Home / Tech News / Announcements / AMD withdraw KitGuru Fury X sample over ‘negative content’

AMD withdraw KitGuru Fury X sample over ‘negative content’

AMD's upcoming Fury release next week has been much anticipated – the incredible level of global coverage so far gives a firm indication that this is indeed one of the most anticipated hardware launches of 2015. Many enthusiast gamers are hoping that AMD will become competitive again in the high end against Nvidia, and based on leaked results so far, it would appear this is going to be the case. KitGuru will however not be in a position to handle a launch review for our readership. I try to avoid the complex and frustrating politics which are heavily engrained within this industry, but sadly it is not always possible.
On the 11th June AMD informed us via email that the upcoming FIJI hardware was reserved for KitGuru, as would normally be the case. We subsequently set a plan in motion to analyse the hardware for launch and were awaiting the arrival of the sample. Earlier this week I had a call from Christine Brown, Senior Manager, EMEA Communications at AMD to let me know that the company had withdrawn their sample from KitGuru labs and that we would now not be involved at all in the launch next week.

Christine Browne informed me directly on the phone that the reason for withdrawing the sample was based on ‘KitGuru's negative stance towards AMD'. She said that with limited product they wanted to focus on giving the samples to publications that are ‘more positive' about AMD as a brand, and company. I was not informed during this call of anything we have published that was factually incorrect, we were also not told to edit or remove any content we had published. Based on what AMD had seen via KitGuru editorial in recent weeks it was felt that overall coverage was just too negative.

I did stress the point that KitGuru's news coverage of their ‘updated' 300 product range would in no way alter my ability to accurately analyse their hardware – after all I have been doing it for 13 years now. We approach all hardware reviews from a strictly neutral stance, and then work towards a conclusion, after many days of detailed analysis.

Due to their decision, KitGuru will be unable to deliver unbiased and detailed coverage of AMD's FIJI part to millions of readers on launch day. I will continue to try and work with AMD if I can, however I simply cannot let any company or corporation try and dictate or change our independent ability to cover news, or to share our opinions – even if this means losing product support for big hardware launches such as this.

If we become unable to share our genuine views and opinions out of fear of a company withdrawing product samples then I see no point in being here at all. KitGuru has always had an primary focus to our enthusiast readership and our goal is to deliver accurate and genuine buying advice.

On a brighter note, we currently still have the full support of AMD partners and will aim to deliver content on the new hardware, as soon as possible.

Allan ‘Zardon' Campbell.
Editor In Chief KitGuru.

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  1. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Why would you protect Kitguru?
    Butt hurt over the truth?
    You are just mad that I am bringing out a biased website.
    They did report on them moron but did not criticize Nvidia before launch like they did AMD.
    I await another deflected comment from you.

  2. Because at this point most sites hold a strong bias towards AMD since most crowds on those sites and Nvidia fanboys so they just want to please the crowed whilst AMD get slated for being s**t when infact they are really good and have always brought innovative features such as HBM and eventually allowed Sapphire to create the first vapour chamber cards where as Nvidia is pretty meh sure they have a lead in performance bar after the 16th I think AMD are going to hit back, and hit back they will in full force when ZEN comes which means intel can get to feck.

    This is the shill integrity of a lot of “tech” sites these days

  3. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Yet you commented me first.
    Oy Vey.

  4. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    You say they are biased but as your initial post and the post before it proves they are in no way biased. They critisize both sides, they advertise and test both sides products, and if there is news they report on it, thusly proving that they aren’t paid by one side therefore they have no reason to be biased. I’ve seen far more against NVidia than AMD on this site in particular recently but the community seem to turn this into so much more of a war when the critisism is on AMD’s hands.

  5. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Nvidiots out to defend Kitguru.
    Be aware.

  6. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Oy vey.
    When did kitguru criticize Nvidia before a product launch?
    I dare you to find that video.
    And the nut rolls…

  7. They also should not send any card to Tom’s Hardware. That website is poisonous.

  8. “most crowds on those sites and Nvidia fanboys “.

    More like paid astroturfers whom are never IP banned and post 24/7. Real Kepler owners were furious with Nvidia over Witcher 3 artficial performance decreases, and were mad about GTX 970 ROPs/Cache as well. Meanwhile people that state common sense about a R9 295×2 being more poweful than a GTX 980 in GTA 5 on IGN.com? Are banned from their website.

    Want to see what a astoturfer looks like? Here is a MS one. He posts on PC Gamer often and is laughed at. You will see thousands of posts promoting and defending all things MS, from Surface, to Windows, to phones. This is a criminal. He is allowed to post on PC Gamer freely despite being called out numerous times..Prob only one of the accounts and “personalities” he uses from a VPN.


  9. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    I have found coil whine is not just related to GPU. It is an issue with using onboard sound. Go ahead and grab a pcie Sound card pop it in and magically the coil whine is gone. Seen it 3 test rigs, using both Nvidia and AMD. I do not have a technical reason for it, I suspect though cheaper parts, shielding issues.

  10. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    If there is news they report on it. There is nothing to say that they HAVE to do something to one side that they did to the other. Where’s this unfair advantage of NVidia over AMD that you seem to be sprouting apart from your one article? Where’s the article that say in KitGuru’s words that nVidia is glorious and ever better, when even KitGuru acknowledges that the 295×2 is better than the 980 and even the titans?

  11. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    and they recieved how many positive reviews from said actions??? Oh, that’s right zero. You are a propaganda AMDrone tool.

  12. it’s a good decision , you can copy anandtech review ….

  13. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Criticizing is not news…

    Why would kitguru criticize AMD before product launch but not criticize Nvidia before their product launch?
    Also,what’s with the goal posting?

  14. It is owned by a media group now. Tom sold the site a long time ago.

    Better than many sites (which is sad) though. Anandtech is about the only U.S. site I hold in any high esteem whatsoever. I usually go to foreign sites for benchmarks that state clocks on the cards they are testing. No clocks? What is the point.

  15. I visit Tom only because of its Forum. More informative than the Website.

  16. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    They controlled the reviews at launch moron.
    Just like AMD did.
    But yet AMD gets flak for it only.

  17. The problem with many markets like this, is that media outlets depend on the companies they critize. If you aren’t a day 1 reviewer, then your community will just look elsewhere. So yeah, buying yourself is currently highly problematic.

    Personally, I don’t give a rat’s ass about the timing of the review, as I haven’t bought a product on the day it launched in years. The world is not going to end just because I have to wait a week or two.

  18. Performance in dying light and fc4 improved with game updates, not drivers.

  19. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    AMDrones out to support Biased reviews from hand picked sites only……

  20. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Just like Nvdiots supporting Nvidia no matter what it does.

  21. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    Like I said if there is news KitGuru reports on it. They have reliable sources and enough of them were leaning towards the fact that AMD’s new lineup may be a rebadge for KitGuru to see it as worthy news as that’s what anyone does. If there is news about risks on NVidias upcoming lineup being bad, faulty or a rebadge then they will report on it, It’s not up to me, Kitguru,Their sources or anyone else to force NVidia to fuck up just to “balance” the playing feild. Stop backtracking and find me another article from KitGuru that critisizes AMD

  22. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    It was a lot more hard to find than some of you will admit to. The guy that found it has to make a custom benchmark tool using Cuda………..

  23. I wouldn’t be surprised if your a./c turns out to be one of the Kitguru’s Editor’s disqus a/c.

  24. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Everyone knew the 300 series were rebrands except Fiji.
    This was admitted months ago.
    What sources?

  25. Nvidia doesn’t control Tess levels for everything (hair works sure) but Tess on geometry surfaces is a developer thing, as it’s part of DX, not game works. Unless you at suggesting nvidia actually developed the game

  26. Yup. I go there to often give tech help. I used to on LTT, but certain clowns on the forum made me quit. I couldn’t even give overclocking help to someone who bought an AMD cpu without people derailing the thread and trashing their purchase.

    I usually recommend Intel CPU for MMO’s etc to. Guy ended up with a VERY nice OC on his 8320 in a country where AMD was much cheaper than Intel, and he had some clown bashing it, when he should have felt good about it.

    I reported that user as it was not the first time he had done it and no action was taken against his account. After that I said F this website. It is just a shill site anyways. Was already upset with the website after then bench marked Far Cry 4 while failing to use AMD’s new driver that came out BEFORE official release of the game and before the Gameready driver from Nvidia.

  27. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    How the fuck should I know, I don’t work for KitGuru, email one of their employees and ask for their sources, and the reliability of them.

  28. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Yet you knew they had sources to make claims already admitted months ago?
    Damn your dumb.

  29. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    And you’re illogical. Every journalist has sources, it’s how they dictate their news. To say to me without researching yourself that KitGuru don’t use sources is just complete mockery. I’m getting tired of your close minded shit

  30. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Yes they do when they are reporting on something new and not reported by said company or party.

    What Kitguru did was criticize on what has been reported on months ago.
    An attack,plain and simple.

  31. With dying light it was a driver issue with occlusion culling that when inside a building it would still draw the outside even though you couldn’t see it. That was the main issue with dying light. Cross fire profiles were another issue, which is again a driver issue (though ti amds credit mgpu is really hard to program for and they have a much smaller team) the only game issue was draw distance where the slider wasn’t locked to the max value it should have been and if maxed out no hardware would be able to run it. Then there was some cpu issues where low end ones would struggle. Fc4 I don’t remember what problems there was for amd, I just know they still have problems with cf. Single card is fine, but I do know it took a while to fix, and was fixed again with a driver. Problem is is that amd doesn’t have a large development team like nvidia, and can’t work closely with all developers to optimize line nvidia does. They are usually late to the game. Just look at project cars where amd didn’t help almost at all.

  32. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    “not reported by said company or party.” Then clearly you don’t read KitGuru and are just here to cry about bias abuse. After every article they pursue the subject companies for comment, and if they don’t reply then KitGuru states that they could not be reached for comment. If you’re saying it’s an attack because AMD did not comment to protect themselves then that’s their own fault, no one elses. Futhermore by withdrawing the sample card from KitGuru some could specualte that KitGuru are right and AMD don’t want to show that, but thats for the conspiracy theorists to think about

  33. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    How can they pursuit a company when the information was already admitted months ago?

    You will strawman your way to save Kitguru huh?

  34. Ok, let’s play a game. You own a GPU company. During Holiday season, when sales are very important, a popular website benchmarks Far Cry 4 which will be seen by over 200,000 people. You release a driver before your competition, and the website refuses to use your new driver, while also choosing to use the competitions driver in an unfair benchmark.

    Would you ever allow that company to review a product from you again? They just cost you tons of money in potential sales. Linus Tech Tips did that. Would you ever give them a product again, without having a representative present in any benchmarks they would do to verify that they are at least using the latest driver for a game?

    Talk about “bias”.

  35. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    Pathetic? This is a one way argument on my part and I have done my part to neutrally disprove all your shit. You cry about bias and it’s not there. KitGuru has made one article critisising AMD for the first time in months, in between such there have been at least 4 articles critisising NVidia, go cry some more about how your fanboy logic can’t take a single hit

  36. Then Kitguru have to be honest unbiased and just report the facts not there opinions there so many of these sites that have double standards when its comes to Nvidia and AMD.

  37. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    You keep using strawmen to prove a point that does not pertain.
    We are talking about release reviews not months after release reviews.
    Worse,Nvidia had a great launch from Kitguru,not one negative word or concern.
    AMD on it’s computex show gets dogged by Kitguru on information already admitted to.
    Kitguru did this on purpose.
    But you defending them is the funniest thing ever.

  38. Holy crap, I can honestly say I would have never thought AMD possible of such a crappy attitude towards review sites.

    They have shot themselves in the foot big time here as I, for one, won’t even consider looking at purchasing one of their cards to replace my Titan now I will stick with Nvidia when the time comes. Is this the new EA/Activision of the GPU world I wonder ?

  39. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Nvidia did the same thing with it’s 250 and sent it to no reviewers to control the fact it was a rebranding of a 8800GT.
    But I guess it’s ok if Nvidia does it.


  40. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    And you’re using untrue facts to slander a journalism site over problems that are far bigger than the truth, go back to NVidias 700 series launch ,that was widely regarded and reported as a rebadge.

    Now lets go to the ongoing issue. AMD THEMSELVES said that all their new cards were based on existing chips and i quote “reimagined” for better speed boosts on existing games, you’re defending AMD by going against their own words

  41. no it isn’t alright , I didn’t read anything about that otherwise I would have mentioned it in my comment, thanks for the heads up.

  42. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    They recorded themselves doing it.

  43. that’s a little unfair. I have never seen KitGuru be biased towards one company over another. If you have please post the links so we can read it too.

  44. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    There are freaking benchmarks and spec sheets proving that AMD’s new cards are minor speed boosts! jesus christ man!

  45. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    AMD going against their word?
    They admitted rebranding moron.
    Do you understand what you just said?
    You contradicted yourself moron.
    And I quote “AMD THEMSELVES said that all their new cards were based on existing
    chips and i quote “reimagined” for better speed boosts on existing
    games, you’re defending AMD by going against their own words”

    Nvidiot Alert!

  46. So is Tuco a corporate shill?
    He says “Nvidiot” in 90% of his posts, and seems authentically angry in his defense of AMD.
    If he is a representative of AMD’s fanbase, he is only making them look like petulant children.
    I haven’t even decided yet on my upgrade path(either 2x Fury X or 2x 980 Ti), still waiting for benchmarks and some VR implication reports, but Tuco is making me not want to be lumped in with such defensive fanboys.

  47. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    I admit I buy only AMd but not because they are better but because they are actually keeping prices down and bringing in affordable GPU’s with horsepower.
    Plain and simple.

  48. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    How can they benchmark a gpu without it launching?
    All they did was mock up a chart to make AMD’s card’s look bad.
    Nvidiot Alert!

  49. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    For what purpose? They’re not getting paid to do it so what purpose do they have for mocking up an official spec list

  50. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    no, YOU going against AMD’s word

  51. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    I hope so.
    We need AMD to stay alive.
    Nvidia is a shady company too.
    And without AMD we gamers will suffer under a Inte/Nvidia monopoly.

  52. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Nice deflection.
    What you said made no sense at all.
    We all know the 300 series are rebrands moron except the Fury Fiji cards.

    Oy Vey.

  53. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    As far as you know.
    IGN has a contract with Nvidia,maybe Kitguru does too.
    All we can do is go by actions.
    And Kitguru’s actions are shady as hell.

  54. I hope I’m not stoking any fires here, but I always felt this website seemed to have a bias toward Nvidia cards. I’m looking at a headline now that has the words AMD’s R9 300 Series with the word “Old” in the title. Not sure I’ve seen the same treatment for Nvidia.

  55. Which of my post exactly is imaginary?

  56. It really comes down to hardware. I think Kitguru is just calling it like they see it. If AMD hardware was of the same caliber as Nvidia, then we wouldn’t see a 3 out of 4 majority of Nvidia users. Power consumption by AMD vs. Nvidia kit is still a concern, and at least to me shows a major difference in design and engineering between the two companies. AMD released their benchmarks which claimed the R9 390x would be slightly better than the Nvidia 980Ti, but the first real benchmarks out of Guru3d seem to show AMD may have exaggerated a bit.

  57. Maybe this is more positive news.



  58. WHAT! Seriously? Been a reader of your page for a long time and all I can say is your reviews / opinions are all Neutral and you guys don’t favor either Nvidia or AMD… ITS NEUTRAL!! There are no “Negatives” or “Positives”… you guys posts things exactly how you see them. With Facts and Hard Numbers. This is definitely BS!!

  59. so you are showcasing 1080p while everyone knows 390x screams for 4k?
    great sneaky troll

  60. Oh look, a clueless cunt that instantly decides to throw around the “journos are paid by companies” bullshit.

    Why do YOU go around talking about how nVidia keeps fucking up? Why not speak out about AMD making mistakes?

    Maybe it’s because AMD pays better.

    See how little sense that makes?

  61. “however I simply cannot let any company or corporation try and dictate or change our independent ability to cover news, or to share our opinions”

    Man, they didnt told you to change anything…

    “we were also not told to edit or remove any content we had published.”

    I dont know if you get the point xD

  62. Hey in AMD doesn’t exist a representative called “Christine Browne”… this is very strange…

  63. You’re adopting an N7/Anon/crAppleH8er/chizow tactic, there.

  64. Not to shame a non-native english speaker here, but your english writing skills are clearly developing. And you don’t have a picture attached, so, basically what I’m saying is; how can anyone trust what you say?

  65. Man you are making all AMD fans look bad. Please stop

  66. well, the representative is called christine brown not browne… if i’m writing something wrong, please correct me

  67. Costelas Leontin

    U transform a negative thing in a positive thing which would never happen if it was Amd hardware.

  68. https://uk.linkedin.com/pub/christine-brown/3/a58/395

  69. Well said….. 70 likes +1 from me 🙂

  70. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    Na, I just gave him back what he gave me

  71. Then show me an example where KitGuru was unjustifiably biased against AMD.

  72. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    Not all Speely can vouch for me……..

  73. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    Certainly happens, but you are part of the problem, you need to relax more.

  74. There is a mafia like lobby who always complaints AMD drivers.

  75. Why have you censored my comment? the representative is called “Christine Brown” not “Browne”…There is something wrong with this article…

  76. That’s true

  77. here her linkedin profile https://uk.linkedin.com/pub/christine-brown/3/a58/395

  78. This video is cringe worthy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFWgc8qjQwk its just a torrent of negativity toward AMD, you spent a lot of time comparing AMD to Nvidia and Intel, thats fine, the problem is you made a load of completely unsubstantiated predictions about not just the 290X rebrands but also Fiji, its performance being low comparing it to the 980 and power consumption as high. you had no basis what so ever to make those predictions and whats more its based on the AMD bashing rhetoric. and its starting look like you we’re wrong, very wrong, the performance looks like GTX 980TI or GTX Titan-X @ the same power consumption as the 290X, that is a massive leap in efficiency.
    Frankley i’m not surrprised AMD pulled the cards from you, that video is all AMD bashing and the details you insisted are right are way out.

    Oh and BTW, the 390X performance is closer to the GTX 980 than the GTX 970, even beating it in some games.

  79. The reason you’re not getting a card, could, in no way, have ANYTHING to do with the misinformation and speculation in this video of yours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFWgc8qjQwk

    It’s a wonder you’re still in business with all the false information and whining your content is full of.

  80. Arafat Zahan Kuasha

    I don’t know man, I thought kitguru reviews were good. Some articles, though, are different story.

  81. I certainly can.

    And for the record, I’m also an AMD fan.

  82. Arafat Zahan Kuasha

    I know nvidia isn’t a good company, they have dirty practice. I’ll probably never buy nvidia. But I’m just afraid this will hit AMD hard because of the same websites will now bash the shit out of AMD. Don’t know if pulling the review sample is the brightest of idea, but something needed to be done nonetheless.

  83. Fuck, you AMD whiteknights. Paranoid conspiracy theorists, the lot of you.

  84. Semiaccurate reveals how AMD has tried to deceive the press with unethical tactics


  85. I don’t know when the last time you used an AMD graphics card was, but I feel confident it wasn’t in the last 3 years. I’ve never had AMD drivers BSOD the system. I’ve only had them crash a couple times, due to an overly-aggressive overclock attempt, and it just froze for a few seconds, then dropped to desktop with a window that said, “Your driver crashed and had to be restarted.”

    I used Nvidia cards exclusively from 2001 to 2012 and suffered tons of driver crashes, all of which were BSOD’s and required a hard reset.

  86. Júlio Sencadas

    Dumb move AMD, you can’t waste a chance to change someone stance about your brand..

  87. Media objectivity is a myth.
    You cant say whatever you want. When you piss someone off, there are consequences.
    Some people learn that in kindergarden.

    Grow. Up.

  88. LOL you are one of those fanboys i see, since it is the other way aroundm the whole 3,5 gb thing was way overblown and lets not start on gameworks in recent titles or the kepler bug, what was last time when all hell broke loose thx to amd, i a m pretty sure never, people even don’t care that amd lied about dx 12 support, nor do they care that they got the same product for 2-3 years with price in creases, Also amd fanboys are far more vocal than anyone else on internet you are the perfect example of this

  89. lol they simply made more recently, and lets not forget how apeshit all of you amd fanboys go every time a new gameworks title is release, even though every time you state you never want those effects, yet once they don’t run good on amd it is sudenly nvidias fault, adoesn’t matter that amd aren’t releasing any drivers on time it still always ends up being nvidias fault

  90. Júlio Sencadas

    Think again i remember that when nvidia lied to it’s costumers, they rushed to say it’s nothing, as of when AMD had a driver issue it was almost all people saying amd was no good, so moral of the story is Nvidia lies to it’s costumers(can’t be fixed) and it’s nothing, but AMD screws up(a easy to fix problem) and all hell breaks loose and everyone point it out from then on while with nvidia lies you don’t hear anyone talking about them anymore…So there is in fact something fishy in this story’s where it seems that one is favoured

  91. Too bad for Kitguru. But this is how the world works. There is big money involved and AMD has to be paranoid about whether a review site is being paid by Nvidia to do negative reviews its products.

  92. Honestly the fact that they cut you out doesn’t surprise me. Looking back to the video you posted a few days prior with the speculation on the 300 series there were several glaring issues in how you went about things:

    -You claimed with the 200 series the only new architecture was Hawaii, I didn’t see any mention of Tonga

    -You neglect to mention that rebrands are a fact of life in the GPU industry. Remember how the 7 series the only really new cards were the 780/TI and the 750TI. The 770 was a slightly reworked 680, The 760 was still based on GK104 and the lower end was all rebadges if I recally correctly.

    -Saying “AMD only rules in gaming consoles” was a pretty poor comment too. Up until the NVIDIA pricecuts, the 290x/290 offered much better price to performance over the 970.

    -Saying the PS4/Xbox One “no advance over the PS3 and X360” was also a pretty poor comment. That may be how you view it as a PC gaming enthusiast, but that also means you’re a hardware enthusiast. As a result you’d look to the hardware, and they are MASSIVE improvements over their predecessors.

    Do I think you have an NVIDIA bias? No, not in particular. Do I think that you’re video was biased and misinformed? Certainly.

  93. Ding ding. Spot on.

    I particularly like how this ‘author’ chose to give the impression that any further kitguru coverage will indeed be biased from here on.

    “KitGuru will be unable to deliver unbiased and detailed coverage of AMD’s FIJI part to millions of readers…..”
    Notice how bad that sounds ‘taken out of context’?
    What is the actual context?

  94. Huh? 1080p still shows the raw power. And R9 390 is lacking it. 4k is worthless for the moment. Only SLI/CF can make it worth it.

    You call this screaming for 4k?


    So far only BF4 is good for 4k. Maybe you like sub 30FPS gameplay, but i dont.

  95. Maybe they are snubbing KitGuru because of this extremely negative video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFWgc8qjQwk

    I find this line quite baffling from a tech journo, who should be in the know: “I don’t believe for one second that Fiji is going to take on Titan (X)” (09:18 into the video). Anyone just a little clued up with rumours and sensible estimates would have known that the top Fiji card would rival the Titan X. And lo and behold, after the reveal, we’ve had benches that show that the Fury X is indeed probably slightly faster than the Titan X. What’s even more baffling is before that line this guy was questioning whether the Fiji cards would even match a 980. A 980! Perhaps if KitGuru appeared a little less ignorant about GPUs they wouldn’t be left out in the cold on new AMD products. And the Fiji cards look like great ones at that – 980 Ti beating performance by all accounts, liquid cooled, cool and quiet, highly overclockable, small form factor and $650.

  96. Video removed.

  97. As I said, your post is full of facts. Right?

  98. Probably had something to do with the backhand statements made about fiji xt before you even had a sample.

  99. Di you just disable comments on your youtube video, where you get all the facts wrongs and run the rumor mill like mad? If that is so, I think you deserve not getting a review sample, because you just did the same thing on your youtube channel, locked comments to avoid negative press.

  100. Exactly. Comments disabled on that spectacularly misinformed video. We are being silenced just the same 🙂

  101. Close your site. Nobody cares about it.

  102. Really? Where on Kitguru can I find this “hell and chaos” you’re talking about? You’re a sad lot, honestly. “Someone doesn’t agree with my views, they must be a shill! Surely there can be no other explanation”

  103. We are waiting the judges decision in this hotly contested battle. The envelope has just arrived. It looks to be a unanimous decision. What’s that? One of the judges was overheard to say that to assume someone has sources when there is no proof, well, let;s just say the judges did not like that. Smacks of bias, said the judge.

    AND THE WINNER IS–TBPJM. Just listen to that ladies and gentlemen. THE CROWD IS GOING WILD.

  104. U’re just a website of junk. I’ll never be back. There are plenty of better websites. But what do you care. You get paid by Nvidia, who is richer than AMD and you couldn’t care less.

  105. get over it, buy one and test yourself.

  106. Constantly gives biased reviews. Gets mad when companies call them out for it. Genius

  107. Fuck you assholes. You’re out of business. AHAHAH

  108. it’s 2 year old card refreshed and in some benches, depending on driver and game, beating the 980GTX. What is so bad about it, it’s also ~$70-100 cheaper. If they can squeeze this out of a 290X, maybe the Fijis will really eat the Titan X a new one.

  109. Simply a pathetic site…
    The delete the message I wrote hours ago… No problem, I can write it again… The truth burns, now they’re crying for not having a sample.

    ps: congratz for you freedom of speech

  110. Interesting that now it has transpired that the Fury X is slightly faster than a 980 Ti (and the Titan X for that matter), runs cool and quiet, and sips around the same amount of watts as a Ti (+25W), the rhetoric of negativity has switched to “Oh my god no HDMI 2.0 ports!!”. I mean the amount of people that effects is tiny. What monitor these days doesn’t have a Display Port? Hardly any. It only effects 4K TVs, not monitors. A hardcore gamer, which these GPUs are aimed at, is not going to be gaming on a 4K living room TV with a 60Hz refresh rate. Remember the cards still support up to HDMI 1.2. And you can use converters etc

  111. After watching the video you guys released about the 300 series, good for AMD.

    You claim to be unbiased and honest, yet you make a nearly scathing video about their upcoming line based on rumors? That is not honest or unbiased at all. Just extremely unprofessional.

  112. I will seriously be un-bookmarking KitGuru after being made aware of that terrible video btw. Shocking.

  113. /sign

  114. Yeah Isn’t it ironic “Do as I say, not as I do”

  115. Well spoken sir.

    That rant from Leo Waldock went way to far if i may add.

    The bashing was anoying and most facts he stated were more personal blows then truth.

    He continued bashing troughout the whole video without seeing or doing any benchmarks..

    I say props to AMD for showing their balls.

  116. Swept under the rug? So you don’t get around on the internets much do you?





    Flac was everywhere.

  117. Charlie`s just angry he`s not getting any more exclusives like WCCFTECH is.

  118. you made my day 😀

  119. Sound like AMD is being a dick. If they’re so confident with the Fury X, why the hell would they do that? When you’re on the verge of bankruptcy, you really shouldn’t be so picky about the reviews.

  120. Retard fanboy. They report on everything. AMD’s shares are worth nothing because they are a company that has been under bad management for years. The majority of the 300 series is rebrands, compare that to maxwell.

  121. perfectlyreasonabletoo

    Maybe you just don’t notice the negative Nvidia coverage because you’re not interested in news about their hardware as a result of your AMD inferiority/persecution complex?

  122. Just from the fact that you use the word “Nvidiots” reflects your class as a human being. You might not like the brand but there’s no point bashing as people who uses them. Stop being a dick and respect others. AMD is equally guilty in a lot of things as much as Nvidia.

  123. Yeah, I respect AMD as a company even though I’m on an Nvidia card right now but this guy is really something. He must be heavily invested in AMD stocks or else why would he act like a psycho.

  124. Matthew Langley

    This is a good example actually. AMD open sources Tress FX and Nvidia didn’t open source gameworks. Basically Nvidia set it up for a conflict down the road while AMD did the exact opposite. Surprise surprise it became a conflict and it makes AMD cards and AMD consumers look like the bad guys. It’s a very spin sort of situation, kind of like a political party (which they both do) putting out legislation called “Save the children” (purely fictional for this example) but inside they hide they agenda items and then if it passes they win and get their agenda items, if it doesn’t they criticize the other size for voting against “Save the children”.

    That’s a case where Nvidia did something that hurts the consumer and did it in a way that aligned with how their consumers and fans are turned into spin against AMD.

    Even more the benchmarks show that gameworks features kill the performance on both AMD and Nvidia cards, a bit less on Nvidia but it really hoses both in many cases so theirs a bit of a reality distortion field that exaggerates the issue. Now many AMD fanboys are just as to blame as Nvidia fanboys, why I don’t like fanboys of any type… but it doesn’t change that the result is the mainstream view of AMD ends up lesser than Nvidia.

    This is not unique to Nvidia, certain brands manage to recruit a very devout following that perpetuates these sorts of situations. Apple fans come to mind. Apple on all platforms have made a variety mistakes, their OS launches have bugs just like Windows on Desktops and on phones like Android (first example that comes to mind is original Maps on iOS), they make hardware design limitations and mistakes as well (the antenna issue is a good example, and the iPad Mini horrible screen quality, refer to display mate reviews, are another). Yet the mainstream perception is *much* more forgiving of these issues. Now you could argue whether it’s justified or not but this same sort of situation happens in Nvidia vs AMD.

    Perfect example is the 970 3.5GB vs 4GB of memory issue. It’s not a clear cut issue, sure it has 4GB of memory but the original PR messages were *wrong* and it’s very clear the last 0.5GB of memory has limited capabilities vs the rest. If AMD had done something like they I would wager the response would be 100 fold worse.

    Not to say I think AMD should withhold a review unit from this site, but in fairness they probably have a limited set of launch review units and at least they are being honest.

  125. AMD has the petty practice of mocking nVidia – fact
    nVidia doesn’t have that practice – fact
    KitGuru posts negative articles on nVidia when they are needed – fact
    You are putting KitGuru in imaginary scenarios and decide the outcome will be different than what happened this time without anything pointing at that – fact
    nVidia and Intel didn’t cherry pick reviewers because they didn’t like their unbiased reviews – fact
    Tell me what exactly have I said that is imaginary? Sure, it’s not a fact that KitGuru WOULD do the same article as this one if nVidia or Intel was in the shoes of AMD, but that being the case is highly more probable than your accusation that the case would be different just because the one time it actually HAPPENED it happened with your favorite company instead of it’s competitor. And instead of defending AMD you should be angry with them like we were at nVidia for the 970 fiasco. And you went as far as suggesting lawsuits in your first comment, which I didn’t want to comment on till now, but if you seriously think AMD has any right to sue reviewers because they give the facts and on their base form an opinion, then you are not mentally capable of furthering this argument with me, my friend… Some of the big names in the hardware reviewing circle may be biased towards one or another company and do show it, but nobody is fabricating or cherry picking results for their reviews. Exactly how I would do things – I’m biased towards nVidia and Intel, sure, but that won’t make me fabricate results or stop me from acknowledging AMD’s strong products. But whatever grinds your gears. Don’t expect more replies for me, I have better stuff to do than arguing with a fanboy (which you are, judging by your posts, just reread them…)

  126. Steven De Bondt

    I think the Ktguru crew has brought this upon themselves. And now they are trying to make a big fuzz about it towards their readers?
    All I have to say is Good Riddance. I do hope you have atleast learned something out of this situation, though after reading this article, I fear that is not the case.

  127. perfectlyreasonabletoo

    “Scott Wasson has said plenty of times he prefers Nvidia.”

    Including both integrated and discrete GPUs, only 28% of of Steam users use AMD GPUs and this has been steadily shrinking. GTX 970 has the fastest-growing market share of any GPU, faster than AMD’s entire 2xx series combined in fact, despite the widely reported-upon *terrible issues* AMD fans are so selflessly concerned about.

    Maybe the problem isn’t a vast Nvidia conspiracy but that people value new GPUs with tangible benefits over deceptively rebranded GPUs. Before you call me anyone’s fanboy, here’s my GPU history:

    Radeon 9800 Pro
    Geforce 8800 GT
    Radeon 4850
    Radeon 5850
    Radeon 6950
    Geforce 970

    And FYI, in the last year I’ve built 3 PCs for people I know and all used an AMD APU because it made sense for their needs. I’m nobody’s “fanboy”. I will HAPPILY buy AMD’s next GPU if they make something compelling, but unfortunately it seems I won’t be able to make a judgement of their hardware for a few months since apparently AMD doesn’t send review samples to sites that they anticipate might give them a negative review.

  128. In short, AMD is just shit.

  129. Facts or farts?

    You reject my post by just calling it imaginary and now you insist of taking you seriously.

    If you want to do long monologues, like you are doing, you don’t need me. Go find a mirror.

  130. Ummmmmm, I can only think of “fuck them” for some reason. I understand there’s bias towards everything, it’s unavoidable, but to deny access to a review product for the reason “you’re mean to AMD” just says a lot.
    Besides, I don’t quite remember you guys being overly harsh towards an AMD product, you’ve been bashing nearly every malpractice regardless of brand…

  131. Everything discussed in that video is completely accurate, to be honest. Please note, this is coming from a guy who’s rocking a rig with 2x R9 295X2’s, so please know that I’m not attacking based on an allegiance. Personally, I love the fact that there are watchdogs out there who publically point it out when AMD, Nvidia, or Intel screws the pooch.

  132. TheGoodBadWeird

    AMD did this in the past when they had nearly 50% market share. Back then it worked because of the market situation. Now AMD is roughly at 20% market share for discrete graphic cards.

    Their influence is slimming down to “as good as none”. Nobody has to pay the sites. There are a lot of neutral and unbiased ones and they would state exactly the same.

  133. The 970 story was too big for anyone to sweep under the rug. That’s like pointing out that fox news covered a republican getting arrested after going on a shooting spree, they don’t get “fairness” points for that act.

  134. The 970 story was too big for anyone to sweep under the rug. That’s like pointing out that fox news covered a republican getting arrested after going on a shooting spree, they don’t get “fairness” points for that act.

  135. I think the issue seems to stem from KitGuru releasing negative articles about a GPU lineup based purely on speculation prior to release. In fact a quick search for any KitGuru articles relating to the 300 series & Fury launch reveals a number of articles where the overall tone seems to be negative.

    Why would they provide hardware to a site that already appears to have made it’s mind up about the product?

  136. You really have to play nice with AMD. For instance, At WccfTech, they wrote this:


    Notice how they were “informed” by AMD or by folks “close to AMD” that the rumor was baseless. They put that “news” up on the top of the article. Wccf could not even print a rumor without AMD stepping on them.

  137. Oh for gos sake. I actually liked AMD, though they have sunk so deep they have reached “Angry Green-Light Dev” level. AGLD, as I have now christened it.

  138. More fun with this site kitguru … Keep Reading

  139. AMD HAS to make the “new” graphics cards launch work. Otherwise, they may simply have to give in to the shareholders and sell off the graphics division as it has been losing money and market share over the past couple of years.

  140. For Sun God’s sake. Like George Carlin, I believe in the Sun God. It gave all life to the world, feeds us, gives us light, and I can see him in all of his glory.

  141. Costelas Leontin

    Amd wont redraw all samples and u can bet the other reviewers can still find any negative aspect of the product, but it wont be life and death situation like in the case of biased reviewers. Im very confident that even with fewer reviewers I can make a good decision when buying a new product, I usually buy on performance/price ratio and industry reviewers just never seem to emphasise that aspect too well latelly

  142. In general all the reviews aren’t exactly positive for the 300 series. So KitGuru must have been really negative somewhere at least in the eyes of AMD. I remember one KitGuru article that was bit negative about the 300 series vs Fury without testing the hardware yet.

  143. What I saw in this video was a man that was desperately hoping that AMD will not confirm his suspicions this time. Which they did and did not. The entire 300 series IS rebranded 200 series, most of which IS rebranded 7000 series. BUT they did come out with Fury and Fury X separately from that. He was frustrated that they didn’t brief the journalists about the Fury and Fury X? And how did AMD respond to that? By refusing them a review sample… Well… Bad move. Biasing brings negative feedback to the reviewer, but that stunt that AMD made now brought negative feedback on them instead. This will bite them in the *** for sure.

  144. John Strickland

    Waaa,waaaa…why don’t you cry about it! Oh,Wait…you are crying about it. lmao

  145. Even Forbes is buying into the intense hype that AMD is pumping out with it’s own ( and ONLY its own) “review” of the Fury X. This is the one where AMD gets to choose the games, the drivers, the settings, and the results that it wants to show off. Of course, no other site has been allowed to verify these results.

    This is a good thing to be blacklisted occasionally. If you don’t piiss off someone, you are not doing your job as a reviewer correctly.

  146. John Strickland

    Nvidia doesn’t need to support a shitty tech like TressFX…its horrible. lol

  147. Karma exists Kitguru…

  148. TheGoodBadWeird

    So to solve AMD’s problem I have to buy adapters? No, Maam! There is still confusion which adapter works properly. Displayport is not well received in the entertainment world.

    AMD should get their products right from the start or the customers do not buy their products. I rather spent my hard earned money on cards that work form the get go with standard hardware.

  149. Tom’s Hardware review of the MSI 300 series cards:
    “But when you compare the efficiency and overall performance of NVidia’s competing models, AMD can’t come close.”
    Not exactly positive is right.

  150. John Strickland

    Nvidia is crushing AMD…AMD is pathetic,they are no competition for a company like Nvidia. lol