Home / Tech News / Announcements / AMD withdraw KitGuru Fury X sample over ‘negative content’

AMD withdraw KitGuru Fury X sample over ‘negative content’

AMD's upcoming Fury release next week has been much anticipated – the incredible level of global coverage so far gives a firm indication that this is indeed one of the most anticipated hardware launches of 2015. Many enthusiast gamers are hoping that AMD will become competitive again in the high end against Nvidia, and based on leaked results so far, it would appear this is going to be the case. KitGuru will however not be in a position to handle a launch review for our readership. I try to avoid the complex and frustrating politics which are heavily engrained within this industry, but sadly it is not always possible.
On the 11th June AMD informed us via email that the upcoming FIJI hardware was reserved for KitGuru, as would normally be the case. We subsequently set a plan in motion to analyse the hardware for launch and were awaiting the arrival of the sample. Earlier this week I had a call from Christine Brown, Senior Manager, EMEA Communications at AMD to let me know that the company had withdrawn their sample from KitGuru labs and that we would now not be involved at all in the launch next week.

Christine Browne informed me directly on the phone that the reason for withdrawing the sample was based on ‘KitGuru's negative stance towards AMD'. She said that with limited product they wanted to focus on giving the samples to publications that are ‘more positive' about AMD as a brand, and company. I was not informed during this call of anything we have published that was factually incorrect, we were also not told to edit or remove any content we had published. Based on what AMD had seen via KitGuru editorial in recent weeks it was felt that overall coverage was just too negative.

I did stress the point that KitGuru's news coverage of their ‘updated' 300 product range would in no way alter my ability to accurately analyse their hardware – after all I have been doing it for 13 years now. We approach all hardware reviews from a strictly neutral stance, and then work towards a conclusion, after many days of detailed analysis.

Due to their decision, KitGuru will be unable to deliver unbiased and detailed coverage of AMD's FIJI part to millions of readers on launch day. I will continue to try and work with AMD if I can, however I simply cannot let any company or corporation try and dictate or change our independent ability to cover news, or to share our opinions – even if this means losing product support for big hardware launches such as this.

If we become unable to share our genuine views and opinions out of fear of a company withdrawing product samples then I see no point in being here at all. KitGuru has always had an primary focus to our enthusiast readership and our goal is to deliver accurate and genuine buying advice.

On a brighter note, we currently still have the full support of AMD partners and will aim to deliver content on the new hardware, as soon as possible.

Allan ‘Zardon' Campbell.
Editor In Chief KitGuru.

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  1. GrimmReaper WithaSpoon

    I said that they showcase AMD’s mistakes “a bit” more than nVidia’s.
    And same goes for 90% of the reviewers around.

  2. TheGoodBadWeird

    Technically it is a 4GB card. I can even see a mistake or two happen at Nvidia. Well, that is their side of the story. As long as the customers buy it, we will never know.

    AMD on the other hand does not even admit the 300-series to be rebrands. They do everything to say otherwise, which is not the truth. This is no accident for me and way worse than some missing specs somewhere.

  3. I didn’t read it as if KitGuru were complaining, they were letting us (me) know that they won’t be reviewing the FIJI. Is that the article on QUANTUM in which AMD used an Intel Core i7 processor in the build? I thought that was a crazy story, but there were pictures in it that AMD took themselves showing a 4790k – I didn’t understand why they would do that myself. Are their processors really that bad? I own a 4770k and never had AMD so I don’t know, but that was bad marketing for them at their own mistake.

    (incidentally Mac Pro uses two AMD pro level GPUs so OSX can use them for graphics acceleration, so it is a similar style of system build – maybe you didn’t understand it).

  4. Vizeroy Asklenius

    From engineering point of view, the VRAM really is *either* 3.5 GB, *or* 0.5 GB.
    The hardware design does not allow both partitions to be accessed at the same point in time (reading or writing).
    The 970 still works great in 1080p games. In most 1440p games, it still works really great.
    In addition, this item somehow brought the attention to the point, games are usually wasting VRAM much more than they should.
    The Nvidia driver works little marvels to even keep 4k VRAM usage below the 3.5 GB threshold.
    It can do that, because 4k doesn’t really require 4GB – in case a game is coded properly.
    Witcher 3 doesn’t go up to 4GB in 4k and looks really great.

    In this case, we have to thank Nvidia for this, because they kept the memory usage in check for their 970 GPU. (I mean the free Nvidia engineers, “lent” to CDPR for “light support”)

  5. GrimmReaper WithaSpoon

    I never said it lost. I never said anything about the actual specs of the GPU you dumbass.
    Tell me about your 4GB of VRAM when you try running anything (not MOBAs, but k) in 4k. It will just get to a point, where it uses 3.5GB of VRAM. The 0.5GB of VRAM is slower, therefore unusable. I don’t give a shit about what you say, but nVidia made such a big cock-up with that, and blamed it on someone else.

  6. So you’d rather AMD hide all the negative and critical things about their products before you buy them? AMD got themselves into this mess through no others means than their own fault. Pulling cards from reviewers isn’t going to help the situation, nor does it show they have any belief in their new products.

  7. Eh? , Did AMD just admit they are giving samples to sites that will give biased AMD positive press. So how is that any better?

  8. so why are you posting here Azix? Its just too good to ignore – we all know it , and AMD should too 😉

  9. GrimmReaper WithaSpoon

    So now you’re talking about rebrands? Please, nVidia did that as well, and did it a LOT more often.
    False advertising is illegal in most countries. If AMD did that, they’d have to pay more than nVidia pays to keep people’s mouths shut 🙂

  10. you assume it’s the truth. Ultimately it’s someones opinion and if another person analyzes it and determines it wasn’t fair, so be it.

    That is not an attempt to bribe. Kitguru publishing this is the only move towards bribery. AMD did not say they would check the sites content and might take away samples if they found it biased. They simply did it. Kitguru was not told to clean up or they would not get it.

    It’s going to be some high quality sites reviewing the cards, the difference will be that they won’t be less than objective.

  11. A lot of people don’t consider them rebrands. Even review sites call them new cards

    lower TDP, More VRAM, faster VRAM, More GPU performance, sometimes completely redesigned coolers.

  12. Francisco Andrés

    And like I said, wording is the issue, not the facts.

    Yes, AMD did a re-brand and there’s nothing new to the table. Performance is there with the previous generations for *obvious* reasons. That does not imply that you can be an ass about it because *you think* every company in the entire universe must do what *you* believe is the right thing to do and deliver shiny new stuff all at once no matter their financial situation or technology stack around it. If you base an “article” around that, then it is not an article and much less a “fair” analysis, but a click bait opinionated piece of writing thought and meant to drive revenue by populism.

    We all are entitled to our own opinion and voice them as we please, but you cannot expect the world will receive the message the same way. There are repercussions to it. KitGuru just had one, so they’ll have to think about how to align the Editorial to (in my opinion) a less touchy wording.


  13. Vizeroy Asklenius

    At least I wouldn’t.
    But I’d rather see sites like HardOCP do the review, than Tom’s for example.

  14. There’s other stuff besides AMD articles. But the AMD articles are always tainted.

  15. Maybe you’ll learn from now on that there are consequences to having you head so far up Nvidias ass that pretty much all Kitguru does is repeat Nvidias marketing blurbs rarely ever pressing Nvidia on it screwups like VramGate.

    I have lost count how many times Kitguru staff have excessively hammered AMD will glossing over Nvidia false marketing like PCPER kitguru is becoming a mouthpiece for nvidia marketing

  16. Both camps have their issues and never ending flame wars on forums are getting annoying. So many people are emotinally invested in these companies.

    Bribing tech sites and game devs apparently did help out nvidia a lot. People also seem to support proprietary tech. Now look at where are we. Products and features locked to specific brands. We as consumers lose in the end.

  17. Rich_The_Engineer

    Millions of readers? A bit full of yourself, aren’t you?

    I agree with ph4; you and a lot of other “tech” sites have been dumping on AMD for years while giving nVidia continuous head. Your phony “objective” blathering has caught up with you. Stop whining and take it like a man.

  18. KitGuru releases lurid videos like this then wonders why they aren’t getting a review sample of the Radeon Fury X.



  19. AMD did the right thing, they have every right to protect their product from biased reviews. Free journalism aside a lot of journalists just prefer to blow big horns for Nvidia. The same thing happened for Maxwell, okay it is a great architecture and it runs cool and quite with low power consumption but it doesn’t beat Kepler by a huge margin (talking about 970 and 980) but reviewers made it like it’s some kind of magic thing that has destroyed everything out there.

    The reviews they wrote for 970 and 980 should have been written for big daddy Maxwell like Titan X or more preferably 980 ti which I see as a perfect card and something that brings solid performance to the table but no every journalist out there get so impressed by everything that Nvidia do that it feels completely biased.

    Something like this happened with 970 fiasco too, even after knowing everything most of the journalists just wrote defensive articles for Nvidia that this could have been a mistake or 970 is still the same great card, they didn’t focused on the fact that how many false products with lesser ROPS and L2 cache Nvidia sold to innocent customers and how alarming it is.

    If AMD would do something like this then everyone will come out with big guns and all sort of bull crap so yes they did the right thing and besides most of the journalists will have same piss poor reviews about FURY X judging it on all sorts of non sense and how AMD still need something magical to change it’s future, they won’t focus much on the innovations that AMD did like smaller PCB, HBM and the Fury Nano which is a true surprise. For Maxwell they said it’s evolution and performance doesn’t matter that much but for FURY the evolution will take a backseat in reviews sadly.

    AMD is needed to keep Nvidia in check and more technological advancements but unfortunately journalists just consider it like a punch bag and Nvidia fanboys want to see it gone.

  20. OK So if I open a tech website and overly criticize nvidia, do you think they will give me samples? Nvidia have been using a stick all along and AMD needed to do this long time ago. Most sites are being paid nvidia money, as there is no way these sites would do what they do to AMD otherwise (biased).

    Once AMD pulls a site, anything it says doesn’t matter anymore. The fanboys will make sure of that. AMD will not receive negativity but will be taken seriously.

  21. Put techreport on that list. AMD seriously needs to do their homework on pro nvidia sites. Alarm bells should be ringing if you dont see one article on most big review sites that is critical of nvidia on release days – they all seem to be critical of AMD.

    How about an law suite on gpuboss .com AMD! http://gpuboss.com/gpus/GeForce-GTX-970-vs-AMD-Radeon-R9-295X2 Its the same story with almost every card.

  22. You can do a quick check on KitGuru about the fiasco and you’ll see how negative they were towards that. You are very quick at bashing a news site because it didn’t take sh*t from your favorite company and you start imagining scenarios and assuring me of their truthfulness without any facts. The fact is simple – neither nVidia nor Intel are petty enough to even make this kind of stupid things as not sending samples to review sites because of past unbiased but negative reviews. That’s all AMD practice, sorry. And if you want to see why I think AMD is petty at PR you can just look up “The Fixer” parts of AMD’s “PR” stunts in youtube. It suits a company that provides this kind of sh*tty marketing strategies to prevent unbiased reviewers from getting samples. I’m yet to see something like that from nVidia or Intel. nVidia’s PR team won’t release responds to “The Fixer”, but in conferences when they did discuss that series the words “Haters gonna hate” come to mind and all of them laughing at this petty practice from AMD.

  23. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Actually, it depends on the point of view:

    What timeframe do you see as enough to provr “long time support level”?
    Since 5870, I owned AMD cards and never had big issues with them.
    I skipped 6000 series, because of low to no improvements.
    I didn’t have a single game breaking driver issue since 5870 (don’t remember before that. I had a Geforce mobile chip before I went back to a desktop PC with 5870).

    There was the odd item on new games, but this was also true for Nvidia on more or less the same level.
    They should have taken the driver support for laptop chips from the laptop manufacturers. That’s still one item to be corrected.

    on the other hand, there were just 2 drivers with not working fan control in the last 6 years and both were from Nvidia, killing quite some GPUs.
    Still next to no one remembers this.

    When was AMd bribing tech sites? This totally passed my attention.
    Nvdia is actually also taking review samples from sites, reporting too negatively about them.
    This was discussed several times in the last 6 years.

    Making public, you lost the review sample, isn’t providing proof for anything.

  24. Probably down to all the trolls that fill every single comments section with stuff about AMD drivers being crap etc.

  25. All we know is that they aren’t giving samples to sites they think might give biased negative reviews. Objective and positive is still possible.

  26. You mean like all these sites that tested the GTX 970 (3.5GB & Specs) flaws and reported on it to their users on release day? Don`t you find it ironic not one site picked up on it, but had that been AMD the world would have already ended (Remember AMD 2 series heat & noise overblown to kill sales)

    Don`t make me laugh.

  27. the 980 is too close to the 290x and 390x at higher resolutions. For the price premium it’s silly. But that’s pretty much the idea behind most nvidia purchases. Silly. The 970 was a nice price point, but then that was a lie.

  28. If their product is so good, what are they afraid about? Surely having a site that in their eyes is negative review their product and give it a fair rating would be good for them??

    This is like that embargo nonsense that happens to games haha!

  29. You say it like its the first time this has happened (The 970 isn’t the only card to do that).

    And where’s all the outrage of not using FCAT anymore? People are getting sick and tired of these sites double standards (PCPER being one of them).

  30. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Well, there are still quite many sites left, who get review samples.
    WCCFtech (which is not really positive about AMD), Tom’s (likewise), HardOCP (also more critical), several sites in other languages… and many, many more.
    Kitguru is not the world.

  31. He must of meant the Nvidia exploding cards or the bumpgate fiasco.

  32. zen will b very decent no doubt !

  33. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Have a look at HardOCP review of the 390X (slower than 980, but quite close).
    It’s certainly not a perfect card, but has quite a bit of improvements on Tessellation performance.

  34. Grow up Kitguru. Your last video on AMD’s re-badging and the continued tantrum is unbecoming. You honestly think that people reading your site don’t know you are pro-Nvidia? There is only one reviewer that I know who is truly neutral(and I won’t mention it). I know that WCCFT is slightly AMD biased and Kitguru is slightly Nvidia/Intel biased. I still read your reviews because most of your readers are smart enough to still gleam information from the biased sources(nothing is truly neutral).

    But this whining is insulting to us readers as it shows that you think we are stupid enough to be manipulated by you. You gave them an overly negative post and they refused to send you are review unit, big deal get over it. Don’t expect any pity from me.

  35. Ha you think Nvidia doesn’t do this (more so)? I am suspecting Nvidia actually pay for good reviews or bad AMD reviews.


  37. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Many 4k TVs still don’t accept all HDMI 2.0 sources as 4K60Hz source.
    The TV makers all have their views and implementation of what is 4k and what kind of 4k signals are ok to use.
    You currently have a hard time to select all of the right components to have a working 4k home theatre.

  38. Whenever the NV fanboys at AnandTech want to want to show their favorite NV card’s “superiority” the first website they always link to is KitGuru.
    just sayin…

  39. There are a few sites I would never give an AMD product to review again and those sites have only themselves to blame for that.

    1) Linus Tech Tips. LTT benchmarked Far Cry 4 and REFUSED to use a driver that came out before release and BEFORE Nvidia’s game ready driver. That benchmark was never revised, and hurt sales of AMD products. Why would AMD give a site access to hardware for review, when that site purposely sabotaged their product on a benchmark? LTT Tech forum and site is rampant with Astroturfers for Nvidia, Microsoft, Nvidia. They made one person a forum MOD (Goodbytes) whom did nothing but post MS articles for a year on end.

    2) PCPER. This site might as well have an Nvidia logo on it. Their history of BS is too long to list here. Not surprising that Linus had Ryan from PCPER on to defend the GTX 970 fiasco, while never bringing up that Nvidia straight up lied about the ROPs and Cache of the 970. I bought one. I am not happy about being lied to by the company.

    3) Gamers Nexux. Site recieves new GPU’s from Nvidia to test and benchmarks superclocked cards against 2 year old Reference 290x Hawaii’s that get stomped by aftermarket R9 290’s.

    Want to get treated well by ALL companies? Stop being a shill for the other company and spreading any FUD you can, through forums or videos. These sites never even criticized VALID things Nvidia has done, which was horrible towards their own customers like Kepler being artificially limited in Witcher 3. These clowns were completely silent.

    Linus Tech Tips, PCPER, Gamers Nexus DESERVE to be outed as Nvidia shill sites. All of these sites should have to show transparency as far as “gifts” and received funding. What they do, borders on the criminal.

    Kitguru? I have never visited this site. Where did I learn about this? From all the astroturfing clowns on LTT bashing AMD. What a surprise.

  40. Yes but 970 issue is bigger than just rebrands, AMD is clear about their rebrands not hiding anything from customers or reviewers, 970 on the other hand comes in the false advertising category.

  41. Don’t expect bitterness to resolve bitterness. If you don’t like KitGuru’s stance on AMD’s recent efforts, don’t read here then. AMD can’t expect the grass to be green everywhere, nor can they have their cake and eat it. The only think becoming of this is AMD’s reluctance for change and their unorthodox ways of dealing with criticism.

  42. To say that all news is disseminated equally is a farce. I think we all know that. Look at the video(s) surrounding a pool party in Texas, or the news about a white woman who lied about being black.

    Articles may be written, but that says nothing about how they’re spread about. So, Matthew, the issue of how the public reacts to an article may very well be directly influenced by parties with an interest in the outcome. That doesn’t mean that KitGuru has manipulated anything, it might rather be someone from Nvidia who promotes articles denouncing their competition while burying articles that damage their own image. There are services for individuals to erase a person’s electronic presence, or at least make it very hard to find. The same tactics can be employed in this case. The real questions are, “Is this what’s happening? and If so, who would be behind that?”

  43. Vizeroy Asklenius

    From design point of view, it is either a 3.5 GB card, or a 0.5 GB card.
    Physically, it is impossible to access both partitions at the same point in time (read or write).
    If you just count the number of chips, yes, then it is a 4GB card – but in any other sense, it really isn’t.

  44. TR is very pro NVidia.
    Scott Wasson has said plenty of times he prefers Nvidia.
    Damning any good AMD release with faint praise is the best you’ll see from the Tech Report.
    What’s the bet that FCAT testing disappears there if R9FuryX has better latency and frame time numbers.
    They were the FCAT cheerleaders until AMD fixed theirs.

  45. They lied about L2 and ROP as well. The 0.5gb seg has dramatically smaller L2 cache. This means a) much smaller cached data, b) increased exceptions. ie) much slower memory.
    In GPU industry we expect fairly homogeneous memory structure as most memory management is done in lower level and devs have little to no control over it. If you were sold a GPU with memory of 4gb but of which 0.5gb of it is 1/7th speed of the 3.5gb segment and is better not used, they should have labeled that from the beginning,

  46. AMD “blackmails and bribes tech sites?
    How about a very credible link or GTFO?

  47. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    In the states 980 are now $499.99 and ti are $649.99 $150.00 is quite a large margin for most people….and the performance difference is significant but not “horribly”

  48. No I am not. You are very quick at bashing. Look at my first post and you will understand.

    The rest of your post is really funny. First you accuse me that I create imaginary scenarios. Then you just throw yours and call them facts.

  49. Arafat Zahan Kuasha

    Why AMD, just why?

  50. Thomas Wotherspoon

    Nvidia never withdrew access and used it as a weapon to get people to stop talking about the bad things.

    And the fact that you know about the kepler performance tweak, and the removing and re-enabling of OC on the mobile versions of the GPU’s is a testament to the fact that Nvidia has had bad press. And yet, they still give review products to those agencies that report the bad news as well as the good.

  51. Well they are already as bitter as they can be. I think you are misunderstanding me. I will still read KitGuru as I expect fair bit of bias in almost all form of media that I use. However, I do not like this particular post as KitGuru is abusing this site by making this whole thing public. AMD didn’t like the reviews so they didn’t send a review unit: it’s their unit and although I think it was handled poorly in AMD’s PR perspective, reviewers really shouldn’t take review units for granted.

    What KitGuru has done is making their dispute public and hoping the readers would take negative stance against AMD. Biases in review is one thing, but this kind of post is demeaning.

  52. These sites get more stuff from NVIDIA because they *give* them more stuff. You wouldn’t refuse it if it were you.

    Also, you think one review from Linus about a single game actually hurt the AMD sales? Keep in mind FC4 was released *after* the 970 and 980 came out. Those cards themselves hurt AMD’s sales more than any game benchmarks from a single reviewer. $300 for an equivalent *new* card vs. $350+ for a 2 year old card? Why would I buy AMD at that point?

    Linus and PcPer bash NVIDIA constantly when they do stupid shit, like with the 970 fiasco and them disabling overclocking on some laptops. To call them bias because they don’t talk about NVIDIA’s shortcomings is just short-sighted and ignorant. Especially when you say you’ve never even visiting Kitguru before when they have clear NVIDIA bias in some of their articles, like http://www.kitguru.net/components/graphic-cards/zardon/sapphire-r9-290x-tri-x-oc-8gb-review/22/ and http://www.kitguru.net/components/graphic-cards/zardon/ocuk-geforce-gtx-970-nvidia-970-cooler-edition-review/22/

    The fact that Kitguru isn’t getting this card should come at no surprise to anyone.

  53. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    There have been issues from both camps. There was a bios fault in some AMD cards that affected the fans? Burned some cards up…..

    Big deal Stuff happens, and it happens on both sides.

    The reason you hear about more Nvidia Card issues is there are far more Nvidia users. Pretty simple logic really….. Then The AMDrones latch on and start a grass roots effort to make it seem worse than it is(also nvidiots do the same)

    I personally have had zero issues with either company on drivers in the last 5 years or so. I think it is more likely many think they are PC gaming experts when in reality, they watched a few YouTube shows and think they know something. I have found 99 percent of the time it is a hardware issues or software conflict(running programs in the back ground)

    All that said, AMD not sending a review unit is their choice but it says way more about their Ethics than this site or it’s operators. AMD is just like Nvidia, only care about your money. Nothing else. I laugh at all the morons that think AMD is holy or something!!!

  54. Vizeroy Asklenius

    The simple fact is, currently, most games are optimized for high single thread IPC – because of DX11.
    AMD did bet on high multi threading in games, when they developed Bulldozer. This didn’t work out.
    More or less, this was true for many other applications like Photoshop or other professional software.
    Developing something to correct this takes some time / years.
    Intel CPUs currently have much better IPC performance at lower TDP. For a small form factor like Quantum, this was simply the better engineering choice..

  55. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Sure, I didn’t claim, AMD was a charity.
    Nvidia is also very selective on who they provide review samples to at launch.
    Some sites even don’t get any at all.
    This currently is just a storm in the beer mug (sorry for the pun 😉 )), when AMd is adopting the same behaviour like Nvidia.

  56. You just figuring out that most of these sites are shill sites? Nvidia has followed MS’s strategy of FUD and criminal advertising. You think the same clowns spouting temps (while ignoring the high temps of 980ti/Titanx) and talking about drivers (when my 970 has had more driver problems than my R9 290 and crashes in Google freakin chrome all the time) are legit people? You can go on the official GEFORCE forums right now and see all the people with GTX 9xx having driver problems on “WHQL drivers” (as if that means jack).,

    Nvidia is one of the dirtiest companies in tech and this crap is not new. This is how they built their mythical reputation even though FERMI was trash and blew up, Kepler does not even support DX 12 well against 2 year old Hawaii architecture, and the driver problems on 9xx that are reported all over their forum are somehow kept silent, just like coil whine on the 970 was, and lying about ROPs and Cache on the GTX 970 was turned into a ram only problem.


    Nvidia has been ahead on one thing the last few years while being behind on everything else, which is WHY they had to resort to something as dirty as Nvidia Gameworks. Color compression which saved on bandwidth, which saved on wattage. When AMD caught up on Tonga? Media ignored it. When Nvidia came out with a GTX 960? Clowns like Linus Sebastian labeled it the “sweet spot” of GPU’s as did many other sites. They were just repeating a company slogan, because they are bought and paid for.

    There was the “sweet spot” marketing slogan from Nvidia. Linus is just an Nvidia parrot.


  57. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    Can you clue me into which sites do not get Review samples from Nvidia, I believe you just not aware of any myself, but I only visit a hand full of sites. Thank you for a reasonable reply.

  58. “You wouldn’t refuse it if it were you.”

    IF they are receiving sponsoring and gifts from one company and not another that information should be made available to the public. Otherwise any review they give, or “impression” should not be considered valid.

    IMO AMD should have attacked Linus openly for the Far Cry 4 benchmark. That was simply inexcusable.

  59. They desperately need positive feedback to try and claw back some of the market they’ve lost over the years. These Fury X cards need to be seriously good for them to start turning the tide. Nvidia are killing it these days. There’s about 30 of us in my clan and only one has an AMD card. The odd frame here and there in games isn’t going to be enough. They need to improve driver updates and make them quicker, plus they could do with more exposure for their processors. The Intel brand is strong and their processors are market leaders. I’ve been using Nvidia GPU’s for years now and my recent purchases of 2 GTX 980 Ti’s continue to instill my trust in the brand.

  60. You said it yourself lol: EVERYONE ELSE DOES IT!

    The last to do something wrong, gets the least flak. Welcome to Earth.

  61. i agree wid u on the PCPER .. bt not so much on the others

  62. Vizeroy Asklenius

    “Nvidia never withdrew access and used it as a weapon to get people to stop talking about the bad things”
    Right… try another one. Maybe someone finally believes you.

    There was quite some talk about Nvidia review guides and them taking away review samples from sites.
    Not sure, if this is still up, but HardOCP reported behaviour like this from Nvidia some years ago – as well as other sites.

    How is AMD trying to stop KitGuru to talk about the bad things? The story above says, AMD didn’t even ask for anything to be changed.

  63. Kepler cards with that “performance tweak” still aren’t nowhere near where they should be. 280x on par with GTX780. Kepler owners must be thrilled. Nvidia blocked overclocking on 980m again recently with the latest drivers.

  64. “IF they are receiving sponsoring and gifts from one company and not another that information should be made available to the public.”

    They’re a private company. Why should they tell you? You have no interest in their success. It’s up to them what they want to reveal. Linus has said before that he has changed reviews due to company “suggestions,” but has never taken anything that could be considered a bribe. Even so, a lot of his reviews do not compare cross-company, but intra-company products. Graphics cards are most of the exception, but all you have to do is compare to a site like Techpowerup or Guru3D to see that his reviews are almost always on-point/valid enough to consider completely fine.

    “IMO AMD should have attacked Linus openly for the Far Cry 4 benchmark. That was simply inexcusable.”

    You still haven’t explained how this was an issue. If it was, there would have been a bunch of heat/backlash for it. I saw nothing.

  65. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    I am waiting for unbiased reviews myself. The Fury Nano is what I am salivating over.
    I have a mini ITX and Mini ATX build that need a lil more grunt that runs cool, and this card fits the bill perfectly, if priced right and reviews are positive!!

  66. At no point did nVidia lie about the 970, it just happened to be that the memory communication architecture fell into a pattern where it could give 3.5GB of that memory full bandwidth, and one of the GDDR chips ran slower and received the lowest allocation priority, but it’s still very much addressable. Could they have just punted a 3.5GB card out the door and forget about the other 512MB? Sure, but they didn’t, and it doesn’t really matter because it doesn’t make much of a difference to the 970’s target bracket. And I’ve heard nothing about kelper owners experiencing a slowdown with newer drivers, at best it can be said that newer titles that make greater use of DirectCompute/OpenCL don’t run as well with those APIs since Maxwell/GCN inherently runs those better by design. And it’s interesting that you completely glossed over the fact that AMD just admitted that they’d only provide samples for reviewers who’re going to fanboy their load all over AMD, just like you’re doing.

  67. I suggest you read some of this reddit there here to get some more useful knowledge on the topic: http://www.reddit.com/r/hardware/comments/3adslw/amd_withdraw_kitguru_fury_x_sample_over_negative/

  68. Because this site is constantly crapping on AMD, they take a dump on AMD at every chance they get, that’s why.

  69. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    I agree but disagree. Proprietary drives the market in most cases. Then Open standards come later. I want new, better, sooner than later, and that is where proprietary shines!!! Yes, it locks us in but even the companies pushing proprietary features have to push forward or lose to open standards. Take TressFX 3 as an example. Looks great in the new Dues Ex game play Demo. Now, Nvidia has no choice but up it’s ante with hair works…..

  70. Sure thing. That Far Cry 4 benchmark is still available from LTT… When confronted with it, Slick claimed WHQL as the reason why. WHQL means nothing. It is a pointless payment to MS, where they do not verify jack. If they did? GTX 9xx would not be crashing on internet browsers, which would be the easiest thing to verify in the world, especially when Chrome is the most popular browser.


    Where is mainstream coverage of this? Not one story on these Nvidia shill sites.

  71. No thanks. I do not feel like dealing with Nvidia astroturfers and FUD somewhere else, when I can do that right here. One site is enough.

  72. Not it isn’t, if you must give a positive review to receive a review sample, by definition, objectivity is impossible.

  73. well nvidia also do rebrands from time to time n no1 gives a shit .. thats y !

  74. Rationalization is a hell of a drug. I should be thankful, competition is required for a great product and if it weren’t for idiots like you buying rebranded garbage we wouldn’t have two companies.

  75. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    Would you rather it was never brought to AMD attention to fix????
    I think both companies need to work on “things” if reviewers never get the chance to
    review how will we as consumers know about this stuff until we test it ourselves(some we can not) . It’s like the whole tessellation thing with AMD cards. They are weak with tess. Simple. That is AMD problem not Nvidia’s. Either improve your product or STFU. The same goes for Nvidia and Direct Compute. They both use them the difference I have yet to see Nvidia “Dog” AMD for using Direct Compute. Instead they improved their DC with maxwell. I suspect Pascal will improve it further.

  76. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    Maybe they just didn’t find the issue. It took what 3 months or more for it to come light. Nvidia can’t bribe everybody(not saying they did, but you imply it) So, if it was so obvious we would have heard about way before hand.

  77. So you choose to be ignorant on the issue while you spout your misinformed nonsense to others in hopes to create unfounded hate for websites that do nothing wrong.


  78. … and then KitGuru will report that too. In this case however, it seems AMD does give a shit :p

  79. Ignorant on what issue? Nvidia has been BUSTED astroturfing before. This is what they do. It is also what MS does. They might as well be the same darn company. They are the two dirtiest companies in tech. I have seen FUD surrounding the release of AMD’s new cards now for months, why should today be any different.


    So AMD is blocking sites flinging the FUD. GOOD FOR THEM. If Kitguru wants to sell out to another company? They can buy a Fury card themselves. Their being dirty is what got them in this place.

  80. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    As an owner of sli 970’s Gigabyte G1 that OC to 1500Mhz plus easy, on a ROG Swift G-Sync Monitor. I am thoroughly satisfied. I made may purchase decision based on price for performance and Studied many bench marks before I purchased. Those Bench Marks didn’t change after I found out the specs where not legit. I also ran my own testing and found when used as intended 970’s shine in the performance department just fine. No issues other than 4k, and only then in extreme use cases. IMO 970 are not 4k cards anyways….

  81. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Nvidia sent none to no one because it was a rebrand.

  82. #ThugLyfe bluescreen

    You have absolutely zero reason to complain. You are literally bashing them in everything you do and you need to fuck off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=19&v=QFWgc8qjQwk

  83. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Nvidia did it here.

    They refused to send the 250 to anyone because it was a rebrand and did not want negative reviews.

  84. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Nvidia did the same thing but went further with their 250.
    They sent it to no reviewrs to not get negative reviews because it was a rebrand.

  85. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Like Nvidia did here.

  86. If I could, I would upvote this comment till my finger wore down to a nub.

  87. and they’re bitching about not getting a sample.


  88. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    That’s not as evil in any way shape or form. They kept both positive and negative reviews from appearing.

  89. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    That is worse.
    They did not want anyone to know it was a rebrand.
    Nvidiot Alert!

  90. this will b removed soon !!!! 😛 same happened to mine

  91. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Nvdida’s 250 was shown to no one because it was a rebrand and Nvidia wanted no one to know about it.

  92. LOL !

  93. HELL YEAH!!! It’s about f*ckin time AMD stood up to this nonsense!

  94. Man the truth hurts… And now they’re crying for not having a sample LOL

  95. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    That’s because it isn’t. The Bench marks didn’t just magically change after the real specs came about. Also here is a video that shows a non biased full test featire of the 970 and it’s “problem”


    In all but 1 percent of use cases (extreme fringe type settings) the 970 and 970 sli are beast for thier specs.

  96. yup !! they thought they wud get sympathy

  97. I find it really funny that PC Gamers can be smart enough to realize gaming journalism sites like IGN.COM are a joke, while not realizing that tech journalism sites are just as, if not more dirty. Now about IGN…I had this conversation there with Dan Stapleton (IGN has an advertising contract with Nvidia and broadcast their Shield conference). “Journalism”.

    IGN, where a GTX 980 stomps on a R9 295X2. He banned me for this conversation btw. Simply for me saying a R9 295X 2 was more powerful than a GTX 980 and calling him out on BS.


    So there you have it. GTX 980 > R9 295X2 in every benchmark per a “journalist” who is the Reviews Editor (LOL) and self proclaimed “PC Gamer” on his twitter. Game was GTA 5 where a R9 295×2 averages 68.9 FPS at 4k in one of the only benchmarks I can find where it was tested.

    This is just how shady the tech market is. Glad people are finally waking up to reality. This is the “journalism and opinions” that money can buy for Nvidia.

  98. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    They also did this.

  99. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Well, there is improvements on Tessellation, power consumption and clock speeds for the 390s.
    I wouldn’t call this a rebrand at all.
    definitely reworked.

  100. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    So you’re saying they’re not allowed to call out AMD when they are about NVidia? That makes you no better then someone trying to force biased reviews on journalism. Take your one sided views and reverse double standards elsewhere

  101. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    970 really are not 4k cards to begin with, In fact the only real 4k card you can buy today is a Titan X. it is the only card with enough Vram to run all games today and not run out of Vram.

    Now, if the fury cards do well I will add them to the list though 4g of Vram seems to me to little for 4k on some select games. When non-biased reviews surface I will amend as necessary.

  102. notofanyimportance

    Would love to get the full unedited story, like asap!

    Parties always bias towards themselves, hard to see your own wrong doings while easy to pick up on others etc.. etc.. but I cannot help to wonder, is there more to this that we ordinary people just simply miss out on cause Kitguru and AMD at each other?

    Perhaps both have some guilt here, perhaps AMD did not just act out on emotion after all, I don´t know and don´t claim to know but if true yes agreed that would be quite a bad move imo but I still wonder is there more to this that someone failed to mention? Just call it a feeling/hunch but could it even be personal, if it is I would not wash my laundary in public either, guess I will never know?

  103. Oh, you’re here too. What a shame.

    On topic: We all know what ‘flawless’ products nVidia releases.

    Coil whine, BS specs, drivers that destroy your graphics card, hot n’ loud Fermi. Oh, I’m sorry, was that spotless? I suppose it was in your eyes.

  104. Nvidia have their hands so far up most sites arses that they could legally be declared ventriloquist dummies…Dan is a pleb always has been, always will be.

  105. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Call out?
    How can you call out someone when the product is not even out yet?
    Nvidiot Alert!

  106. Vizeroy Asklenius

    Why do sites like HardOCP or Tom’s or Anandtech still get AMD review samples then?
    definitely not AMD fanboys.

  107. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    You have proof they are being paid?? by Nvidia

  108. What a cry baby.

  109. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Kitguru being biased before AMD released it’s products.

  110. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    Now it is suspects….lol

  111. I wonder who paid for all there GTX 980’s in their new gaming PC’s they test games on? “Journalism”. Like I said all this crap should be transparent and when it isn’t? You should not put much stock in peoples opinions that do not allow for transparency.


  112. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    No, you replied with a video showing KitGuru potentially critisising AMD in reply to them critisising NVidia as if it was bad of them to do the former, whereas all you’ve proved is that they equally call out problems on both sides of this pathetic fanboy war that you seem to be a part of, thereby proving that they are in no way biased or paid by one side to slander the other.

  113. Lol this article is so poorly written, from 3 years ago, and largely has nothing to do with your issues you listed above. Also, if you think NVIDIA and MS are the “two dirtiest companies in “tech,” then you are the biggest idiot in this room. Go take a look at what Big Telecom is trying to do to the industry and you’ll get a sense of “dirty companies in tech.”

  114. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    Opinions are like ………………….puppies…….lol

  115. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    How can you call out a problem on a device yet no released?
    Kitguru never criticized Nvidia before a product launch.
    Nvidiot Alert!

  116. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Nvidiot Alert!

  117. In the video that is so stop repeating yourself. Thank you very much.

  118. Vizeroy Asklenius

    I really liked, what FCAT did introduce fo the reviewing game.
    But why drop it all of a sudden? It’s a really great tool.

    AMD is not as good as Nvidia on Tessellation, but allows their customers to dial Tessellation down in the drivers.
    On the other hand, why do TWIMTBP games have this much of ridiculous tessellation inside? On sub-pixel level.
    Crysis 2 is a nice example. Invisible tessellated ocean below the surface and ridicoulously tessellated, rectangle road blocks without a single change of shape in the rectangle.
    There are more examples.

    Sadly, I’m running out of time. cya.

  119. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    I think we need a few more players in the GPU field!!

  120. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Explain yourself then.

  121. In Portugal we use AMD GPU’s to heat houses in Winter.
    To play we use Nvidia cards.

  122. Take a chill pill dude, you’re not making things better for yourself.

  123. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    IF that was the case it’s because there was no news concerning NVidia’s products pre-launch. KitGuru did the community a favour with that video by merely outlining the risks that MAY OR MAY NOT come with the next line of AMD products where heavily speculation and reliable sources showed there could be a risk in the form of buying a product that could be a mere rebadge. Did you actually watch the video and/or read the article or did you jsut read the title?

  124. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Why would I need to make things better for myself?
    You people are dumb.

  125. Why would they give any samples to Kitguru?


  126. That’s up to the end user. I know lots of 970 owners that aren’t upset about the memory issue outside of its image being tarnished, laptop over clocking got hell so it was brought back. Thing is, sites like this one are reporting in it in a negative light, while still being factual about it. Sorry if not everyone shares your opinion in the matter, like nvidia being burned at the stake, but I don’t recall kitguru ever burning amd either

  127. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    No news concerning Nvdia?So a few months back when the 900 series released there was no news about it?
    You Nvidiots will say anything won’t you?

  128. You see, you don’t even understand. Good luck.

  129. Atention : AMD troll in this forum.
    Please : Do not feed the TROLL.

  130. Not maybe.

  131. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Nothing to understand from a moron who cannot explain himself properly.

  132. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    Umm you said it yourself though, Dan isn’t a tech reviewer so his opinion means squat.
    He is from a Games review site….

    He was wrong of course. The 295x can and does beat the 980 in games that have a CF profile. In games they do not, the 980 typically wins out. Accurate assessment??? Agree??? or??

  133. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    Say anything? you’re arguing back with invalid points while I am clearly and factually disproving them. And quit is with the pathetic fanboy slander, some of us have better things to worry about then siding with Green or Red and shouting at stubborn babies on the other side.

    There was no news about it, because if you’re referring to the 970’s memory issues that was not known to anyone until after launch when heavy benchmarkers encountered the issue. And even when it was known about it KitGuru made at least 3 articles on the issue during the ongoing months

  134. What do the 970-boxes say? 3.5GB + 0.5GB useless memory?

  135. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    The 970 is part of the 900 series moron.
    The 970 fiasco happened months after launch.
    You are as dumb as a box of rocks or an Nvidiot.

  136. Game works cripples and, yet in dying light, fc4, and batman now amd wins… Sure it took a driver to do, but it seems to be that and is relying on the gw myth to excuse it’s late driver releases. GTA v isn’t a gw title and they are still having problems with that game

  137. exactly !

  138. Sorry but Dan brought up bribery and not me. Also he has built machines on the website and follows the industry. For me to believe he does not know what a R9 295×2 is, is laughable. Notice he also knew what a 390x was. That was 2 months ago…

    Dan is bought and paid for in his “opinion”. He also called me a fanboy…

    Notice what CPU I recommended? It was not an AMD CPU lol.

    Also this was GTA 5 that had some R9 295×2 benchmarks already out. This was not a Game Works game at release or an AMD game at release where Nvidia had problems.

  139. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    I own both, piss off. I would rather make my own opinion than have only positive BS thrown at me. If you only want positive biased reviews about AMD products, perhaps you are an AMDrone……

  140. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    You are not making any sense, and you are still proving you’re less than 15 years old with the pathetic fanboy slander and stupidity of comments like “ROFLMAO”, come on dude, have a bit of dignity.

    You replied saying about how there was no news from KitGUru concerning the 900 series, and then backtrack on yourself saying that news on the 970 is not news on the 900 series? Who’s really the dumb one

  141. That’s nonsense. nvidia was the subject of an absolute shitstorm when the truth about the 970 got out. How can you possibly claim that any of this was “swept under the rug”?

  142. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    I can see when you’re typing, and I know for damn sure you’re not actually reading my comments

  143. Moron, dumb etc.. Just shows the intelligence level you are on. Good luck with life.

  144. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Nice deflection.
    I knew you were an Nvidiot.
    Thi is what you said Nvidiot “There was no news about it, because if you’re referring to the 970’s
    memory issues that was not known to anyone until after launch when heavy
    benchmarkers encountered the issue.”

    There was news about Nvidia’s 900 launch before the 970 fiasco but Kitguru did not criticize them as they did AMD before their launch.
    Nvidiot trying to to be fly.
    You are to dumb to be flu

  145. Performance in dying light and fc4 improved with game updates, not drivers.

  146. Earl of WooTown

    You do realise that you can get hdmi 2.0 to Display port 1.2a adapters?

  147. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    Your comments make no sense.
    You claim the 970 was the first news about Nvidia’s 900 series when the whole world knows it was not.
    Nvidiot Alert!

  148. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan M

    I know lot’s that are.

  149. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    Fly? what are you, a new yorker from the 70’s? I love how you assume I’m an NVidia fanboy just because I’m against your very close minded views. I’m merely protecting KitGuru and for all you know I could be using an AMD product right now.

    Like you said there was news on the 900 series and if you bothered to go back to the archives you would see that KitGuru did in fact report on them, look back on the first word I emphasized in that comment: “IF”

  150. Frosty Mug O' Beer

    As if AMD cards do not catch on fire….
