Those looking to push the memory overclocking limits of their RTX 50 series GPUs can now do so by extending the memory clock range. As the creator of MSI Afterburner explained, this can be done by replacing the software's database file.
Read More »Black Mirror? Admiral wants to use your Facebook posts for quotes
A recent episode of Black Mirror that addressed the idea of social networking ratings affecting the real world, could be closer to reality than you might think. Admiral is currently looking to use analysis of Facebook posts, searching for triggers like exclamation points and confident statements, as a bearing on …
Read More »Disney wearable has action recognition, offers contextual help
Although you would imagine Disney has its hands full putting out Marvel movies like they're going out of style, producing new animated characters for kids to latch on to and milking as many dollars from park visitors as it possibly can, it's also got its hands full with wearable development. …
Read More »Apple has released its ‘Move to iOS’ app on Android
Apple didn't just launch iOS 9 last night, but it also launched its recently announced tool to help Android users switch over to an iPhone. ‘Move to iOS' is Apple's first Android app and it does exactly what the name suggests, it helps Android users move their pictures, contacts, bookmarks, …
Read More »Lost files to ransomware? Kaspersky may be able to help
Ransomware, perhaps the most malicious malware ever released doesn't target your bank details, or your office network. No, ransomware targets your work documents themselves and your personal photos, anything on your system that could be valuable, and encrypts them. It then demands payment by a certain date, or those files will …
Read More »GTA V lands on PC, editor impresses
Over a year and a half since its original release, Grand Theft Auto V has finally launched on the PC. It's brought with it a number of changes like improved visuals – even more so than the new-gen console update – and its own benchmarking tool for those that want to make …
Read More »Google might start selling car insurance
As part of its continued expansion into every facet of our lives, Google may soon start selling car insurance in the US according to an analyst from Forrester Research. If it turns out to be true, this will go hand in hand with its new push it into automotive development: the …
Read More »Steam users can now share games
Valve finally opened up Steam's family sharing feature to all users this weekend, gamers can now give up to five accounts access to their libraries on ten separate devices. However, it's not as simple as typing in a Steam username and giving them access, you will have to log on …
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