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Tag Archives: nvidia

Even nVidia are excited about HD6990

The most heated online debates are generally based around the graphics sector, with Nvidia and AMD fanboys extolling the virtues of their favourite hardware. While often the focus will be on the ‘out of hand' discussions, sometimes they can be intelligent and interesting to read. Not every fan of a …

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Intel declares DX11 not mainstream until 2013

While some chip manufacturers nail everything to the mast of DX11, it seems that industry daddy Intel has a completely different view on the graphics technology. Given Microsoft enabled the world with DX11 way back in October 2009, why does Intel have such a different view and are they right …

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Intel and nVidia shake hands with $1.5B deal

nVidia and Intel have announced a six year cross licensing deal worth $1.5BN which resolves a long term patent dispute between the two companies. This could mean a potential integration of Nvidia GPUs with Intel's processors. The agreement announced earlier this week means that Intel will pay Nvidia $1.5 billion …

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Will AMD be RIVETed in 2011 ?

Following on from KitGuru's exclusive revelation that there will be a change in leadership at AMD for 2011, a whole heap of new questions now have to be asked. The most important one of which must be, “Who will captain the good ship AMD into the competitive waters of the …

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GTX560 launch date set by nVidia

One of KitGuru's spies saw what she believed to be half a dozen nVidia folk, staggering around at midnight on New Year's Eve, kissing strangers and wishing them ‘a good un'. Followinng close in behind, as the peak of the schnapps-fuelled party wore off, conversation seemed to turn to work. …

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nVidia lowering IQ in Tom Clancy H.A.W.X.?

It seems there is much discussion online about nVidia possibly lowering the driver IQ in Tom Clancy H.A.W.X. to increase benchmark scores. This is nothing new as HARDOCP reported about a similar issue in October within HAWX 2 Benchmark. Sadly it appears that this is in the actual game itself, …

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How would ARM finance the purchase of nVidia?

One of the most persistent rumours of the past 5 days has been that nVidia might be in play on the market. The market for desktop graphics has not suddenly become significantly bigger over the past 3 months, yet nVidia's share price has been steadily inflating updward. Overall bouyancy in …

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AMD gains on Intel, slips against nVidia

It's a topsy-turvy world in modern technology. Just because you have a monsterous lead one minute, that doesn't mean you won't be trailing in the blink of an eye. And so life is for AMD right now. KitGuru investigates. With the launch of the Radeon HD 5000 series in September …

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nVidia third quarter results 2011, bean counters almost done

KitGuru's portfolio of investments is as broad as it is eclectic. We monitor the markets and look for bargains. That involves analysing patterns. For example, while roller coasting from quarter to quarter over the past 2 years, AMD has managed to create somewhat steady upward pressure on its stock price. …

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GTX460 pricing set to rise up to $20 – strong nVidia move?

With the quarter's results sorted and the threat of AMD's Radeon HD 6850 and 6870 cards dealt with, it seems that nVidia might be pushing for addititional profits over the busy months to follow. KitGuru investigates. With serious presure from competitors, the price of graphics cards almost always goes down. …

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AMD confirm XFX are now Red only

Three weeks ago, XFX spoke to KitGuru to tell them that they were no longer making nvidia graphics cards. Today it has been made official as we received an email from AMD's PR group informing us of the change. Better late than never chaps. “We are very pleased with XFX …

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Can GTX580 really deliver everything using less than 290w ?

KitGuru has been scanning the airwaves, intercepting messages all over the place. We have already delivered 2 incisive articles today already on the GTX580, and there are plenty more to come it seems. To be honest, we've seen sieves that retain water longer than Taiwanese contractor can hold a trade …

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nVidia slashes latest Quadro prices by 50%

OK, KitGuru is officially shocked. Droping the price of a mainstream card like the GTX460/470 in reaction to AMD's 6850/6870 is perfectly natural and makes good business sense. These are fast moving cards, in a highly competitive market, and the busiest quarter of the year is upon us. Business sales …

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nVidia GT430 available for £65

We have no idea what this nVidia GT430 product is, it does not seem to have been launched, but – for some reason – it is on sale already for £65. Strange. Could this be the same card as the one KitGuru predicted would be launched on 11th October a …

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