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Tag Archives: star wars

Check out this Oculus Rift lightsaber simulator

Most Star Wars fans have dreamt of wielding a lightsaber at one point or another and now thanks to the Oculus Rift- you actually can. Using some Optitrack sensors, and an Oculus Rift DK1, Benjamin Teitler was able to create a lightsaber training simulator from scratch. In the video you can see …

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EA: Star Wars games won’t be movie tie-ins

EA bought the rights to the Star Wars franchise in May last year, since then gamers have been wondering what the Publisher plans to do with the franchise as so far, only Battlefront 3 has been announced. However, EA CEO, Andrew Wilson, has shed some light on how developers are …

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Pixar might be making a Star Wars movie

Some fans of the company and of the movie series will no doubt find cause for concern in the report that Pixar may very well be making a Star Wars movie, but from Disney's perspective, taking your still most well respected (mostly) studio and letting it go nuts on your …

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Disney abandons Star Wars 1313 trademark

What little hope we had left of seeing the Star Wars 1313 project come back to life is now gone as Disney has officially abandoned the trademark,an update on the United States Patent and Trademark Office website has revealed: “No Statement of Use or Extension Request timely filed after Notice …

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Millions die of apathy – Wow!

Every population ultimately suffers from the same problem. There comes a time when the death rate surpasses the birthrate and an ageing population begins to die off. Right now, that's happening in one specific realm. KitGuru dons robes of condolence +5 and heads into the ether. Announced in September 2001 …

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Star Wars 3D moving holograms become reality

‘Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, You're my only hope'. These words will ring down through the annals of history as some of the most poignant in the scifi world, from Star Wars. Now, more than 30 years scientists have developed the first real time moving hologram. These ‘telepresence' images appear without …

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