it.
    Again, someone had to investigate and stumble over the mismatch between spec and performance to get Nvidia to do anything.
    *every* engineer has a very close eye on reviews of their babies. There is not a single Maxwell GPu engineer who didn’t know of the “miscommunication” from day 1 of the reviews.
    The industry I work in, this kind of behaviour would bring some jail time and a really big fine from the government.

    What happened so far for Nvidia?
    A class action law suit and that’s it…

    Customers, keeping their 970s, actually support this kind of behaviour and will certainly get the same treatment in the future again.

    I never owned a 970, but if any of my GPUs would have “miscommunication” like this, I’d send it back.
    It’s false advertising in the purest form.

  42. AMD driver issues?I have nvidia and amd , and no driver issues on both, people talk to much without having even tried…They release fewer WHQL cerftified drivers, but the others(beta) still work great.

    You really want to compared lies about clocks with lies about how many rops are in a card, and therefore bandwith.

    As for amd 300 series don’t act like nvidia doesn’t do rebranding to, you just dont see many people talking about it.

    Multithreading, well you have mantle and with dx12 coming, it’s rather clear that was a concious decision made by AMD.

  43. Vizeroy Asklenius

    All 300 cards are refined in some way. They are not direct rebrands.
    300 series has better tessellation performance than Hawaii. (see HardOCP review for example)
    They also have higher clocks.
    Most sites also report better power consumption, compared to the clockspeed.

    Edit: Hardocp did a review on the 390X.

  44. Vizeroy Asklenius

    The chips are refined. They have better tessellation performance, according to HardOCP (at least the tested 390X has)
    But I will pass the 300 series as well.
    However, the Fury Nano looks very interesting.
    But I need more information, before I will decide on upgrading or not.

  45. I’m not in that segment, but I get your point and I would be disappointed too if what I expect doesn’t come true. However, AMD has its stand point to withdraw their card from kitguru. Why don’t Nvidia ever send their card to Red Team Plus? Because it’s AMD Fan club. As AMD may see a site/club favoring its competitor, it has all the reason to not co-operate with that site/club. Criticizing before launch is something can be considered as negative, and AMD made its move.
    I have never seen a single page criticizing Fermi before it was launch. They kept their mouths shut until some BBQ is already on the table.

  46. Its because most fucking review sites are biased as fuck and always trash AMD in almost every review, every time. Its hard to find a non biased reviewer out there. I am temped to start my own fucking webpage just to do legit reviews that are no biased as a PC enthusiast instead of a fanboy cocksucker. Worse this page is a huge flaming post AGAINST AMD for what they have chosen to do, and then the fucking balls to sit there and say how “honest Abe you are” bitch I’ve read kitguru shit and there is plenty of negative shit there. The problem is, as a company, AMD cannot stop anyone from their moronic unintelligent banter, freedom of speech, they understand this, and instead of playing a game of “remove this” or “remove that” they simply chose to dump kitguru for being little fanboys.

    Linus is a nvidia cocksucker….. he even claimed to be when he said clearly in his video review of the Titan X that nvidia game him a “press reference that he was required to follow” aka if he didn’t, no free Titan X.

    Paul tries not to be biased, so I give him some credit, but sometimes he lets his personal views effect his reviews which makes it shit. Personal opinions do NOT matter in reviews, ever.

    Rodney B Renolds (3DgameMAN)reviews are so fucking basic, he couldn’t be biased, until he gives his opinion which no one cares about. IF you wanna fall asleep, watch his shit.

    JayzTwoCents is a nvidia cock sucker, his titan review pretty much proved it with his RHETORIC, even thought it seemed like he “didn’t follow nvidia’s guidelines” he actually states before he starts that although different than other Titan X reviews, it was still very “nvidia guideline” based. Sad.

    TechOfTomorrow is a huge fanboy cocksucker, that fucker ALWAYS has negative shit to say about AMD. When AMD released the 9590 (after the whole prebuilt only stuff) he bitched that the chip came in a tiny package with no fluff, just a chip. Bitch please, you don’t need 1000000lbs of packaging to hold a fucking cpu chip, if you don’t know how to handle the fucking chip you don’t belong building pc’s. I know complete noobs who have started building pc’s who can handle the small packaging. His QQ is retarded and so is his opinions. He gets paid off, so another cocksucker.

    OC3D is biased sometimes, but I think that’s more an opinion than actual review. Honestly I’ve only seen a few here n there so can’t say for sure. OC3D is a maybe.

    TekSyndicate, what I consider the most UNBIASED reviewers/news gatherers out there. They give 2 shits about companies feelings and tell it like it is. Their “AMD 8350 vs Intel” was a brilliant video that shows the TRUTH that AMD isn’t as shitty as MOST COCK SUCKING REVIEWERS claimed. Sure, its still not “the fastest” but for its price, it is a banging product, and the “buy only the most expensive” is only about 10-15% of the entire gaming/pc spectrum. Most, around 70% of gamers/pc users are mid range best bang for my dollar buyers, and they constantly get lied to by the top 10-15%, and waste money. For the longest time TomsHardware forums, everyone and their mother recommended the i7-3770k, people would buy it, get a low end gpu, and then complain “no FPS, wtf” and fuckers had the balls to say “oh you need a better gpu, SPEND MORE MONEY” FUCKER THEY HAD A GOD DAMN BUDGET YOU FUCKTARD. They could have went cheaper AMD cpu and got a faster GPU and ended up with a better rig that could play EVERYTHING MAXED OUT. But no “intel for life” bullshit.

    Speaking of Tom’s Hardware, biggest fanboy cocksuckers of all time, including 70% of its fan base. Sad.

    I don’t blame AMD at all for their choice, stop being faggots who get paid off by nvidia. Free titan X if you follow their rules for the review. WHAT HAPPENED TO HONEST REVIEWS, instead we get paid off reviews. It was as bad as back in the day when Nvidia paid off review sites to test at 800×600 so it could win vs ATI, because at 1280×1024 ATI RAPED nvidia a new asshole. Shit like this STILL goes on today, where games aren’t tested “max graphics” as it should be when comparing “top tier cards”. 4x AA and 4x AF, bitch, crank that shit, oh wait, Nvidia can’t handle it unless the game is a generation older than the gpu, my bad.

  47. Vizeroy Asklenius

    I totally agree with you.
    However, there are 2 different ways of handling it used by AMD and Nvidia.
    According to some Extremetech stories, AMD prefers to actually change the game code, while Nvidia usually works on their drivers to implement optimizations.

  48. Great! thanks for the info.

  49. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Actually, companies are responsible for the stuff, people say in their names.
    If Leo has uploaded the video for KitGuru, used the logo and the KitGuru channel, then it is approved by KitGuru.
    That’s the way, company laws work.
    If KitGuru says “Well, he is not us”, why is Leo working for them and uploading vids in their name?
    That’s actually one of the first things, you should learn, when you start to work for any company:
    If you say anything in the name of the company, or using their communication channels, the company is responsible for what you said and can be liable as well.

    The video is online, therefore, it’s approved by the company.
    KitGuru and especially the boss / CEO / hed honcho is therefore liable for this vid.

  50. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Which post Do you mean? mine?
    Can be a disqus error on the site. hitting F5 usually solves this.

    This is the 390X review, btw:

  51. Differentiate KitGuru.net and Kitguru TV ! They are not the same and have different areas.
    Leo was the correspondent at Computex 2015.This is the reason why he came in contact with AMD, who did not allow anyone to see their new product.

    For journalists traveling far to get there it must have been a disappointment. Alot of his aspects focused on the uncertainty of this AMD launch and why it is this strange. The video is his impression and opinion at the same time. Leo is not responsible for the GPU reviews.

    AMD could have responded otherwise, but they were to busy playing the con man with their 300-Rebrands.

  52. Yeah it’s called chip binning which is nothing to do with the TLB problem, if a core doesn’t work or the entire chip isn’t working as low a temperature as they’d like because of an impurity in the silicon then they disable the faulty core or clock the chip down and sell it as a cheaper, lower tier product, what’s wrong with that? Better than throwing the entire chip away.

    Also there’s pretty much nothing you can do if there’s a bug in the design and isn’t caught early enough, look how long it took to release a B3 stepping of the same chip just to fix it.

  53. Vizeroy Asklenius

    What do you mean by “linear workflow errors”?
    I can’t figure out, what that should be.. I’d like a bit more context.

    The dual monitor idle usage will probably just be fixable with a hardware change.
    Yeah, it would be nice to save a few Watts there, but with all of the other stuff in my flat, I’d save more by exchanging one or two of my 100W bulbs with an LED one.


  55. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Are they really different… I don’t think so:

    (Edit: This should have linked to the “About” page at youtube, but shows up as playlist… not what I wanted… so I changed the link to prevent Disqus to embed wrong content)

    Same company, same person responsible for the content – the owner of the company.

    Btw: Nvidia has responded like this several times already. Some of the review sites don’t get review samples for launch anymore.
    But this was just noted once on the sites in small notes and no one really made a fuss.

    I’m getting tired of correcting the rebrand stuff every single time.. have a look at HardOCP for a bit more corrective info.

  56. No see of reviews / articles before the launch? Oh, then you missed something. Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang wanted to present something but Fermi was not ready at the event. So he held up a wooden graphics card dummy into the camera which nobody knew at first.

    Some fans found it out by analysing the photo and the created shitstorm that hit everywhere. Well, the outrage was out of proportion of course, but the different sites did cover the story up and reported about anything ongoing till the GTX480 hit the market.

    Criticizing a card before launch can help customers to avoid failed products or deceptive packages. This time it is AMD as the con artist. At least for the 300-series this is true. Fiji is still open for the interested gamers.

  57. Did you post the wrong video? This is the Interview with the CEO of RAZOR. You probably meant the next video in the playlist.

    Besided that, I have read over a dozen reviews of the R9-390X. The improvements of the tesselation factor is driver trickery at its best. AMD gives different releases for the new Beta 15.5 (R-200) and Beta 15.15 (R-300). The later one has optimizations AMD does not give the 200-series (yet?) to let the 300-ones shine better. Some sites have already stated this.

    The chips are practically identical and a R9-290X can practically do the same as the 390X. They are both the same within the usual margin of error range. I can not believe how many people fall for this fraud.

  58. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Actually, the link isn’t a video at all… it is the link to the about page on Youtube. I have no idea how Disqus made this into a video link.

  59. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Well, both AMD and Nvidia do things like this. There are much more reviewers than samples.
    Some Reviewers just get dropped from the list.
    But very critical sites like Anandtech and Hardocp and Tom’s still get samples.

  60. The one I found did a INF-hack to bring the 15.15 driver to the 200-series and the results were the same as with the 300-series.

    I guess real proof will follow in future articles. Such tests take a while. Most review sites are probably testing Fiji-Samples if they got one. We will have to wait!

  61. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Usually, all AMD drivers work on all GCN cards.. there shouldn’t be any hack required.
    Maybe he used the Win 10 driver, which provides general improvements for all GCN GPUs

  62. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Right… AMD always told the limits of the Tech.
    Btw: the VRR lower limit is defined by the display. the spec goes down to 9fps.
    Below the VRR, the user has the choice between Vsync and no sync. Nvidia always forces vsync outside the VRR limits.

  63. TheGoodBadWeird

    I re-read the article again and they said 15.15 only works for 300-series and the old 200-series would not run it natively without the hack.

    It’s a german site if you can read it. They did an update after they found this out.


  64. Bitminers are usually thick headed lying tech illiterate people. After squeezing every bit out of a card, you describe it as “Lightly used.” Way to go!

  65. Hey Bitminer, SLI isn’t perfect either. There are plenty of issues with SLI as well, it’s not just AMD that has issues with dual GPU configurations. And a lot of game developers are just plain lazy when it comes to implementing dual GPU support, at least AMD doesn’t intentionally cripple it’s opposition’s performance in titles it sponsors. Nvidia’s forums were filled with performance being crippled on Kepler GPUs till their recent drivers “fixed bugs for Kelper.” Like I said before, miners are usually thick headed and tech illiterate. 😉

  66. You bought a Sapphire 290X 8GB card for your friend, a SINGLE card, and your friend has issues with CrossFire. eh? I didn’t know single cards can CrossFire these days.

  67. You really don’t expect an honest answer from a fanboy, do you? He still won’t admit that nvidia’s drivers can have bugs too, after all, nvidia makes impeccable drivers, and AMD doesn’t.

  68. Enlighten me on where AMD lied about DirectX 12 support, please?

  69. Last time I checked AMD didn’t make killer drivers that killed their own cards, but lookie here:



  70. And yes, there have been two nvidia WHQL driver releases in the past that killed their own cards. Do you even know what WHQL is? Those tests are useless, and it’s usually just a cash grab for MS. Look here:


    Many people including myself lost 8800 GT cards by the time the 196.75 WHQL driver was identified as a potential driver killer because it locked the fan speed to 60%!

  71. I’d definitely ban pcper from getting any shit if I was AMD.

  72. Nvidias products are way superior in every single aspect. AMD is for people living in poverty.

  73. i don’t care how many rops, cache, blocks of ram or type of ram my card has. the only thing i care about is the end result. if the GTX 970 was slow or suffered breakdowns due to it not having something inside, i would be upset. but the reality is that the GTX 970 is a very fast and efficient graphic card. in fact, it’s so efficient that you can buy a cheap off the shelf PC with an i5 CPU, like a Dell optiplex, plug a GTX 970 and instantly have yourself a kick ass gaming PC without upgrading the PSU or anything like that. on top of that, it’s a monster overclocker.

    even if the damn thing had 2GB of RAM instead of the advertised 4GB while still delivering the same performance it does now, I’d still be happy with it. the GTX 970 delivers the goods, so everything else is bulls#it

    AMD on the other hand likes to over promise and under deliver. they had all these charts of bulldozer smashing sandy bridge but when the product came out it was a complete turd. not even worth the shipping charges it costs to have it delivered. all those cores and other big numbers and yet nothing to show for them.

  74. On the Wednesday 24th everyone can calm down and choose which is the best GPU,i hope its the R Fury X but if not I wont cry and get a Zotac extreme amp 980ti,i don’t understand why some people get emotionally involved in one or other company,just buy whats the going to give you the best gaming experience and best price. 🙂

  75. Matthew Langley

    What is your problems lol. You can download the TressFX sample code and the software license is quite loose here:


    conversely if you go to hairworks on nvidia you see a very different story


    The license is much more restrictive in even using the “gameworks tool” which doesn’t even include the level of source code that amd offers

    What this results in is it’s very easy for Nvidia to support TressFX capable performance in their hardware while conversely it’s not the case. One side put up a wall while the other didn’t.

    This isn’t BS, this is software development and I say this is a Software Engineer.

    Sure AMD could do better but the reality is Nvidia specifically has made it hard for their feature to be supported by AMD while the reverse isn’t true.

    Also my point (which you would probably get if you weren’t so determined to make my argument into something it’s not) about the performance was that benchmarks show that yes Gameworks obviously runs better on Nvidia hardware (because it’s designed too, lol duh) but those feature still hammer Nvidia cards, to a lesser extent than AMD cards but still quite a bit, especially if you are gaming at higher resolutions like 1440p.

    I love this you saying this after such a paranoid post yourself:
    “By believing AMD’s BS you end up sounding schizophrenic. Noting you said is based in reality”

  76. I never considered competition upwards. It’s always who releases the last one, will be the one competing with the previous one.
    I’m expecting that Fury will drop the Nvidia prices as nvidia dropped the AMD prices last year. But ATM we are far from that. Remember the initial 290X price, the price ATM, and 390X price.

  77. Hardware Secrets? lol That’s what you’re using as proof? hahaha

  78. It’s because of experimental stuff inside the html5 in chrome. You really think that drivers influence that in one browser it works and the other doesn’t?

    Adobe has the same problem with the implementation of the new cuda system into AFX and Premiere. Adobe just doesn’t care until nvidia pays them to do so. The same goes for AMDs opencl, which is barely supported in AFX. If AMD would pay adobe to properly implement opencl, (i.e. RT3D) Adobe would do it.

    I bet the Chrome problem will be solved before a driver fix.

  79. I’d rather use a 100W less demanding card if possible and 2 lights more. I like bright rooms over dark ones, its better for my eyes.

  80. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    That wasn’t right. Though AMD is just as bad. Take the whole 4 core disable to 3 core BS back in the day.

  81. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    and I still like you!!! lol

  82. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Where was the con in that?
    The 3 core CPUs were salvaged chips, because of yield issues.
    AMD had all 4 cores on a single die unlike the dual die solution from Intel.
    This way, AMD could either disable one or 2 cores to use salvage chips.
    The only thing, not really working, was Win XP. It needed a fix to use three cores instead of even numbers.

  83. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Aha.. you actually don’t know anything about LED illumination.
    You save about 90% of power for the same illumination.

    You still didn’t answer my question.

  84. Vizeroy Asklenius

    You still haven’t answered, why the old drivers from Nvidia don’t show this issue.

    Same card with old drivers don’t show the issue. New drivers do.
    How is this Google’s fault?

  85. TheGoodBadWeird

    Have you ever heard of a self-fullfilling prophecy?

    If you AMD fans rant and flame long enough plus shoot terrible insults nonstop at KitGuru, you should not wonder when you get banned and/or your comments deleted. Every moderator would do it on other sites too! There is no bias behind it at all!

  86. Treshold value optimisation, which is higher in chrome.

  87. Thanks for the info, u are welcome to buy 10 pieces for me? Here in my shop one costs as much as my monthly e-bill. Or rather more (to be brighter), because I am saving with PCs too.

  88. I was not insulting, I was not flaming. I provided an honest opinion – that there are grounds for AMD’s distrust of Kitguru’s ability to provide an unbiased review. If Kitguru can’t handle an honest opinion, and tries to delete comments in an effort to send the conversation in the direction it desires, that is the very definition of bias and censorship.

  89. I provided an honest opinion – that AMD is right to be concerned about Kitguru’s ability to provide an unbiased review of their hardware. I did not flame or argue. If Kitguru cannot handle an honest opinion, and deletes comments to make the conversation proceed in the way it desires, well, that is the very definition of bias and censorship.

  90. Check your facts before you post.


  91. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Go to Ikea. 10€ per LED bulb. They work quite well and have nice review as well.

  92. WHQL certification is Microsoft saying, “Yeah, they paid us.”

    That’s it.

  93. Understandable. It’s the same as not getting a sample.

  94. Ya and you know what the best part of the 3.5GB debacle was? At the end of the day with 3.5GB of VRAM the 970 still shits on the 290 at 1080p. So clearly the best course of action was to re-release a card that is already obsolete. This is why AMD is a failure, they expect to subsist on a niche market of 4K gamers.

    The reference cards undeniably run hot, so I’m not sure what your deal with that is. A reference 980 will run in the low 80s. A reference 290 will run in the low 90s. And while the “drivers” may not be terrible, Catalyst Control Center is a pathetic excuse for a program compared to GeForce Experience and Nvidia control panel.

    But ya…you just keep being poor and convincing yourself that AMD is actually a competent manufacturer. Meanwhile the rest of us with jobs will be buying quality parts for our builds.

  95. i was most likely your motherboard that caused the issue not having the propper chipset drivers or not able to run a dual gpu card

  96. Fail. Ok then.


  97. So you listed it as slightly used yet you used them to mine bitcoins?

  98. My titan x is driver crashing in chrome, crashing in valley and heaven benchmarks and now witcher 3 and dragon age will randomly crash and refuse to start. I’m pretty sure amd aren’t the only ones with buggy drivers.

  99. “Where has FCAT gone?”

    We better ask PCPer that one. After being supplied the FCAT software and being instructed on its use by Nvidia they are the kings of misinformation and shilling. It disappeared because Nvidia are behind in multi-gpu and the R9-295x spanks the Titan x. Funny that.

    Legitreviews has now been hit with the banstick as well. They are also having a cry about it.


    I think it’s as funny as hell these sites being burned. They have been corrupting the industry for years now, sincerely I hope it sends these sites broke.
    Techreport needs to go onto the hitlist as well.

  100. Would you like to back those facts up?
    And bringing up FCAT? Now I thought Nvidia told you paid focus group shills not to mention FCAT anymore because Nvidias multi-gpu drivers are broken, just like those drivers that burn up your cards and Nvidia refuse to RMA them. Same drivers that degrade performance on 6 month old cards
    You forgot to mention how Nvidia distribute FCAT software to shill review sites with instructions on how to make AMD look bad when in fact there never was a problem.
    The one FACT you forgot to mention is you are pulling your facts out of your backside pal.
    Why would anyone believe anything you have to say when you’ve used a card for mining and then describe its condition as excellent. You’re a fraud!!!
    PS it’s funny how a NV focus group member is forced to buy an AMD card so he can get some decent compute performance.

  101. I think this isn’t about how they report on their content. It’s how their fans support their content. If their majority fanbase ignore/downplay bad things one brand has, and trumpet the other, then that exposes the site according to how their fanbase “mull” over their content. Then that becomes a pattern that can be observed outside, that mimics preferences.

  102. Drivers issue? What kind of issues

  103. On that note I shall be very interested to see which sites run reviews of Fury/Fury X at launch.

  104. Vizeroy Asklenius

    You could just do it like the German site Computerbase:
    They got one Fury X, wanted another one and just bought it:

  105. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Heck, a German website wanted to have a second Fury X for Cf review… they just went to a shop and bought one.
    (Reviewers are under NDA and can get cards from shops a bit easier than normal customers – before launch.

  106. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Well, at least in Germany, there are some quite Nvidia oriented sites which will most certainly have review samples at hand.

  107. AMD raging before the truth hahaha, how sad it is, AMD seems so desperate, they don’t want any kind of bad “feedback”, because they aren’t competitive at all this time, so they will not deal with it.

  108. Steven De Bondt

    Yeah; Thanks for confirming the general attitude towards AMD. You really got me wondering here.

    I think AMD should stop giving out review samples all together. Everything they do is crap by default, there is no point giving it to brainwashed tabloids.

    People that really have a brain should find out for themselves instead of yelling at eachother.

  109. Having a lineup that entirely consists of re-releases shows how desperate they are, and guess what, re-releases tend to perform almost identically to their original release cards…

    People with brains can work that one out for themselves.

  110. Interesting – which sites and how do you know they have Fury X hardware?

  111. Well in that case you have won already. Why are you wasting precious time telling me? To have confirmation for yourself? Fine.

    It is indeed an alarming move by AMD to only have a flagship card ready with new tech.

    Now, your turn, tell me, what do you think will happen to the gaming market when AMD is “finally gone” ?

    Things like this?


  112. Where did I say I want AMD to fail? I don’t, because then the customer e.g. you and me, lose out as there is no competition, and NVidia also lose out because of monopoly laws meaning they would have to slow their roadmap.

    And things like that are down to shit ports, not AMD or NVidia.

  113. French tech site about his withdraw and ‘golden samples’ :

  114. Seek the difference in pricing. You must run the card for 5 years to pay enough electricity to equal the pricing of a comparable nvidia card. So you pay $70-100 less for an AMD card, but you pay $15 more a year for electricity, so 5 years x $15 = $75 and you’re even with nvidia and that is if you stress your card 24/7 for 5 years.

    Power draw is something only fanboys talk about, nobody cars about a slightly increased power bill, really – noone. The only factor is temperatures because of bigger draw, but every aftermarket solution makes AMD cards run cooler as any nvidia counterpart – and that is not biased, but tested on all sites. The reference 200 series run hot, very hot, but every custom card runs cooler.

    In other words, when a GPU will make my electricity bill $100-200 higher a year, I might consider checking for a more efficient solution, but as long as it’s only $10-20 a year, I really don’t care, I spend more in a day for coffee.

  115. Steven De Bondt

    Oh they will slow down their roadmap allright. Even without monopoly laws in action. 😀

    Also we now clearly established Nvidia doesnt help out one bit in game development and any kind of optimisation. (And in my opinion, they do exactly the opposite) – Shit ports will be a common thing in PC world soon.

    But please keep telling AMD is crap. Go “save” the market. *pat*

  116. Steven De Bondt

    best post I read all day, and all of it very true aswell.

    I’m now counting the brainwashed people below going *tilt*

  117. It’s not Nvidia’s job to help with game development….(wtf?)

    Shit ports are only common when dumb-ass kids pre-order a game and don’t wait for reviews. It’s clear that shitty ports are a result of game publishers not caring about a good product and has nothing to do with either Nvidia or AMD….

    Look at AMD’s share price and their latest rehashed line-up, which is so lousy it’s never been done before and tell me they are not crap. It’s kids like you who are allowing bad marketting practices because you’re dumb enough to bend over and then pay to get shafted 🙂

  118. Right now you’ve calmed yourself fanboy, please define better product?

  119. Calling random people dumb and kids does not grant you anything dude. I can sense you have a lot of frustration in in you, so I will end this here. I hope you get better one day. Good luck.

  120. In most benchmarks 980Ti equal Titan X (in somes Titan is better in others) and there’s lot light OC 980Ti outperforming Titan…With the price difference between Titan X and Fury X, there’s no choice. The real confrontation is between 980 Ti’s and Fury X (performance, stability, sli / cross, mantle / shadow play/ nvenc / Physx, gamestream)

  121. goes from bitmining to using the card flat out for gaming. keep your piss poor story straight.

  122. I’m not looking for anything to be granted…but if you say something utterly idiotic, you’re going to be called out on it 😉

    Now go do some research and realise shit ports are nothing to do with either AMD or Nvidia.

  123. How about you get a dose of reality STAT:

    – TressFX is open source:


    Lie huh? Fking id1ot….

    – Hairworks:


    20-30% hit with hairworks on (both NVIDIA & AMD)- again you’re a fking id1ot

    – Beautiful graphics:


    so a minigun creates a gayzer trail huh? Let’s see:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d84r8gMGxFQ WOOPS! no relation to that gayzer huh?

    You nvidiots are really of some stup1dity to behold!

  124. Well when they make stupid comments, it’s fair to call them dumb 🙂

  125. 🙂

  126. InquisitorDavid

    It could very well be due to how AMD and their fans are perceived: they try to paint themselves clean, and often play the victim card. So when their hand is caught in the cookie jar, it makes the backlash all the more powerful.

    It’s similar to how AMD’s marketing works too – overpromise and underdeliver, causing massive hype backlash. Compare NV, often underpromising and overdelivering.

  127. InquisitorDavid

    Even if it was a lie, the lie did not change the benchmarks and the performance that it put out against AMD, and forced them to drop pricing to rock-bottom levels.

    Comparatively, when AMD lies, it’s usually pre-sales to rouse the buyer into buying a product that won’t compete well with the competion. Remember Barcelona, and how they said it was going to be an Intel Killer™? Remember Bulldozer, how they said it would bulldoze the competion, then blamed the user’s OS for the poor performance? Remember Hawaii, how the boost clock was advertised as a base clock, and couldn’t even reach that with their reference cards?

    That’s the difference.

  128. Júlio Sencadas

    A lie is allways a lie, if it was that good with lies imagine if it had the actual specs they said first…

    And if you lie to a costumer, its simply bad pratice, but it’s ok dumb people like to be decieved…

  129. Júlio Sencadas

    By the way i have an my firends have Hawaii and they can overclock pretty well,it’s like all things you can’t buy the cheapest of a batch and expect a golden sample or a silver one per say…

  130. InquisitorDavid

    Yes, the silicon lottery exists, but you cannot defend AMD when they specifically advertised a boost clock as a base clock. Even worse, the original reference designs wouldn’t even hit the base clock due to thermal throttling.

    Of course, this is not present during later custom AIB designs, but the fact is, early adopters got shafted. One can hope that history will not repeat with the Fury X (although it’s looking bad at this time).

  131. InquisitorDavid

    Both companies lie. All companies lie in one way or another. Whether the 970 was a lie or a miscommunication, it still did not change the reality that it performed extremely well under the advertised scenarios.

    So better the lie that still delivers, than the lie made to sell you a product that does not deliver.

  132. Júlio Sencadas

    You don’t get it do you, they changed it at the last time so it would make it viable to buy a 980, if the 970 had the advertised specs it would be pratically a 980 for less money, so they didn’t delivered what they promised in the end…

  133. InquisitorDavid

    No, you don’t get it. The performance that it put out, as benchmarked and tested? Almost exactly like a stock 980 (when overclocked) for less money. It performed exactly as advertised, a cut down 980 that had lots of performance intact. I’ve been reading reviews of the 980 and 970 during the time I was making my GPU upgrade decision (during release and post-Memorygate), and the numbers were consistent during release and after Memorygate.

    Anyone who thought 1664 vs 2048 shaders would be the same at stock was deluding themselves. Not even the 980ti vs Titan X is the same – the 980ti just gets to clock higher under normal cirumstances to make up for the differential.

    The performance numbers did not magically change just because specs were corrected. And remember, AMD dropped pricing for the 290/290x because the 970 at that price and performance had to be matched (not because charity). The 970 already outperformed the 290, and traded blows with the 290x, while the 980 was in a league of its own.

  134. InquisitorDavid

    It’s a negative side-effect of how AMD hypes and maintains their coverage – too many promises and second comings of Jesus – thus the backlash is much more severe.

    Comparatively, NV underpromises and overdelivers. And if the projected overdelivery misses the mark by a bit, their rep is only slightly damaged.

    tl;dr AMD is hurting itself.

  135. InquisitorDavid

    Your argument can go both ways:

    1. Because it’s anti-AMD
    2. Because the video poster knows that posting anything negative about AMD will create a flamewar that threatens to engulf the whole Internet in the conflagration (ok, that last bit is dramatic)

    Really, it can be one or both.

  136. Júlio Sencadas

    You read to much and think too little…They fucked up in their performance separation between different tier cards, and then at the last moment before release altered the specs to make it profitable for them, basically to have market for each card…otherwise they would end up with the same card in two tiers with the only difference being the software associated to the cards, thus making them loose money, cause if the 970 had exactly the same performance as the 980 and the difference between thwm was only software people would choose the cheaper one even with some software disavantage…

  137. InquisitorDavid

    Excuse me, you must be new to the fabrication process. There’s such a thing called ‘production yields’: not every die will come off the production line in perfect condition.

    All they do is make GTX 980 (GM204) dies. Ones that pass full specification become GTX 980s. Defective ones become GTX 970s. In fact, NV *technically* admitted that the reason for the 970’s design is because they wanted a 4GB card instead of a 3GB (read: it’s a marketing thing, to fight the 290/290x).

    The ability to ‘partially’ disable a processing cluster (i.e. where the L2/ROP/MC problem comes from) ensures they can salvage a maximum amount of defective GM204 dies, while technically maintaining 4GB VRAM (read: it’s there, but you probably don’t want to use it). This is not the first time NV has done this (unbalanced arch), but most certainly the best time, leaving more performance than the last time (see GTX 660 ti). If they didn’t disable it they way they did, the 970 would be a 3GB card, which looks really bad on paper vs the 290/290x.

    Don’t call me ignorant when you don’t even know the basics of chip fabrication.

    The fact stands: despite all this technical fluff, it *still* brought the 290/290x to their knees and dropped pricing like crazy. That did *not* change.

  138. Júlio Sencadas

    yeah believe they don’t do things on purpose…don’t forget they are a business and every penny is of importance to them in either way

  139. InquisitorDavid

    Yeah, believe that AMD doesn’t suffer from the same problems producing a Fury X, thus the existence of the regular Fury. Hey, after all, you think much more than I do, yeah? You know better than pretty much the whole silicon industry, that does the exact same thing, yeah?

    And yes, every penny is of importance to them, thus salvaging 100% of all defective GM204s and selling them as ‘4GB’ (instead of 3GB) chips is extremely vital.

    Are you even listening to yourself argue?

  140. Júlio Sencadas

    Yeah i know at least they don’t lie about specs and refuse returns…

  141. Júlio Sencadas

    Brought them to their knees on gameworks titles, how convenient for a card fighting against a 2 year old hardware how strong are they…

  142. Yes they suffer form it but they don’t decieve their costumers selling a “partial” 4GB card with different specs from those advestised, they sell you good price performance cards with the specs accordingly…

    You know they messed up the memory part a crucial one, if they had tought in advance non of this polemic would have begun…

  143. InquisitorDavid

    ‘Different’ specs that didn’t change the actual performance of the GPU. Comparatively, Fury X’s claims are being dismantled one by one, like being an “overclocker’s dream” (CEO claims. Truth: it’s not, not even after a voltage unlock). There are people who bought the GPU under the impression that being Watercooled and having it advertised as such will give good headroom. Reality check: it doesn’t. Not even close.

    By the way, the ‘3.5gb’ issue maybe a moot point now, because for the first time since I bought my GPU, I was able to run all 4GB with little to no performance hit under Win10.

  144. InquisitorDavid

    You’re deluding yourself. AMD didn’t drop prices because they’re the ‘good guys’, looking out for the consumer. They dropped 290/290x pricing because the 970 utterly demolished their pricing stack, their products being slotted at $500-700 and either being beaten or being tied with by a $325 GPU.

  145. InquisitorDavid

    Nvidia refused returns? Really? You should look up your facts; they welcomed anyone who felt wronged about the situation to return their GPUs. Guess what? So few did, less that 5% out of the hundreds of thousands sold.

    I bought the GPU *after* knowing about the issue. Why? Because it had all I wanted in a GPU, at a price I truly appreciated.

    And now that Win10 rolled out, I’m feeling a significant uplift in the 3.5gb issue – a game that used to stutter like crazy after exceeding 3.5gb no longer does it in Win10.

  146. Still 2 year old rebranded hardware, so not much to fight with, either me and you will see the real fight when the two (nvidia/AMD) have similar recent hardware competing…Then this discussion of best performance and performance related price drop is just marketing, one company screwing the profit of an other, this happens all the time in all industry’s and is related to marketing and manufacturing cost versus profit and demand of the mass’s for a cheap and good product…

    The market my friend i know it well enough this happened in the voodo GFX cards time as well and had likeknow not very much to do with performance related issues…

  147. You’re not seeing much fight, then, since even with a ‘new’ chip (Fiji), they still can’t compete in price-to-performance.

  148. The answer is “PAPER LAUNCH !”
    I checked Newegg after AMD did their 2
    step lying product “launch” dance, and it’s CLEAR they barely had 10
    Fury X’s made for the whole wide world.
    Newegg was dry as a bone for WEEKS, haven’t checked today.

    So AMD couldn’t get the cards made, and instead of owning up to the massively failing cores, they blamed the review industry and claimed they were “cutting back” “for reasons they can’t get into”.



  149. Rebranded doesn’t mean new, you know that don’t you…

  150. Are you high? Fiji is not rebranded – Fiji is Fury/Fury X.