While Hong Kong based Pine Group might not be a familiar name to us, the graphics company it created in 2002 is an all too familiar name in graphics card shoot-outs around the world. XFX is a serious player in a very competitive market. Against a backdrop of a tough …
Read More »Can Channel Island ruling save Game stores?
For quite a while, there has been a strong rumour in the channel [no pun intended – Ed], that the government and/or UK courts would finally clog up a loop hole that has allowed companies to ship certain items to the Channel Islands, call it an export, claim back the …
Read More »Cyberlink prepares full range of Apple software
News coming out of Taiwan this morning is that Cyberlink, arguably the most prevalent provider of proper video playback and photo manipulation software in the wonderful world of Windows, is investing BIG TIME in its OSX products (and more). KitGuru turns Power(news)Producer Pro to maximum and ponders the impact. Whether …
Read More »Apple delivers good news
One of the most eagerly awaited emails of the past 12 months has just arrived in the inboxes of the chosen few. What is the message and what does it mean? KitGuru engages iLiedown and gives it a ponder. The Daily Telegraph (of all the socialist press) ran a footy-score, …
Read More »MASTERS OF OVERCLOCKING: Behind the scenes
While Henry Butt prepares his master-report on the glorious overclocking goings-on from the inaugural MASTERS OF OVERCLOCKING finals, we stick a digital SLR behind the scenes to bring you a little more background on the event itself. While the main focus of the MASTERS OF OVERCLOCKING event was to see …
Finally, the BIG day has arrived. After strong competition from across the country, the first ever ASUS: MASTERS OF OVERCLOCKING event in conjunction with KitGuru took place today at a secret underground facility north of London. If overclocking tickles you in a special place – read on! Sure, Asus may …
Read More »OCZ SSD array can move a DVD in under 2 seconds
Computers are fast and they keep getting faster. We constantly see the tremendous pace of progress all around us, but sometimes you see a demonstration that really opens your eyes. At CeBIT 2012, OCZ was demonstrating a load of new technology, including a very swift SSD set up. KitGuru takes …
Read More »MSI drops price on Z77 mainboard by 7%
The bizarre events of the NDA-blowing launch and sale of Intel's new chipset mainboards has moved onto a new stage. Price discounting. KitGuru makes screen grabs and calculations. From the time Futuremark picked up four Intel z77 chipset mainboard reviews, this story has continued to break and change. The latest …
Read More »Intel H77 chipset boards from MSI creep onto the web
Following on from existing story about the early launch of Z77, a reader suggested that we also look for signs of the lower cost H77 chipset boards. We looked and to our surprise, found them. But this time, MSI must look to market the new board without review support it …
Read More »Aria sells MSI mainboard after Intel Z77 reviews leak out
Most times modern technology will launch under strict guidelines from manufacturer. Bigger launches have more rules and the possibility of serious consequences for flaunting them. All mainboard vendors were showing Z77 designs at CeBIT this week, but only MSI boards seem to have been reviewed or sold. We investigate. Like …
Read More »Zeiss wobble the audience with OLED 3D goggles
One of the biggest attractions for CeBIT 2012 was the 3D area. But unlike previous goggles from companies like nVidia, the next generation of headset will have far more functionality. Zeiss is leading the charge so we followed the crowds. Coming off even the slowest carousel as a toddler was …
Read More »Thermaltake powers up your in-car options
Once upon a time, the charger port in your car was only used to power the lighter. Then the mobile phone was invented and, suddenly, everyone wants a go at the hole. Thermaltake has a solution coming soon. KitGuru zooms in for a closer look. The first week in March …
Read More »Will Japanese government mate with Intel to save Elpida?
One of the saddest things about the UK is the way this country has let it's manufacturing move to other parts of the world over the past 40 years. Where ‘Made in Great Britain' once carried the same kind of cache as ‘Made in West Germany', now most of the …
Read More »Overclockers delight with £110 off AMD 8150?
To quote a classic video, “Overclocking is all about getting something you haven't paid for. It's dirty and you love it”. While that may be true in almost every case, it's certainly much more true when the price you do pay gets slashed. KitGuru polishes its scales of justice and …
Read More »Elpida bankruptcy is hitting YOUR pocket – today!
This morning, every person involved in selling memory in the UK channel was sent an update from their suppliers to say, with immediate effect, all system memory will be jumping in price by at least 20%. Ignoring the ignorant chit-chat, KitGuru goes straight to the sauce and gets the inside …
As the ASUS Masters of Overclocking Competition is about to get serious, the universe has conspired to give you ONE LAST CHANCE to enter this amazing competition. Leap year means you have just 24 more hours to run a couple of quick tests and submit your scores. If you've missed …
Read More »Free Windows from Aria, extends the life of old PCs
One of the biggest issues facing PC users is how to get enough Microsoft operating systems to go around. While Apple might offer amazing deals on a complete OS for just over £20, Microsoft has been bleeding users dry for up to £100 at a time – for decades. Now …
Read More »Will AMD off-load chip production to Samsung in 2012 ?
Although wildly different in terms of size and product portfolio – Intel, AMD and Microsoft are all suffering from the same kind of illness. The world plus dog turned left, toward a future of smartphones, tablets and low-cost-lightweight thinking, while the traditional leaders stayed on the path toward the hugely …
Read More »Aria fills your PC tank with SSD Petrol for £59
No matter how cynical we get, each generation does bring a true improvement in speed and performance. Sometimes through the introduction of a brand new technology which changes the game – and other times through a significant price move, which suddenly brings innovation to the masses. KitGuru lands on one …
Read More »Point of View invites you to shoot them in the bath
While everyone works hard to make sure that their core products (the ‘bread and butter' if you will) are working well, at the same time these companies always have one eye open for the ‘silver bullet'. The iPad like product that will change the market and everyone can retire. Point …
Read More »VTX3D sharpens pricing – opens new channels
While the experts can argue all day long over whether the UK will buy more or less than 600,000 graphic cards in 2012, one thing is for certain: The proportion of cards bought from each of the main manufacturers WILL change. With stories on the new Radeon 77xx everywhere, KitGuru …
Read More »Western Digital picks up Storage Vendor of the Year
The industry gave Western Digital a huge boost at the Distree Channel Awards, by voting them the ‘Storage Vendor of the Year'. Given that WD struggled to ship drives at all in the busiest period, this was a grand gesture. KitGuru snapped up some of the atmosphere. When record rains …
Read More »DeepCool goes gunning for Noctua. Really?
Almost never spotted in the wild, Noctua engineers have been responsible for some of the finest sandwiches [sorry, coolers – Ed] in human history. If you catch a glimpse of Zardon in the lab, with his 2600k nuts clocked past 5GHz and the breeze from the cooling solution blowing his …
Read More »Epic Gear range launched by Geil
The Distree event in Monte Carlo brings well over 100 of the world's most famous brands together, so they can show off their latest ideas to the regions biggest buying operations. While one of our associates was speaking with Hank Cheng from Geil about SSDs, he also enquired about ‘other …
Read More »Geil prepares to enter the SSD market
While Intel and OCZ have certainly pioneered the introduction of SSD to both corporates and enthusiasts, the market itself is expanding rapidly and we're seeing many more companies interested in creating a brand in this area. Over at major international technology event, Distree, Hank Cheng was keen to explain Geil's …
Read More »Bitdefender shows off top AV award at Distree
While defending your home is the realm of gun clubs, martial artists and the chaps from Yale, protecting your bits requires a different set of tools entirely. KitGuru caught up with one happy chappy over at Distree in Monte Carlo. He was holding something large in the air, smiling and …
Read More »High street price confusion on hard drives
While major online retailers like Aria move stock around very quickly, some high street stores can be left with several generations of product – sitting on their shelves – side by side. This kind of stock challenge can lead to some rather bizarre offers. KitGuru braves the snow to cycle …
Read More »NASA focuses on green flights into the blue
If you want to live near a major city, but can't afford major city housing prices – then there's always the airport. Running a quick check on the flight paths around a city – and you can pretty much decide on where the lowest property prices will be. But this …
Read More »iPad 3 almost exactly the same shape as iPad 2
Ringing the Apple PR team and asking about future products is about as effective as using a Ouija board to ask Steve Jobs himself. It's a pretty pointless exercise. Fortunately, KitGuru does not have to be a master of the tea leaves in order to update you on the iPad …
Read More »Marvell unveils world’s fastest NAS technology
We're used to seeing Marvell and Sandforce going head to head in the SSD space. Each new generation brings innovation – which directly leads to improved performance. But, to be honest, SSDs are bloody quick already. We're more likely to notice an improvement on a part of our everyday-use network, …
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