Home / Tech News / Announcements / AMD withdraw KitGuru Fury X sample over ‘negative content’

AMD withdraw KitGuru Fury X sample over ‘negative content’

AMD's upcoming Fury release next week has been much anticipated – the incredible level of global coverage so far gives a firm indication that this is indeed one of the most anticipated hardware launches of 2015. Many enthusiast gamers are hoping that AMD will become competitive again in the high end against Nvidia, and based on leaked results so far, it would appear this is going to be the case. KitGuru will however not be in a position to handle a launch review for our readership. I try to avoid the complex and frustrating politics which are heavily engrained within this industry, but sadly it is not always possible.
On the 11th June AMD informed us via email that the upcoming FIJI hardware was reserved for KitGuru, as would normally be the case. We subsequently set a plan in motion to analyse the hardware for launch and were awaiting the arrival of the sample. Earlier this week I had a call from Christine Brown, Senior Manager, EMEA Communications at AMD to let me know that the company had withdrawn their sample from KitGuru labs and that we would now not be involved at all in the launch next week.

Christine Browne informed me directly on the phone that the reason for withdrawing the sample was based on ‘KitGuru's negative stance towards AMD'. She said that with limited product they wanted to focus on giving the samples to publications that are ‘more positive' about AMD as a brand, and company. I was not informed during this call of anything we have published that was factually incorrect, we were also not told to edit or remove any content we had published. Based on what AMD had seen via KitGuru editorial in recent weeks it was felt that overall coverage was just too negative.

I did stress the point that KitGuru's news coverage of their ‘updated' 300 product range would in no way alter my ability to accurately analyse their hardware – after all I have been doing it for 13 years now. We approach all hardware reviews from a strictly neutral stance, and then work towards a conclusion, after many days of detailed analysis.

Due to their decision, KitGuru will be unable to deliver unbiased and detailed coverage of AMD's FIJI part to millions of readers on launch day. I will continue to try and work with AMD if I can, however I simply cannot let any company or corporation try and dictate or change our independent ability to cover news, or to share our opinions – even if this means losing product support for big hardware launches such as this.

If we become unable to share our genuine views and opinions out of fear of a company withdrawing product samples then I see no point in being here at all. KitGuru has always had an primary focus to our enthusiast readership and our goal is to deliver accurate and genuine buying advice.

On a brighter note, we currently still have the full support of AMD partners and will aim to deliver content on the new hardware, as soon as possible.

Allan ‘Zardon' Campbell.
Editor In Chief KitGuru.

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  1. Translation: AMD isn’t confident that Fiji’s performance can sell itself. Be prepared for disappointing results and low supply when it launches this month. Screw AMD. All they’ve done lately is cry about what nVIDIA is doing rather than doing something themselves.

    COMPETE AMD… COMPETE! Stop begging for handouts from nVIDIA (ie: Gameworks). Come up with something BETTER. THAT’S what competition is!

  2. Well said.
    This is probably the same crap AMD pulled with the early FreeSync reviews. Some sites used AMD performance figures and/or didn’t test performance below the VRR Window (<40Hz).

    AMD is always hiding something.

  3. TheGoodBadWeird

    Do I get this right? In your opinion sites like Kitguru should phrase their criticism in sugar-coat so that companies like AMD are no longer miffed about the negative parts?

    As a reader I don’t want long gibberish articles or twisted word conclusions. To pardon a company because of their financial status is the beginning of bias. If said company is not competitive because of in example low research & development funds, it has to be stated clear and openly. No customer wants to buy from a maybe soon bankrupt company.
    I see this as tech-sites duty to inform everyone about such deficits.

  4. Strange as a corperation with a much lower budget they still compare similar on each level in gaming as Nvidia.

    What does that tell you ?

    A 3 year old gpu still having similar performance then Nvidia’s legendery Maxwell architecture…

    They still innovate and suprise everyone with new tech and very strong gpu’s.

    Now be a good boy and puy a Titan X for 1200 euro when a Fury X has similar performance for 700 euro LOL.

  5. This man is crying and bashing, i say AMD did a good job and should not send their gpu’s to biased green lovers who just shit on it anyway.

    I mean HWI / Anandtech are much better on every level then Kitguru when it comes to profesional non biased revieuws.

  6. Quite the opposite. AMD gets special treatment. They Screw up left and right without a word about it. AMD compulsively lies and press doesn’t point that out.

    AMD demands propaganda from the press. It’s quite apparent how wide AMD spreads money. The PC gamer E3 thing was AMD sponsored. Nvidia isn’t anywhere close to AMD in those terms. Nvidia asks for things like “AMD” removed from articles.

    The problem is that you believe the absurd propaganda from AMD and demand that press be biased towards that unreality. You demand yellow journalism.

    AMD for example put out PR that hairworks too 7ms to render on a 780 ti and 45ms on a 290x in COD:G. When almost the entire screen was filled with simulated fur the entire frame render time was only 18ms on a 290 and thus a subroutine can’t take longer than the entire frame render time.

    AMD continually lies, puts out fake charts and fake screen shots. They have been doing that for at least 7 years.

    KitGuru leans slightly in the direction on AMD, but does seem to attempt to be non biased. There are lots of sites that act like they work for AMD.

    I haven’t seen any Nvidia biased sites.

  7. TheGoodBadWeird

    John, maybe you enlighten us what Kitguru did exactly wrong? They warned the public from possible rebrands and they came. The Fiji-situation was quite unclear back then and still is. The whole handle of the IT-press by AMD in the pre-relese phase of 300-series and Fiji was borderline crazy, stupid and unnecessary.

    How do you think all the review sites will react? The will get even more accurate in their search because AMD does not open their mouth. I expect many other sites to be very picky too. Wise people say you have to earn respect, not demand it! Maybe AMD and their fans learn this some day too!

  8. All of you NV shill sites are learning that AMD is finally growing a pair and playing smart, like Nvidia does.
    About damn time. Suck it down boys.

  9. Yup

  10. Keep in mind that his video comments are blocked, so people can’t call him out on it. On forums people already make a joke on this dude entirely that made the video / this review.

    Keep also in your mind that he got banned from the amd press conference as he has a clear bias against AMD and got excluded because of it.

    This dude is a joke, he has hardly any clue on what he mentions. He even is misinformed most of the time specially when it comes to the whole AMD event at E3 showcase. Just watch is video and have a good laugh.

    This dude is just massive salty about the fact that he got publically called on his his shit. And now he wants clearly revenge.

    I would highly suggest to dodge this dude on anything gpu related.

    To mention a few things:

    AMD didn’t mention the performance of the cards at the E3 which is a bad thing…. nope it’s not because it’s not there job to benchmark, they clearly stated in what ballpark the cards perform and even made a scheme on which solution they are about to be aspected to perform. Wrong.

    About amd vs nvidia on the most high end card solution, 295×2 destroys any single card that nvidia has already 2 years and ongoing, even the titan x crumbles under it. Again he’s wrong.

    Dude is a idiot.

  11. I swear this must be the same guy spreading the same FUD all over the place. I can’t speak to the other sites, but PCPer continues to do frame rate testing in *every* GPU piece: http://hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1041664517&postcount=113

    Oh, and in those results, AMD is not ‘much better’ (especially in crossfire).
    Side note – if the ‘FCAT test suddenly disappeared’, then how could you possibly know how ‘MUCH BETTER’ AMD was? Doing these tests yourself now, eh?
    If you’re gonna beat your chest, at least try to be the slightest bit truthful in your post.

  12. “AMD open sources Tress FX”


    “Even more the benchmarks show that gameworks features kill the performance on both AMD and Nvidia cards”

    I’d rather PC game look better. I’m not interested in AMD vision of console parity at best. AMD literally made the PS4 version of TR better than the PC version. Improvements come with a compute cost. If you tried to do fur with TressFX 1.0 you get a game that couldn’t run real time. Hairworks 1.0 is much more optimized.

    Benchmarks shows Gameworks is more optimized. Their ShadowWorks PCSS and HBAO+ beats other implementations even on AMD cards.

    All of the so called “Next Gen” demo’s were using Nvidia tech. AMD bitches about DX11 standards like tessellation. They lie about and launch anti-competative PR campaigns devs who choose Nvidia’s superior products.

    By believing AMD’s BS you end up sounding schizophrenic. Noting you said is based in reality. Matthew Langley = 100% AMD crazy.

    You should try living in reality.

  13. AMD tends to set themselves up a bit since their PR guys tend to write checks that their engineering department can’t cash. They over-hype stuff and it (perhaps subconsciously) results in more blow-back when they misstep.

  14. I totally agree. If AMD came out and said we are “upgrading our present 200 series with a slightly higher overclock and more and faster memory version and calling it 300 series”, that would have been fine. By rebranding identical cards and forcing them to run hotter so that they will have slightly better stats and NOT telling the buyers beforehand, AMD is losing a lot of credibility. Imagine buying a 390X card at $429 US and finding out that it performs the same as your overclocked 290X card which cost you a lot less?

  15. TheGoodBadWeird

    The question to be asked would rather be:

    “What would Kitguru and other tech-sites have to report when AMD does this ridiculous release strategy?”

    I mean months of saying literally nothing and bring one press release with no information. Everyone heard about potential rebrands many months ago, but thought of this as absolute FUD material. The press got very annoyed by this they had to result to their deeper sources for the truth. What they learned was not flattering for AMD.

    Now it is out of the wood and came even worse. AMD has really released the 200-series again as 300 and praise their stuff as if it was new hardware. For them now to fire at the review sites as Kitguru for their journalism is an all time low. I don’t see any positive aspect in this. It’s an outright scandal!

  16. Time will tell, as will the reviews.

  17. You do realize that “this dude” who wrote this article is not the same person as “this dude” who is in the video you’re citing, right? The man in the video is Leo Waldock, the editor who wrote this piece is Allan Campbell. Perhaps you should know what you’re talking about before ranting?

  18. and as the reviews of the 300 series come out, the video is completely accurate. At Tom’s hardware review of the MSI 300 series cards:

    “But when you compare the efficiency and overall performance of Nvidia’s competing models, AMD can’t come close.”

    “So, is this just another rebrand? Sadly, that’s pretty much the bottom line. There’s no real innovation to speak of in AMD’s 300 series, at least as far as these models go.”

  19. TheGoodBadWeird

    Seek the difference in the power consumption! AMD is indeed on similar terms with Nvidia, but they achieve this by working 33-50% higher power consumption depending on the card used. Especially the 390X is getting all of its performance increase over additional power consumption.

    Some guys might not care about this. For others a difference of 100W is huge and not equal.

  20. Inovate! Put some serious money into R&D! And relese truly new and much better products! I am tired of seeing a whole bunch of pretty PowerPoint Presentation pictures. I want the really good stuff like you used to do.

  21. I wasn’t referring to there pcs I personally have a 8120 and its ticking away quite well

  22. Lots of Nvidia cards have had 2 virtual pools of VRAM and talked about it. Cards like the 192 bit bus cards like the 660 ti for example had asymmetric VRAM. They didn’t talk about Maxwell in the same way. They say marketing didn’t understand and I’m willing to give them a pass on that. That is one time, not a pattern.

    AMD lies pathologically and it’s a pattern.
    They lie about games that use Nvidia software.
    AMD advertised boost clock as it’s a base clock.
    AMD is pulling a full bait and switch on the 300 series.

    “AMD had a driver issue”


    Last I checked AMD hadn’t even put out a certified driver this year. Last I checked AMD didn’t support multi-threading in DX11 by default in it’s drivers. They are often late with even beta drivers for games. Nvidia has certified drivers for almost every game. They put out certified drivers every few weeks to a month.

  23. Right now actually I have office pc with a hd 5770 in it, a thinbook that has a AMD A8 and a Setup box with R9 270 …

    All running win8.1 x64 the 5770 and the thinbook have a habit of the driver needing to restart out of no were.. The APU not as bad..

  24. Tom’s Hardware is slanted towards AMD like most sites. Very few sites are balance and none I know of are are pro-Nvidia.

  25. I know Nv has there driver issues as well *see vista 90% of BSoDs* and the first released 9xx Drivers that didn’t have any OpenGl support.

    With Nv for the Most part there pretty quick at fixing there issues. Nv at lest will releases a new driver ever month or so.. if not at lest with ever major game releases. AMD still sitting on Drivers from oct 2014 with a beta driver in march 2015. with no indication on full releases date.

  26. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M


  27. Wow, so their business model is to act like little children and to take their ball and go home. Classy and really makes me want to support a company that is like that.

    I think that even if AMD didn’t royally screw up by not including HDMI 2.0 that this would be enough for me to not choose their product. I have no desire to support companies that act like little children.

    Good job AMD. You’re really making that big effort to change the beating Nvidia is giving you in the GPU market.

  28. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Thanks for the armchair talk.
    Oy Vey.

  29. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Truth hurts

  30. Nvidia got the same flak about the 970 debacle but you don’t see Nvidia throwing a tantrum and saying “No toys for you !!”
    Bit of a dick move on AMD’s part.

  31. Problem is not KitGuru! Problem is part of the media bashing harder AMD when AMD letdown.

  32. You ignorant kitguro tools, they have not withdrawn sample because of “negative content” but because you are ignorant incompetent hacks that make make tirade videos full of unsubstantiated claims abut performance of upcoming AMD products without any testing of said products.

    In what universe is this video work of professional hardware revenuer?


    And then you act all surprised when AMD recalled free samples form you. As if you ever intended to give honest review.

  33. Maybe, but I do remember a lot of commotion going around regarding Nvidia’s GTX 970 3.5GB vs 4GB VRAM http://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2015/02/24/gtx-970/

  34. That doesn’t stop Kitguru from buying their own to review

  35. So he says they withdrew their sample and points out that AMD did not ask them to remove or change any review or data. Then Later on he states “I will continue to try and work with AMD if I can, however I simply cannot let any company or corporation try and dictate or change our independent ability to cover news, or to share our opinions”. By his own admission they weren’t trying to do that. They just aren’t gonna work with him. Hardly seems fruitful to Kitguru’s future to insinuate(accuse) AMD of trying to force their reviews.

    Instead of playing the victim, they should apologize for the appearance of overly negative content and just play up the “editorial” card and hope AMD buys it and comes around with samples.

    Whether you agree with Kitguru or not, AMD should be applauded for taking a stand and being classy about it(remember, Kitguru was not asked to change their reviews or remove content). Free samples for review is not a right and I think that many of these review sites have taken it as a given that hardware companies need them. The reality is that review sites are plentiful and cutting edge hardware companies are not.

    On a lesser and more broadly general note, software and hardware review sites are in serious need of some kind of check in place to keep them honest.

  36. I liked how AMD execs blasted NVidia for making AMD look really bad in Witcher 3 while a guy on Reddit completely fixed the problem the day of the relsease by changing one number in the .ini file. Then it took AMD more than a few days to update their driver to do the same thing. Classy indeed.

  37. go watch this video no wonder AMD never gave them a Fury this sure looks biased to me https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=76&v=QFWgc8qjQwk

  38. What a rambling, speculative, mis-informed mess of a video. Kind of telling that comments are disabled on the video, and not on any of the others on the channel.

  39. The point is(been reading Tuco and gary’s discussion) that is clearly an attack. And the rebranding issue? why isn’t NVIDIA mentioned?

    Here’s a breakdown to what the guys doing NVIDIA good, AMD bad don’t buy AMD. “NVIDIA currently has some really good hardware. Now right now today you wouldn’t rush out to buy an r9 200 yadda –go for NVIDIA” sounds like a sales pitch to me.

  40. The point is(been reading Tuco and gary’s discussion) that is clearly an attack. And the rebranding issue? why isn’t NVIDIA mentioned?

    Here’s a breakdown to what in my opinioin the guys doing NVIDIA good, AMD bad don’t buy AMD. “NVIDIA currently has some really good hardware. Now right now today you wouldn’t rush out to buy an r9 200 yadda –go for NVIDIA” sounds like a sales pitch to me.

  41. I have seen this video more than enough because you extreme fans post it over and over again. In there is nothing biased or unreasonable. As a reporter he claims his fears, ideas and prognosis of what could be expected of AMD.

    Keep in mind this was one week before the 300-launch / E3 event. His concerns about not knowing anything right before the launch is worrisome and he is/was not the only one. He also says how surprised he is about this new AMD media tactic and marks how unpolite this is to partners of AMD. The mix of speculation, salty leaks and other stuff is not helping anyone if I understand this correctly. Talking about the 300-series when it was still a rumor and claiming this to be bad for AMD is the truth and nothing else. The Fiji-story is still a joke too. No matter what the actual performance is, the whole hype and artificial secrecy is getting boring.

    Why are guys so angry about this video release? Nothing in there is stated in bad intent or malice. Can’t you guys cope with the truth? You can go on posting it everywhere like the fanboy-police you are. In fact you ridicule yourself!

  42. Your post is related to schizophrenia

    Tom’s Hardware review on Hawaii was totally biased making the mediocre cooling solution the most important thing in the world, trying to hide the fact that the card when released had great performance and excellent VFM. In a hi end card’s review, that was the only review I have ever read where performance was irrelevant.

    A few years later the only thing Tom’s Hardware had to offer about 970 fiasco was an example with car engines and how in the end the performance of 970 was there and the specs irrelevant.

  43. And to this day Nvidia haven’t fixed their crashing drivers update after update.. Classy Nvidia drivers

  44. danglingparticiple

    News flash: WHQL certification doesn’t matter. What matters is if the driver works, and AMD’s “beta” drivers are in fact excellent.

    I’ve been using my 290 for a year now and it’s been a great card. No regrets.

  45. Sorry if this has already been posted before but I think it’s pretty obvious why you don’t get a review card.
    You don’t get to cry because you didn’t get your toy a week before christmas then cry again when they keep the toy from you on Christmas for crying. You are not 8 years old. Grow up and quit throwing negative speculation out into everyone’s ears. Ya we all can have doubts but if anyone decides to make a decision based on information they don’t know is fact then they deserve whatever shitty product they get or don’t deserve whatever awesome product they don’t get. I remember thinking that the 980ti was going to be around 800 bucks on release which woulda been way out my price range. That doesn’t mean I went out and bought a couple of 290xs instead. I waited and found the truth.
    Anyone who disagrees is an idiot.

  46. I dont think you understand what happens when AMD, Intel or Nvidia ban a website? They lose ALL creditability whatsoever. Anything that review site says will be ignored.

    AMD finally understood what Nvidia and Intel have been doing all along i.e bullying, buying & banning websites.

  47. “a bit” more? AMD Drivers never smoke my cards. AMD drivers never lock my Nvidia Cards from using their owned technologies.
    AMD drivers never reset my multi-screen setup back to single-screen every time I restart my PC (I was using a EVGA 9800 GT)<~ this is the damn reason I gave on using Nvidia for the rest of my life coz they refused to give me a fix for that issue.
    Since I switched to AMD, the only complain is that the Catalyst takes some time to load up and no support for PhysX, the rest is simply awesome

  48. danglingparticiple

    You lost objectivity and this is the result, plain and simple.

    Just slap an Nvidia logo in the corner of your videos in the future. That would be a bit more honest.

  49. danglingparticiple

    Hah! Check out the new article they just put out today on re-branding. Likely just smoke and mirrors to hide the Nvidia bias.

  50. Going on an incredibly unprofessional rant about AMD’s decision not to treat press the same as their manufacturing partners, and then subsequently bashing AMD after, did the team at Kitguru honestly expect any less? AMD made the right decision on this front. They have a limited amount of review units to give out before launch, and if they feel they’ll not be reviewed professionally (which after watching your guys video is not too hard to disprove) why would they be inclined to provide you with a review unit? You guys are not any more special than the other 10 media sites in the MEA region that behaved more professionally which are getting the cards. Own up to your own mistakes rather than having a hissy fit.

  51. Don’t you know how many tech-sites already have to buy their review-products themselves? Not all of them are for hire as you claim. As a vendor you can ban sites as much as you want, they could still get AIB samples if the relations are still there. If nothing else works, Kitguru could still form a cooperation with another site(s).

    Luckily for Kitguru is they have lots of other IT-news to report. Their credibility is one of the highest in the industry and they are fairly visited. They are not reliant of AMD in any way. Don’t make them out to be as bad as in your world vision.

  52. danglingparticiple

    Right? Disabling the comments is just pure cowardice.

  53. danglingparticiple

    See, this is typical of @$$h@t Nvidiots like yourself. No, it really isn’t. It looked great in Tomb Raider and in fact worked well on Nvidia hardware. If AMD can create a feature that works decently on their competitor’s hardware, the least Nvidia could (and should) do is have Hairworks work decently on AMD hardware. But they don’t, and sites like this one praise them for it. Sad really.

  54. Who cares. At the end of the day, all that matters is market share for either company. No matter which side of the fence you’re on, Nvidia owns the market right now, and anyone who says differently is a fool. The Fury, and the 300 rebrands are not going to magically recapture, and propel AMD into the lead. Sure, they’ll recover some lost market share, but its not going to be enough to cause any worries at Nvidia. Yes, the Fury is going to sell, and yes, every person, in every different forum claims they’re getting one(hypothetical), but the reality is, the top tier gpu’s are not the bread and butter, for either company. Should anyone need proof on market share here’s a link, and if you use your brain and Google, you can find many more, and none of them are positive towards AMD………………………………………….


  55. Kitguru I watched the ‘rebadging’ video and you were not wrong, people don’t want to play on 4 year old 7000’s.

    This is why real reviews and not informed speculation tell if the product is competitively priced and how much bang to buck ratio it will be. Something being less expensive to get into and not cheap are in fact two different things entirely.

  56. danglingparticiple

    “but its not going to be enough to cause any worries at Nvidia” Pure. Opinion.

    You obviously are right at home on this site.

  57. danglingparticiple

    Age of design really doesn’t matter. Does it work well, and provide value for the money?

  58. Francisco Andrés

    Not sugar coating; you went to an extreme.

    You are thinking that there are no “correct” words that don’t emphasize any bad context and can be really neutral on what they describe?

    Denouncing that a company made a bad call on something does not imply trashing it. Telling the people that a product is a re-brand does not imply shaming such company.

    Take our particular discussion here. I dare saying we have very opposite opinions of this, but none of us has any feeling of aggression from the other, right? Your way of putting your argument has been neutral, with no emphasis on shaming my opinion or judgement calls in any way. That’s totally different than saying my position is “rubbish” and still giving your arguments afterwards.

    This is a subtle difference that does have an impact on the message you want to convey. And that simple point is the one I agree with, validating (in my opinion) what AMD did here. In any case, did you see the video that started all of this?


  59. danglingparticiple

    What? Nvidia’s drivers are flawless!! /s

  60. danglingparticiple

    Riiiight. And Nvidia never tried to hide the 3.5 GB issue of the “4 GB” 970. And they’re not patent trolling anyone. And they never hid information about Bumpgate.

    You are hiLARious! ROFL!!

  61. danglingparticiple

    I’m sure you wish for that to happen. Sorry dude.

  62. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Erm… actually, it was AMD who released new drivers every month until 2013.
    Then they discovered, they actually didn’t have to do this, because of missing issues.
    Fixing game performance is usually done in game source code with AMD.
    Nvidia prefers to have the fixes in the drivers. (Look on extremetech for the stories about gameworks. There is an interesting one, showing the views of AMD, Nvidia and the game devs)

    Btw: AMD’s latest WHQL drivers are from December 2014 and still better than anything, Nvidia designed as “game ready” for Evolved.
    The latest Beta driver is from May, btw. (not a good one, though)
    The March Beta driver is actually very stable.

  63. Vizeroy Asklenius

    From which angle was my post positive about the 970?
    It still is a 3.5GB card, claiming to be otherwise.
    The only thing positive is not related to the hardware, but to the memory usage in general.
    Nvidia is still not owning up to their error.
    No one can tell me, an engineer won’t read a review of his babies… heck, they are usually even distributed inside of the company to show how good a job they did.
    They must have known from day 1, the specs don’t match reality, but didn’t do anything until they were called out on it.

  64. Are you foolish enough to actually believe that a bunch or rebrands this go around are going to magically erase the market share Nvidia gained from the 900 series launches ? Yes, Nvidia will LOSE SOME, but its not enough they they’ll be worried about, and have to quickly do something. Nvidia is in the drivers seat at this point. Just as AMD did the massive price cut to try and compete with the 980/970 taking the market by storm, now Nvidia can do the same, IF, they feel the need.

  65. Vizeroy Asklenius

    I’m sufggesting, Nvidia is “suggesting” their partners what kind of stuff to implement and send some free devs to the game studios to “lend a hand”.
    It’s widely known, Nvidia provides support and manpower to TWIMTBP developers.

  66. Lol, you guys fight over /defend these Companies like a bunch of gangbangers…

  67. Such a stupid comment!

  68. danglingparticiple

    You included Fury. Fury looks to be a formidable design.

  69. Naeem ur Rehman

    wake up it’s morning already

  70. After watching your youtube video. You deserve the middle finger. If you were a man enough, you would have talked about the 3.5 GB scandal on GTX 970, and the deliberate driver sabotage for Kepler cards.

  71. Preach it brother! I’m tired of this crap also! Nvidia shills the lot of em!

  72. Man, at least try harder on your FUD.



  73. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    “We all know the 300 series are rebrands moron except the Fury Fiji cards.”

    So why are you arguing with me?

  74. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    And to clear that first point up KitGuru has recently created an article reflecting rebadging in the past from both sides of the story, but of course you’re probably going to criticize that article too as “reiterating their initial criticism” right?

  75. Gameworks features are usually broken, even on nvidia cards. Far cry 4 is a prime example of features pushed by nvidia and every single one was broken at release. What happened to nvidia’s day one game ready driver in that one?

  76. What AMD cards had a faulty bios that burned some cards up? I never heard that one before. Back it up please.
    Now those Nvidia cards burning with Starcraft 2’s main screen, now those were quite a few…

  77. “His concerns about not knowing anything right before the launch is worrisome”
    “how unpolite this is to partners of AMD.”
    You are SO wrong in your analysis. The impolite thing to do is precisely to moan that one’s not getting preferential treatment before launch. AMD obviously caught wind of this, I’m sorry but I don’t think that Kitguru is reaping anything but the storm it sew.

  78. Lol hahahahaha no nvidia biased sites??????????????

  79. disqus_GB8lUuziuG

    AMD obvious feels that KitGuru isn’t being impartial, it’s their right to choose not to send out product to them. Obviously KitGuru’s opinion will be that they are great and did nothing wrong and that this is just AMD trying to compel good reviews.

    AMD stands to get allot of bad press, especially from KitGuru, over this so the decision was likely not made in haste. While KitGuru will get a huge amount of clicks from this situation. AMD needs good press more then ever so the cost of them starting press drama is high. The only thing KitGuru has to loose is their early review hardware from AMD, over the long run this will hurt them so no doubt for the time being they will paint the picture they are an innocent victim.

    We will never know the full truth of this but that wont stop the drama fall out from it.

  80. No sir, nvidia have absolutely blacklisted review sites because of bad press in the past.

  81. Nvidia doesn’t have flawless products. You seriously think they do?

  82. If you’re talking several years then you’re part of the problem. Amd has had the better product several times in the past ten years yet the nvidia marketing machine pull in the gullible customers and keep them suckling at the tit somehow.

  83. This may or may not hurt the relationship between Kitguru and AMD but I say just buy one and release the review a little late.
    We will all still read the article. I will even wait for the article before making a purchase.

  84. Two words: “That’s bullshit”. A complete bullshit reason to deny the sample. Kitguru isn’t biased. It just happens that when a company gives a better product they will tend to get favorited. This does NOT mean that Kitguru will give the card bad scores just because they may have preferred Nvidia in the past. If it turns out to be everything, something or nothing like AMD has been saying then I’m sure Kitguru would say so.
    Relying on only those who already like AMD more for reviews is NOT honest.

  85. < ??????.+ zeldadungeon+ *********….. < Now Go R­e­­a­d M­o­r­e


  86. PC per used to be ….AMDMB.com…

  87. Funny they did it at an crucial point (Fiji Release) and why is AMD at liberty to even acknowledge KitGuru and the rest of the tightly knit group of main websites?

    And why are nvidia fanboys up in arms over AMD not giving their hardware to some pro nvidia sites when there is more than enough neutral sites out there. Some of these big sites were also small at one point. A tech site is never too big to fail remember that – all it takes is AMD ignoring them, and the people will do the rest.

    Personally I think enough is enough and everyone/thing has a limit to how much you can push it around before it starts ignoring you

  88. That’s not what happened at all, nor was it how they fixed it so please don’t talk out of your arsehole,


    It wasn’t a shit design, it was just brought down by the BIOS update to fix the bug that very rarely caused a crash, and they didn’t disable faulty cores to fix it either.

  89. TheGoodBadWeird

    Amazing how some of you extreme fans always try to turn around everything I say about AMD and reverse it to or against Nvidia. But to answer your question: Yes, brands like Nvidia or i.e. Apple are brands closer to a flawless product.

    Their companies line-up are more rounder and well balanced as I called it once. They offer their premium products for quite some time in the quality the customers except or at least think of. This is not my opinion alone and many consumers in the market seem to think the same. Otherwise I can’t explain why so many guys buy their hardware.

  90. TheGoodBadWeird

    Kitguru is only the last station this whole farce ends up with. In fact AMD is the one who behaves like a miffed teenager or spoilt little child here.

    They tried to be similar to Apple with their secracy in this pre-release, though have not performed it similar gracefully. Actually AMD is not quite there and did affront many partners with stuff as not showing anything or making childish games as not even showing potential PR-people at least a glinpse of their product. The IT Tech-sites and a vendor like AMD are living from each other.

    To not show the least respect to your business partner(s) and let them literally starve is never a good business tactic. The fact that some of them are now more critical or get their information form other sources shows how much angered the journalists have become. Kitguru did nothing wrong but to phraise the general uncertainty floating around since at least half a year.

    If AMD is so foolish to retaliate at someone telling the truth, they will have the backlash of your “storm”. I have read many articles around the web in the recent past and this storm will be indeed a “shitstorm”. Strangely enough it is directed at AMD with their questionable rebrands and other business stupidity.

  91. You actually make some good points. I bought a sapphire r9 290x 8gb due to kitguru reviews and have been happy with it generally, but their drivers are not updated enough and. I know my friend has a lot of support issues in crossfire with many new games. The witcher 3 still isnt working right for him.

  92. “9/15/07 9:30am AMD, in a move to differentiate their processor line, has decided to begin selling three core processors. Is it weird? A little. But customers will see speed boosts. And, as the Inquirer points out, the tri-core could allow AMD to salvage bad quad-core chips while offering consumers a wide range of models at various pricepoints.”
    Nv basically did the same with faulty 570 gtx boards and turned them into 560ti448 cores with a disabled block of Cores

  93. Shoudnt being a dick 🙂
    u guys just sucking nvidia dicks.

  94. You are an embarassment to real followers of hardware, genuine amd owners, and lovers of tech. You should be utterly ashamed of your spam posting, i never understood the term ‘fanboi’ until i read your posts. It is almost as if you are on the amd payroll, except that i am pretty sure even their employees would be horrified to read your posts. There is no logic, no education and no sense behind your posts.

    If i didnt already own a 290x i would be put off the company by this kind of posting. The 300 series is a disgrace and amd lovers should not waste their money on a sideways ‘upgrade’. Shame on you.

  95. just watched your recently disabled comments video..this site should be named nvidiaguru.net

  96. Absolutely. Fury X is an amazing big step, and I’m tempted to buy one, and it would be my first AMD card since the 6990. I’m still waiting to see independent reviews for it. I’m one of those builders who generally jumps on the latest and greatest, but since I bought the Kingpin back in February, I might just hold off on HBM, till at least 2016 when Pascal arrives and we get HBM 2.

  97. There is no greater satisfaction than proving people wrong, AMD had the opportunity to let their cards shut up their critics, instead they folded, actually conceded in this withdrawal. I think rebadging of the the 200 series deserves criticism, they should work to constantly update their drivers, bios of their currently released chips to strengthen the brand, use it as an opportunity to keep consumers in Team Red.

    With that said, Nvidia should should of been tarred & feathered over the Titan X & GTX 980 TI release. The public was mislead about the delay of the 980 TI, with many never expected there to be darn near equal performance for a heck of a lot cheaper price tag. Their greedy actions have tarnished the Titan brand and anyone would be a fool to trust Nvidia the next cycle. I know enough whale/Titan X owners that are never buying Nvidia again because of this shenanigan.

  98. Simply awesome ? I just sold my last AMD card I’ll ever own on Ebay. I’ve owned close to 30 cards from AMD in the last 2yrs alone. (bitminer) Never again will I try to game on such a pos product. AMD drivers are complete crap. there’s a reason why amd just re-did their forums. 99% of the commenters there were complaining of driver issues , crossfire issues so much amd decided it was time for a forum re-fresh.

    -you can have your 5% fps boost on the fury. I’ll take the beauty of gameworks and physx over that anyday. If I wanted to dumb down my gaming I’d stick to consoles. –


  99. Earl of WooTown

    I think your jumping the gun a little bit. Who said an adapter would not come boxed with the fury? My 280x Matrix came with a Dvi to hdmi adapter for example.
    If using an adapter is such a big deal to you then good luck getting 60fps at 4k on a different card.

  100. Fact – AMD drivers are so buggy they can’t pass the WHQL hardware test. The reason why they chose to release “beta” drivers is because they have an inferior driver team. the amd forums had over 5,000 posts in one thread from people like myself who were having issues with them in crossfire with framepacing on . AMD acknowledge there was a problem but failed to come up with the solution. so what did they do ? delete the entire forum and start over. so what did I do ? sold my pos card and started over too .
    This time I’m gaming “The way it’s meant to be played” .Loving it ..I’m playing the new Batman arkam knight (alpha tester) and its beautiful in all its gameworks glory.
    -too bad you’ll never see it .

  101. Wow you liar why the fck you lies like that? Hairworks 1.0 is much more optimized. AHAHAHA REALLY? why cant run it with medium setting on the witcher 3 with my GTX770? you liar as much as nvidia do, nvidia fanboy.

  102. being crybaby looks bad lol …. anyways this site bleeds green so what do you expect lol

  103. Spider Jerusalem

    The guy is trying to be the watchdog he’s supposed to be and you paint him as a fanboy.

    I don’t want to live on this planet anymore, enjoy your 3rd time around respins guys.

  104. Oh damn, that Elitist sense. Most humans tend to buy expensive things because the majority mind is Expensive = Makes you Look Rick = Makes you Look Cool = Social Status.

  105. When the whole 3.5gb fiasco came about, nvidia got drilled hard. So hard, that they even offered refunds. Then when the gameworks crap started, they got shit for that as well.

    So yeah, when AMD withdraw the review sample for “negative content” you can bet your ass that they will get their share of shit. Meanwhile, I’ve never heard of nvidia taking away a review sample. EVER.

  106. TressFx makes Laura’s hair look perfect and runs great on my 980tis.

  107. It’s exactly the other way around since ancient FX-5xxx times. AMD fanboys are a real pain in the ass. Especially the ones who buy everything from AMD regardless of p/p/w.
    Even when AMD uses a Intel i7 for their own Fury, Fanboys will still use and buy a FX-9000 for it

  108. Vizeroy Asklenius

    You still don’t get the difference of the memory ppols in the 660ti and the 970.
    660TI can use both pools at the same point in time – access both “halves” in reading or writing at the same point in time.

    970 simply can’t do that.
    It is *not* a 256 bit bus card, as advertised. It’s 224 + 32 bit system, which cant be used at the same time.
    It is *physically impossible*.

    970 can *either read from the 3.5 GB, *or* from the 0.5GB – same goes for writing or a mix of both.

    In addition, Nvidia also told everyone, there were more ROPs and more L2 cache – which is still stated mostly over the web.

  109. Vizeroy Asklenius

    So, the latest 2 Nvidia drivers passed WHQL, just to CTD in games and crash with Chrome – the browser with the smallest market share, wasn’t it?
    Oh, the other way round… heck, that must have been a hard to find issue during WHQL certification.
    WHQL is virtually worthless.

  110. Regardless the 970 is in gaming terms superrior to 660ti.

    This is enough for people to buy it.

    The market share shows you the truth.

  111. 50 games per year -> AMD one beta driver per year
    I have problems on my AMD cards since I bought them. Waiting years to get some fixes is a pain.

  112. You should ask google about their html5 experimental stuff…

  113. Repression of independent testers and only “chosen ones” can do it is Media manipulation + Censore at its finest.
    With a superrior product, there should be no need to do that.

  114. Said by Mr.Expert

  115. Did Nvidia ban out any site because of the 970 ? Which is still a 1080p superrior card regardless of that fiasko?

  116. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Heck, it *should* be better than the 660 TI…
    That’s not something to praise, that’s the minimum expectation.
    Otherwise, the 70 would have been a wrong segment for the 970.

    Usually, the 60 series of any Nvidia launch was the sweet spot for gamers.
    This time round, it can’t even keep up with a 4 year old chip in the 280X.
    Nvidia currently just has 2 good chips at hand.
    The GM204, used in 970 and 980 and the GM200, used in 980 TI (Titanium as well, but it became more or less pointless for the most consumers)

    Currently, AMD is still competing quite well with their 2 and 4 year old chips against a new gen of Nvidia chips.
    The 900 series from Nvidia is a nice upgrade in power efficiency, but performance wise… not so much.
    Kepler currently looks relatively bad in gaming, just because Nvidia dropped support for the old chips.
    The 780 TI used to be a bit quicker than the 290X. Now, it barely keeps up with the 290.
    I wonder what happens to Maxwell, when Pascal is released nex year.
    Any bets?

  117. you can go watch this video… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFWgc8qjQwk Kitguru seems to hate AMD hardware much??? ranting starts at 6:00… He rants for rebadging of AMD but for Nvidia not?

  118. Vizeroy Asklenius

    So why doesn’t this happen to my on my 290?

  119. Freedom of speech?

  120. As I said, ask google.

  121. I’ll tell you. They will mimic AMD. Pascal will be used with 3DMem for high-high end & entusiast card. The lower segment will be max2 rebrands.

    AMD is competing with himself ATM. Remember when 750ti was released? Do you really think, they didn’t have the 980ti already prepared by then?

    Manufacturers work 3-5 years into the future, but don’t release it if it’s not needed to be.

  122. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Well, freedom of choice on who to give your products to?^^

  123. Vizeroy Asklenius

    750 TI was a test on how the Maxwell chips fare in manufacturing – that’s actually a common theme for both GPU manufacturers – where is the connection to the lost driver support for Kepler?

    If Nvidia uses the same approach as AMD now, they will be in trouble.
    AMD’s next GPUs will also incorporate the experiences of Fiji chip manufacturing while having the full Fiji HBM lineup with HBM as backup for rebrands.
    There are already 3 versions of Fiji announced in shape of Fury X, Fury and Fury Nano.
    All of them currently assumed to be *very* competitive with the whole Maxwell lineup.
    There are no manufacturer OC’ed versions shown yet and 980 is already available in maxed out factory OC.
    1 year from now, when Pascal arrives, there will be max speed Fiji GPUs plus the next Generation of AMD GPUs.
    Rebranding Maxwell just won’t work out, when they already struggle with the 4GB Fiji GPUs.

    Nvidia *needs* to have a full new lineup with Pascal, or they will compete with top end HBM and mid range GDDR5 with a complete HBM lineup from top to mid range (low end will be completely eaten up by Intel and AMD iGPUs.)

    Edit: revised comment in last paragraph for consistency with “low end eaten up by iGPUs”

  124. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Ok, why is it a Google fault, if it happens to Nvidia’s last 2 drivers and not the ones before?
    If it was an AMD driver, the reaction would certainly be “typically bad AMD drivers”
    Please use just a minute to think about it, before answering.

  125. Then I guess amd has also the freedom to pull their samples from his review because if you are in amds shoes.. Why give him your product if he has some sort of hate towards it.. Even though kitguru says they are unbiased.. They should also think this kind of criticism may show that they are..

  126. JonathonDHaskett

    Your first choice kitguru Find Here

  127. I wanted to sign up here to give my views because I read KitGuru all the time, have done for years. I emailed Zardon a while ago to ask about FIJI and he said he couldn’t talk about it but they would be reviewing it soon. I have been excited for a long time over this card. saved up all year to get it. I talk to Allan (Zardon) all the time in email and he has been helpful. even sent me some KITGURU FANS for my system. That was very generous.

    I emailed him a few days ago about fiji and asked him and he said he couldn’t talk about it, but he would have to post something on the site as everyone was asking when his review would go up and he probably wouldn’t be able to do it anymore for the launch. He is always friendly.

    A lot of people seem to think Allan is LEO (from the video) and that LEO is the man calling the shots – he is only a youtube poster for Kitguru – the main site is different. Leo only started a while ago – I watched the video and it seemed to me to be his opinions on things, and what could happen – posted a while ago – isnt youtube used for opinions anyway? Doesn’t seem like any kind of attack on AMD so I am still unsure why every crazy AMD fan seems to be going nuts. I can’t believe the abuse, foul mouthed attacks and horrible things some people are saying.

    I use a Phenom processor, and a R9 280 but I dont hate Kitguru because of this? I bought my 280 after reading reviews here. I have used KitGuru for years to pick products I want for my new system and other things. I sometimes have my own views, but I trust Kitguru to help me buy products, and I hope this stays the same.

    This post by Allan today must have been hard to do, but he is telling the regulars he won’t have one to review – and we are all waiting on his review. I have read it four times and there is no attack on AMD – nothing hostile – just facts. all listed from top to bottom. Reads very professional to me – but when I read some of the comments here – people are making stuff up that he didn’t even say! its crazy.

    I dont mind people hating on the video, but mixing people up because you don’t even come here, then saying ‘ I wont be back this place is terrible!’ is silly. You don’t come here anyway, but you want to join in the gang attack. It doesn’t work for me, because almost all of the comments have been silly. Zardon has been supported for 13 years by AMD and has worked closely with them, and the Catalyst team – I used to read the AMD interviews with John Byrne, Terry Makedon etc. Its been a fantastic source for AMD news for so so long now.

    All the reviews are great for AMD and have been for a decade – otherwise AMD wouldn’t have been working with him for so long. They are annoyed over the video LEO did, and its a shame they seem to be acting like some readers here who don’t even know Kitguru because most of know Allan is not Leo. I have no interest in videos on youtube – its a hostile, horrible place with people who love to fight.

    Keep up the good work Kitguru – I love AMD, but I love you guys too !

  128. Probably its related to OCL, HW decoder/encoder stuff.

  129. >Nvidia *needs* to have a full new lineup with Pascal,<

  130. Thats called


  131. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Nope. That’s called free market.
    Censorship would be to prevent KitGuru to buy a card from a vendor – which no one does.

    Other forms would be: legal action or threads.

  132. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Still no fault from Google – just Nvidia incapable of writing drivers with matching feature support like the old ones.

  133. Vizeroy Asklenius

    So you think, it would still be competitive with Maxwell rebrands, already struggling now to compete with Fijfi rebrands, which still have no overclocking applied?

  134. I just signed up today and saw this post. Ive been reading Kitguru AMD reviews here since it started. AMD advertised here many times, I bought AMD hardware (as would many others) based on their reviews. I tend to post more on facebook, but some of the comments here are SO far off the truth I felt the need to cut through the white noise with a knife.

    Zardon has been supported by AMD for 13 years on launches. He writes all KitGuru GPU reviews, I think I have read every one and I went through them last night and counted tons of awards for AMD partners (at least 20 AMD based cards in the last 24 months). Most of the posts here don’t mean anything, because regular readers like myself and the guys on Facebook know Kitguru are NOT anti AMD -we read Zardons post, got the info we needed and moved on – probably just like he did, doubt he has even read all this garbage here.

    AMD know KitGuru are not anti AMD too, they r just punishing them for writing about 300 series being mostly rebrands. To protect us (and me I might add as I was thinking about buying one). AMD handled this badly, but burning KitGuru is a bad move all round – just because the KitGuru review would have been widely read and valued by people like myself.

  135. yes, in the meantime html5 works in other browsers without any problems.
    4K HW accelerated decoding – gpus-cpus sleeping.

  136. Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication
    or other information which may be considered objectionable,___ harmful,
    sensitive, politically incorrect____ or inconvenient___ as determined by
    governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.[1]

  137. Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication
    or other information which may be considered objectionable,___ harmful,
    sensitive, politically incorrect____ or inconvenient___ as determined by
    governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions

  138. Of course, 16nm do this 5%. I wouldnt call it struggling until official benchmarks. Fiji competition will be 3Dmem+16nm. Lower and is enogh a 16nm rebrand.

  139. Oh really..

  140. GrimmReaper WithaSpoon

    no. even AMD fanboys don’t buy the FX9xxx series.
    On the other hand, most nVidia/Intel fanboys are always on the offense for anything AMD does.

  141. GrimmReaper WithaSpoon

    Pff. Here, gentlemen, you can see a subject that is in the uber- nVidia fanboy group. Please proceed with caution, it may attack you.

    Seriously, AMD gets special treatment my ass. They’ve never lied about what they do. Unlike nVidia.
    If sites were on AMDs side, why is AMD losing in 90% of the charts I’ve seen? It’s maybe because AMD pays, but nVidia pays more 🙂

  142. GrimmReaper WithaSpoon

    Some time ago my grandfather died. He died from a brain cancer. My family told me to be wary of such things – avoid everything as much as you can. I feel regret now, because I just got brain cancer from your comment. My IQ dropped around 50%, and it’s still not as low as yours, because to write such a bad argument, you need to be a total retard.

  143. GrimmReaper WithaSpoon

    I do notice it, but it won’t get nearly as much flame as AMD does.
    It’s a fact, AMD does a tiny cock-up, all hell gets loose. nVidia does a massive fuck-up, and doesn’t really get that flamed. Instead, it gets defended.

  144. I don’t know about negative content and I don’t like amd withdrawing samples either but most of all this vieled sanctimonious bitching and whining like some kind of spoiled kid is rubbing me the wrong way.

  145. You sure you have a 770 ?

  146. Fluffy Panda Something

    OK if a game isn’t working -> Blame AMD
    If an application like Google chrome isn’t working – > Blame Google ?
    I see your lack of logic.

  147. Fluffy Panda Something

    Say it with me: ” I have persistent driver issues, I probably shouldn’t be configuring computers or saying I’m a knowledgeable enthusiast.” Both camps have their share of problems of Games getting updates and then performance going derp. It’s not the cards fault or the driver’s fault. It’s the Game’s fault. It’s what changed, not the card. HW and Drivers come before the game … JFC “I have driver problems all the time” well then shit you probably don’t need to be setting up your own computer.

  148. What game is not working?
    And what has the implementation od HW accelerated decoders with browsers to do?
    While chrome does some secret experimental updating in the background you don’t even know of. Just intall other browser which work normally and can use HW acceleration.

  149. Look I am waiting for the dual monitor idle usage fix and linear workflow errors since 2013. In a separate machine I have had recent problem (1,5 months ago) with GFE and they are all solved.
    Thats it.

  150. AMD withdraw KitGuru Fury X sample over ‘negative content’….. Stupid move AMD!!!