Despite what many copyright lobbyists would have you believe, the media industry is continuing to do very well indeed, as despite a small drop in physical media sales last year, digital is booming and raking in billions of pounds. The stats show physical goods sales dipping in music, video and …
Read More »PS4 is the fastest selling console ever in the UK
The Xbox One might have sold well everywhere thanks to its worldwide simultaneous release, but the PS4 has only been here for a few days and it's already selling like proverbial scalding baked goods. According to the latest numbers, the PS4 is now the fastest selling console ever in the …
Read More »Ubisoft CEO suggests PS4 preorders may be ahead of Xbox One
The console war has been going stronger than ever during the build up to the next generation releases, so if you're sat back wondering who'll come out on top at launch then Ubisoft's CEO, Yves Guillemot might be worth paying attention to, as he has given us a pretty good idea. …
Read More »Sony confident to sell 3 million PS4’s by the end of the year
Sony is confident that it will ship 3 million PS4's by the end of the year and have 5 million in people's homes by the end of the fiscal year, Sony US President and CEO Jack Tretton, said in an interview with Bloomberg. ““This is a marathon, not a sprint, but …
Read More »Iwata: Xbox One and PS4 release will help Wii U
The Wii U has been out for over a year now and there's still people out there who don't know it exists or don't know that it is in fact, one of the next gen consoles.Knowing the difficult position the console is in, you might start to think that the …
Read More »Wii U starting to make a comeback?
Since its initially frenetic launch, the Wii U has dropped off the map in terms of console sales. Nintendo managed to push around four million in its initial Christmas launch period, but since then numbers have been way down, prompting some to wonder if it was heading the way of …
Read More »Analyst says Ubisoft could’ve been worried about Watch Dogs sales
A couple of days ago we were hit with some very disappointing news: Watch Dogs has been pushed back until spring 2014. We didn't get an exact reason, but many were optimistic as now the developers have more time to fine tune and polish off the game before it hits …
Read More »Wii U sales shoot up with the release of Zelda Wind Waker HD
The Wii U has been down for a while but it looks like the console is finally picking itself up as this month Wii U sales in the UK have shot up more than 685 per cent thanks to the release of Zelda Wind Waker HD. I've got to admit, …
Read More »Could the Xbox One outsell the PS4? One retailer says so
Recently we've been hearing a lot about the PS4. Whether it be about possible stock shortages or Chinese students building the console at Foxconn, we're usually talking about the PS4 but today one retailer is expressing it's belief that the Xbox One will outsell the Sony console this Christmas. Johnathan Marsh, …
Read More »New Wii U bundles coming to the UK
We can all agree the Wii U is the underdog of the “next” generation. It came out a year early and for the longest time some people didn't know it existed, others thought it was just a new Wii and others were waiting for the game library to improve. To …
Read More »Apple sells over nine million iPhones in one weekend
Over the last few days we've seen the launch of the new iPhone 5S and 5C smartphones, as well as the iOS 7 software for Apple devices. With that, there has been a rush of sales for the new products and of upgrades for devices already owned. Ultimately, this led …
Read More »Is it better if we can sell our own data?
That's the question one company believes it already knows the answer to. Handshake, is an upcoming platform that's designed to put the power of big-data, back in the hands of big-society, by allowing individuals to sell their data on, instead of companies. The idea behind Handshake is to eliminate the …
Read More »Fastest Asus router ever made gets new pricing
With the price originally set at £200 by Asus, KitGuru Labs tested the RT-AC66U to destruction (almost) when it was still over £180. Today sees an additional cut from Amazon which brings the price down even more. KitGuru asks if this as far as the price cutting goes? Price cuts …
Read More »Nintendo Wii U sales are still awful
Poor Nintendo. Its “next-gen” system has had a horrible start, despite having a year lead in on both Microsoft and Sony's systems. New figures announced during Nintendo's quarterly earnings report, suggest that worldwide, it only sold 160,000 of the machines between April and June this year. Game sales were a …
Read More »Who wants cheap games?
Hey man, you looking for some cheap games? You are? That's good man, that's real good. You come to the right place, or at least, you will have once you head over to Green Man Gaming, which for the next day or so, is offering all of its previous 666 …
Read More »KitGuru readers LOVE desktops – ZERO plans to move
Since the inception of over 3 years ago, we have run a bunch of polls on a variety of different subjects. In all that time, we can't remember any set of votes where one of the options failed to get a single person's click. Until now. KitGuru has managed …
Read More »TV advertising significantly impacts game sales
For a lot of people out there, Dead Island won't mean anything. For the games industry though, its launch was one of the more protracted in the market. While not exactly in the same league as Duke Nukem, there was a definite 5 year gap between Dead Island's E3 announcement …
Read More »Easter sales boost for beleagured games industry
From one of the world's fastest booming markets a decade or so ago, we now read the news with half an expectation to hear that another studio has gone under – or a chain of game-selling stores has pulled down its shutters for the last time. It's with a sense …
Read More »Ebay looking to take the fight to Amazon
Ebay is looking to challenge big names in the retail game, with plans to expand its business to double the current user base – which would bring the total to over 200 million – within the next three years. If successful, this would see the total money changing hand on …
Read More »PC games sales made £13.24 billion in 2012
An organisation that combines the two giants of gamer chip creation, AMD and Intel, has announced through a new report that PC gaming grew once again in 2012, managing to generate well over £10 billion. Known as the PC Games Alliance, a non-profit organisation with aims to further PC gaming …
Read More »Wii U has worst US console sales in two generations
Despite Nintendo's bosses putting a brave face on things, all is not well with Wii U sales numbers. According to a new report, in the US, only 64,000 units were sold throughout the whole of February. Considering the gamepad sporting console hasn't even been out six months yet, this is …
Read More »Ebooks now included in cost of living measure
It's a good indication that Ebooks are becoming more prevalent in society, that they are now used by the British government as part of its collection of products that measures the current cost of modern living. They join around 700 other goods that the Office for National Statistics use as …
Read More »GfK claims IT industry confidence growing
Over at the Distree 2013 event in Monte Carlo, the cream of the European, Middle East and African (EMEA) IT industry have gathered for 3 days of friendly connection, competitive jostling and a little mutual commiseration. Alongside the technology show itself, break out rooms are filled with briefers eager to …
Read More »How a game demo can harm a release
They were the staples of free gifts with gaming magazines for years and now, how many a game pirate will justify their reason for downloading a game before potentially buying it later on. Game demos have been around for a long time. However one man is suggesting that releasing a …
Read More »Steam now available for iPad
It seems we can't go a day without Steam or Valve being in the news – and unfortunately it's never about Half Life 3 – but we're at it once again today, since the Steam app is now available for the iPad. If you want to pick up the Steam …
Read More »LG fails to meet targets after awful TV sales
LG Electronics, one of the biggest TV manufacturers in the world, has missed its financial targets by a wide margin, after it managed during 2012's Christmas period, to make just ten percent of what it did during the same time last year on TV sales. It's not all LG's fault …
Read More »Capcom earnings predictions dip in wake of weak Resident Evil 6 sales
Capcom has reduced its earnings predictions for the year in the wake of sales of Resident Evil 6 not being as high as expected, as well as a delay in the release of upcoming 3DS title, Monster Hunter 4. Previously Capcom had forecast that it would be making 105 billion …
Read More »Intel struggles dealing tablets to students
There are some products that are easy to push to students and others that are a lot harder. Intel seems to be finding out the hard way that supplying the wrong kind of tablets leads to reduced sales. KitGuru hides in the bush with night vision goggles. A story reached …
Read More »Razer begins Cyber Weekend price drop
If you've been wanting to buy up some Razer gear for a while but haven't quite had the funds to do so, now might be the right time to invest, as Razer has just dropped the prices on some of its products for the weekend – offering free shipping with …
Read More »Apple quarterly profit hits $8 billion
As if anyone is surprised, Apple is doing rather well financially at the moment and has announced that for the fourth quarter of 2012, it has made a profit over $8.2 billion. Compared with the same period last year, things are on the up, as it made ‘only' $6.6 billion. …
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