Overnight Sony has announced their first LTE enabled smartphones for the Japanese market; the Sony Xperia GX and Xperia SX. While the GX, or at least a variant of it, will be coming to an international audience at some stage this year. The same cannot be confirmed for the SX, …
Read More »Sony restart more plants in Japan: supply problems
Sony were hit hard when the earthquake disaster hit Japan. Latest news has reached us that they have managed to get all but two of their factories up and running again. Sony's semiconductor last factory in Miyagi prefecture has partially restarted yesterday with other factories coming online over the last …
Read More »Japan disaster will cause gadget shortage
The recent disaster in Japan is going to impact gadgets relying on silicon chips. Many of Japan's major producers are still struggling to keep up with demand as existing inventory is running out. Toshiba and Hitachi are two of the bigger companies who are feeling the impact of the Japan …
Read More »iPad 2 part shortage feared due to Japan crisis
The disaster in Japan will have a knock on effect for the technology industry, affecting many devices, including Apple's newly released iPad 2. The iPad2 has sold over 1 million units already in the US, however the campaign has yet to hit the United Kingdom and parts of Europe. The …
Read More »iPad 2 launch in Japan delayed
The recent disaster in Japan has been one of the worst in history. The economy is trying to deal with widespread devastation and loss of life. The latest news we have heard is that Apple feel that launching the iPad 2 at this time is not the wisest of choices. …
Read More »UK asked to help aid Japan after earthquake disaster
Japan have requested help from the UK in the aid effort after the tsunami and earthquake have wrecked destruction killing hundreds of people. The 8.9 magnitude earthquake caused a 10 meter tsunami which has laid waste to many areas of Japan, causing horrendous damage. The UK embassy in Tokyo is …
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