While it seems that some mainboard vendors will need new models and/or BIOS updates in order to provide AMD FX9000 series processors with full support, KitGuru has been contacted by Asus to confirm that “Support has been there all along”. Nice to know they care, but what does it really …
Read More »Everyone at i49 falls in man love with the new BitFenix options
Born from the Cooler Master Storm division, the BitFenix team had a shaky start with the Colossus, but have been ramping up the design ideals ever since. When the Prodigy launched, it became an instant gamer favourite, but we always knew there were more colours to follow, KitGuru checks the …
Read More »Aria kicks off massive AMD Never Settle Forever campaign
In the coming weeks, we will be speaking with some senior folks from both AMD and nVidia about the benefits of running major campaigns for game giveaways. One thing is for sure, no matter whether you bought a graphic card or not, it would have been hard to miss ‘Never …
Read More »More SSD price cuts from Samsung and ADATA
Once the cool weather starts to roll in, we're sure that PC-related sales will increase and everything will be much better for manufacturers across the globe. In the meantime, pucker up – here come more price cuts on juicy Solid State Drives. Samsung's 840 series has proven to be one …
Read More »Asus lays out huge stand for Multiplay i49 over the Bank Holiday
Without doubt, Multiplay is a huge organisation – with the capability of kicking off around 21,000 gaming server instances across the globe. Three times a year, the focus of this well-oiled, world-conquering machine is aimed at the Telford International Centre and Insomnia ensures. named sequentially, i49 will start on 23rd …
Read More »Rare deal on Seasonic power supplies pops up
While the senior management of Seasonic don't like to talk about it, as a company, they have produced some of the finest and most famous power supplies the PC market has ever seen. Chances are, even if a PSU won a mantelpiece full of awards and was designed and manufactured …
Read More »nVidia price cuts extend to laptops with MSI GE60 and GE70
With all the price cuts on nVidia desktop graphics cards, we guess it was only time before the mobile space also started to throw up some GeForce bargains. Having broken into the world's Top 10 for laptops a few years back, this Taiwanese outfit still pushes hard to create original …
Read More »SSD price war in full flow with Crucial and ADATA
Just a few weeks ago, KitGuru was chatting internally and wondering what happened to all the cool SSD deals from last summer. We remembered a time when drives dropped below £70 and then headed down to settle around £60. Why were 2013's prices so much higher? Looks like movements in …
Read More »ASUS sales up 6% year on year
With the early second quarter numbers just in from Asus, it looks like the technology giant has managed to battle its way to increased sales in a tough market. KitGuru sits back to analyse the numbers and ponder what they mean. Small companies always look good. Anything they do – …
Read More »MSI and Aria now attack GTX660 pricing
It has been a hectic few days since the EVGA move to bring GTX580 cards to market for just £137 at the end of last week. Things got really heated yesterday afternoon when it seemed at one stage that price cuts were coming every half hour. KitGuru checks the latest …
Read More »nVidia price war gets serious – ANOTHER £44 off GTX680!
KitGuru loves a fight. The best fights in the tech industry resemble the loudest battles between Transformers and Decepticons. Massive organisations – bashing away at each other with cut-throat deals. But ever we're SHOCKED by the way nVidia pricing has been SLASHED today. UPDATE: In the past few minutes, we're …
Read More »Asus drops the price on GTX680 by £90
As we move to a world where all of the nVidia graphics cards are in the GTX700 series, more and more deals on end of life stock are appearing on the web. KitGuru scans places for electronics buyers for details. When KitGuru had a look around 2GB Asus GTX680 Direct …
Read More »Last-gen nVidia bargains flood market
Following one reseller's announcement last week of a final load of GTX580 cards at £137, it now seems that prices are being cut on a much broader range of older nVidia cards. KFA2 is getting in on the act with Overclockers, so KitGuru has a finger poised over the ‘Print …
Read More »At 48p per GB the SSD price war we predicted is underway
A few months back, KitGuru was analysing the slow down in system sales brought on by the start of the summer holiday period, combined with an overall sluggishness in the economy, and wondering why SSD prices were looking decidedly higher than for the same period in 2012. Prices had to …
Read More »Taichung Computer Show kicks off in Taiwan
In terms of physical size, Taiwan is pretty close to Wales, but when it comes to population then the folks in Taff/Gogg land look positively stagnant in comparison. For while there are only 3 million people in Wales, Taiwan has close to 9 times as many inhabitants. Stands to reason …
Read More »ADATA launches 3,100MHz memory for very serious users
While most of the PC using population is content snoozing around with 1600MHz memory, ADATA has just moved the goal posts a little bit higher. KitGuru pulls out a stop watch to investigate. How much is anything worth? It's an interesting question and one that permeates every aspect of life …
Read More »Warcraft slows client hemorrhage to 150,000 a month
Once upon a time, Warcraft was the most valuable gaming IP in the real world. But the days when people flocked to pay per month online are gone and it's now a game of ‘How can we reduce the level of loss?'. Back on 9th May 2013, Forbes reported …
Read More »NeverWet is a freaky substance that makes anything waterproof
We have all had accidents, either with clothing or electronic apparatus, where liquids have been involved and the product in question has died. But what if it didn't have to die? What if no matter how hard you tried, you simply could not destroy your most beloved possessions with a …
Read More »Crucial unloads 960GB SSD at just £449
Megatron would be proud. While mere mortals scratch around trying to make 60/120GB SSD drives last for the lifetime of their system, those armed with 240GB and above have managed to look suitably smug. Until now. KitGuru pulls out the trusty abacus to see exactly how many NAND gates have …
Read More »Exclusive interview with Joran Schoonderwoerd from MSI
Anyone who can remember progressing from a Commodore 64 to a PC – largely with gaming in mind – can rest assured that it's a very familiar path for the KitGuru editorial team. When we got the opportunity to interview MSI's Product Manager, Joran Schoonderwoerd, we were definitely interested. Read on …
Read More »AMD FX 9590 – initial Centurion price performance analysis
Quoting the physical speed of a processor is about as useful measure of performance as telling us that a car has a 5 litre engine. While there is an overall correlation, the winning-losing match-up is much more subtle. KitGuru scans the interwibble and finds an interesting Cinebench claim. With a …
Read More »Why doesn’t BT have the Vision?
One of the larger technology sites recently ran a poll to find out where enthusiasts go for their TV entertainment. The options given were skewed heavily in favour of British respondents, but while most of the results could be categorised as predictable – one sticks out a mile. KitGuru ponders …
Read More »More detailed shots of the 8-port ADATA AE800 emerge
Ahead of its full launch, the stylish little multi-way HD streaming drive and portable 8-station network creator that ADATA calls the AE800 is now being rendered with more pixels than ever. KitGuru hacks a few online image storage repositories and comes back with some new gadget capture goodies. Portable ‘Sky …
Read More »ADATA launches fast, affordable portable drive
While the concept of ‘The Cloud' is great, we often need to move big data around quickly – or we need access when the 3G/WiFi is dire. In those cases, anyone who carries their important data on a slimline, portable drive is gonna have a superior grin on their face. …
Read More »Dixons preparing to dump Pixmania after more losses
In the summer of 2012, the board of DSG (Dixons Group) cracked open the bubbly and congratulated themselves on acquiring an even bigger chunk of online retailer Pixmania. Now, less than 12 months later, that same board is sitting in a big circle, trying to work out which person in …
Read More »Acer makes Intel’s Ultrabook dream afforable
When Intel first started touting the concept of an Ultrabook, our imaginations were captivated. Computex that year was full of new ideas and concepts – mostly built around processors that would ultimately struggle to make their sales targets. The problem was price. But maybe that's changing. You want the Core …
Read More »Asus goes all Willy Wonka with the Golden Ticket Freebies
If you ever read/saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, you will be familiar with the special golden tickets that super-choco-genius Willy Wonka hides in the wrappers of special sweets. The marketing gurus down at Asus have followed a similar principal. KitGuru gets sticky fingers in the process of investigating. The …
Read More »OcUK offers a KFA2 GTX770 as pure as driven snow
If you're a geek of a certain age, then you will remember the thrill of vinyl records. Because of the relatively low cost to stamp out a few more, a lot of bands would create limited editions in strange and wonderful coloured plastics. If you were really into a band, …
Read More »Secure storage gravitates to Swiss data banks
Since the Middle Ages, Swiss Banks have had a reputation for keeping your most valuable assets safe. The country also has a ton of secrecy laws enshrined into its national identity. Cue the 21st Century. KitGuru gets Bourne again. The Cypriot government decided to snatch money directly from bank customer's …
Read More »GAME reports XBox ONE outselling PS4
We all mourn the passing of the huge number of high street gaming stores. Steam and the other online download engines provide an excellent service and there's no turning back the clock, but the high street stores provide a ‘finger on the pulse' which KitGuru loves. Here's a great example. …
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