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Tag Archives: ps4

Despite bad press, Xbox One pre-orders beating out PS4

Even though Microsoft has been hammered with bad press for its Xbox One console over the past few weeks, it's still managing to beat out the much more favourably viewed PlayStation 4 in pre-orders, according to a new report from Amazon.co.uk. First there was the fact that Microsoft just loved …

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Next gen console prices predicted

While we don't have any concrete pricing information on the next-gen consoles from Microsoft or Sony just yet, that doesn't mean speculation isn't abound. One analyst, by the name of Michael Pachter, has given a talk to investors in an E3 preview show and he thinks he's got a handle …

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Sony’s Kaz Hirai says PS4 is at heart, a games console

It's been a long time since games consoles were solely about playing games. Since they started adding CD playing functions, consoles have been more than just a tool for gunning down digital enemies, but you'd have been forgiven with the recent Xbox One reveal for thinking that nobody uses them …

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PS4 teaser shows blurry console, coming at E3

The PS4, as we all expected, will be making its big debut at E3 this year. Microsoft is of course jumping the gun and getting in its next-Xbox unveiling tomorrow, so just to remind you that Sony is waiting in the wings, it's released a teaser video that shows blurry …

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Sony copyrights PS4 tagline, Greatness Awaits

Sony has had some famous taglines for its consoles over the years, often with several significant ones landing with each generation. Often though there's one that sticks in your memory a little more. With the PS One it was “Do not underestimate the power of PlayStation,” while the PS2 had …

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Asda is taking PS4 pre-orders now

You'll need to shell out £20 for the privilege of reserving what at the moment must be the most anticipated of the next-gen consoles, the PS4, with Asda expecting it to be available to pick up some time within 2013. Despite this release date suggestion however, Asda has noted that this is …

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Sony shares revive after debt agency upgrade

PS4 Reveal

Sony might not have had a strong few years recently, with a severe drop off in its dominance of the TV and hardware market in general, but just recently it's started doing a bit better, with strong Xperiz Z sales and a good initial showing of PS4 features prompting debt agency Daiwa …

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Could the PS4’s GDDR5 give it an edge over PCs?


While I'm sure the PC fans among you will be ready to tear this news piece's comment section to threads, there are others who might disagree with you. One such man is Avalanch founder Linus Blomberg, who believes the GDDR5 will give the PS4 a real edge. While I've argued …

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PS4 could be released in August


PS4 component makers are suggesting the next console from Sony could ship worldwide as early as August, because Sony wants to try and push a huge number of systems by the end of the year – 16 million if it can help it. This all comes from Digitimes sources, who are …

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You can order a PS4 game now, for £70


Clothing and accessories firm, The Hut, is now offering PS4 pre-orders on its website, for such games as inFamous Second Son, Diablo III, Destiny, Killzone Shadow Fall and Knack – all for the princly price of £69.99. Fortunately a statement has been released by the company, suggesting that these are …

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PS4 won’t block used games


Gamers the world over can breathe a sight of relief, as it has now been confirmed by Sony that the PlayStation 4, will not block used games – despite a patent filing seen earlier this year that suggested otherwise. The confirmation was made by Eurogamer while speaking with Sony Worldwide …

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New PS4 controller has a touchpad


The new controller for the PS4 has now been unveiled and it incorporates a few new features as well as improving on old ones. The controller latency has been improved and shortened, as well as a strengthening of its rumble abilities. The new additions are a little more exciting however, including a …

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PS4 will be cheaper at launch than PS3


The PlayStation 4 is set to be shown off for the first time tomorrow and already fresh rumours are appearing. The latest one is suggesting that it could launch at a lower price point than the PS3 did – as low as £300. This report comes from the Times, which …

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Sony cuts Vita price in Japan ahead of PS4 unveil


Sony has slashed the price of the PS Vita in Japan, ahead of its conference on Wednesday, where it is expected to debut the PlayStation 4 console, as well as offer potential would wide price reductions for current-gen hardware. According to Reuters, you can now get the 3G Wifi version of the …

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PS4 specs leaked

It was only a few days ago that we heard what the guts of the Xbox 720 will be like and now we're getting a taste of its main competitor the PS4, with a purported leak that gives us a run down of what we can expect inside Sony's next-gen …

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Weak consoles blamed for stagnantion of gaming market

If there's one thing making the hardware market stagnate, it's the gaming console. That's according to you, the KitGuru reader. Without amazing new games coming through in droves, where's the drive to buy new hardware? KitGuru's loyal followers lay the blame at the collective doors of Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo. …

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AMD console guru defects to nVidia

Ten years ago, Bob Feldstein was busy taking the lead on a deal with Microsoft that would lead to the Xbox 360 console being launched with ATi technology inside. Now he's made the move across to nVidia. KitGuru dances in front of a Kinect controller and ponders the nature of …

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Sony PS4 two years in development

News for the new Xbox and Playstation are heating up. It would appear that Sony have been working on the Playstation 4 for a few years now, if employees dates are accurate. Sony have remained tight lipped about the Playstation 3 replacement, however one of their staff members spotted a …

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