Thrustmaster is making its debut in space simulation with its new SOL-R 1 flightstick and SOL-R 2 HOSAS Space Sim Duo. Both products will grant you a more immersive experience in titles like Elite Dangerous.
Read More »Star Citizen to be 100GB in size on release
It looks like Star Citizen could end up taking a decent amount of space on your hard drive or SSD as Robert Space Industries has revealed that the client could end up being at least 100GB in size. It doesn’t end there though; patches are likely to range from between …
Read More »Here’s a few minutes of Adr1ft gameplay
Adr1ft, the survival-in-space sim co-developed by Adam Orth, the guy that said those things we hated that one time, has a new gameplay video out, showing what exactly it is players will be doing on the damaged space station, since we know it won't be killing aliens or slide kicking …
Read More »Elite: Dangerous is coming to Xbox One but won’t feature cross-play
Elite: Dangerous is making its console debut on the Xbox One but despite Microsoft's recent attempts to unify PC and Xbox gaming, the space sim won't be featuring cross-play. However, there is a pretty good reason for it that many PC gamers will actually appreciate. There are a few planned …
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