The Humble Bundle is still going strong and it looks like next month's Monthly deal is going to be excellent value. The Humble Monthly Bundle for August is now live with the first two early unlock games now available, including Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Surviving Mars. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is …
Read More »Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Surviving Mars headline August’s Humble Monthly Bundle
The Humble Bundle is still going strong and it looks like next month's Monthly deal is going to be excellent value. The Humble Monthly Bundle for August is coming up soon and the first two early unlock games have been revealed, giving you the chance to nab Kingdom Come: Deliverance …
Read More »Humble Bundle’s co-founders are stepping down
Since it was established in 2010, Humble Bundle has made a name for itself with its unique ability to give back to both the developer and various charities worldwide when purchasing games. After nine successful years, founders Jeffrey Rosen and John Graham will be parting ways with the company, making …
Read More »Razer launches its own digital games store, integrated with zVault currency
Razer is attempting give Humble Bundle, GOG and Green Man Gaming a run for their money, introducing its own fully authorised games store. The Razer Store offers customers the choice of thousands of legitimate Steam and Uplay keys, backed by a variety of promotions, discounts and rewards. There’s no grey …
Read More »IGN acquires Humble Bundle
Over the last few years, the Humble Bundle and Humble Store have grown to become very prominent in the PC space. Not only do monthly Humble Bundles give you an opportunity to support a good cause and get some cheap games, but the Humble Store has also taken off. While …
Read More »This month’s Humble Bundle is all about Telltale
Telltale has some announcements to make later this week, so in preparation for that, you can currently get your hands on most of the studio's games for $15. This is all thanks to the latest Humble Bundle, which includes The Walking Dead season 1 & 2 as well as the …
Read More »Humble Freedom Bundle sends more than $6.5 million to charity
The Humble Freedom Bundle has proved to be the second most popular in the history of the platform, generating more than $6.5 million for charity and selling 200,000+ bundles. The only bundle to have a better showing was the Humble Origin bundle, which generated more than $10 million in 2013. …
Read More »Pro-Immigrant Humble Bundle nears $4 million, but some games are running out
In less than two days, the Humble Freedom Bundle has made close to $4 million and shows no sign of slowing. The $30 (£24) gaming bundle packs close to 50 games, including standouts like The Witness, Invisible Inc., Nuclear Throne and Octodad and benefits pro-immigrant charities. However it's so popular, that some …
Read More »This month’s Humble Bundle is all about benchmarking
The Humble Bundle is often a great place to get some deals on games and support charity. However, recently, there have been more and more ‘software' bundles coming and this month's focusses on PC benchmarking. If you have ever wanted to put your rig through its paces or see how …
Read More »Humble Monthly is like Loot Crate for games
Two of the most successful schemes ever pushed by console makers have been Microsoft's Games for Gold and Sony's PlayStation Plus. Both give subscribers ‘free' games every month for them to enjoy, meaning that even if you don't buy your own preferences every now and again, there will always be …
Read More »Tom Clancy Humble Bundle comes with Rainbow Six Siege beta
Ubisoft is promising beta access for the upcoming Rainbow Six: Siege if you pick up the latest Humble Bundle, featuring Tom Clancy games. The Rainbow Six beta is included in the ‘pay what you want' tier, alongside Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six, Rainbow Six …
Read More »Humble Games Workshop Bundle combines Warhammer with charity
Although tabletop game maker Games Workshop has never been known as a company that was generous with its pricing, it only seems fair to give it some good will for teaming up with Humble Bundle to offer a number of its app-based experiences available for cheap. There's something for everyone too, …
Read More »The Star Wars Humble Bundle is live
The Humble Bundle is back, this time offering up nine classic Star Wars titles, with the promise of more to be added over the next couple of weeks, all to raise money for charity. Pay what you want games include Knights of the Old Republic and Jedi Knight Academy. Those …
Read More »Humble Bundle supporters have donated over $50 million to charity
The Humble Bundle has been around and remained popular for a while now, it's largely seen as a way for gamers to pick up a few titles on the cheap while also supporting a good cause. The scheme has paid off as well, as it has been revealed that Humble …
Read More »A new Humble Indie Bundle has launched
It has been a while since we've reported on a Humble Bundle but this month's indie bundle includes some pretty good games, such as Shadowrun Returns, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, four copies of Risk of Rain and OlliOlli. As always, more games will be announced for those that beat …
Read More »The 2K Humble Bundle is live
It has been a while since we've had a big publisher launch a Humble Bundle but they usually go down pretty well with gamers. This time 2K is in the spotlight, offering up games like Bioshock, The Bureau: XCOM Declassified and Darkness II for as little as you wish to …
Read More »Humble Daily Bundle begins with Deep Silver
Humble Bundle has long been a way for gamers around the world to get hold of some great classic games, as well as top up their libraries with tens of others that they'll never touch, whether they're good or not. Fortunately, it usually only comes along once a month or …
Read More »GSP Indie dev on why game sales are bad
Cliffski, no not Cliffy B, Cliffski, Cliff Harris, developer of Gratuitous Space Battles, the Democracy series and Redshirt among others, has taken the bold stance of attacking the practice of revolving Steam Sales and Humble Bundles, suggesting that it's creating a dangerous climate where games and developers are undervalued and …
Read More »Four more games added to Humble WB Bundle
This Humble Bundle is starting to resemble one of the better ones in the history of the charitable pack offerings, as it's just had another four games added, bringing the total number of titles you can get on a pay-what-you-want model to 12! The full line up of games now …
Read More »Humble Bundle does comedy now too
Opie and Anthony fans rejoice, comedy fans listen up, Humble Bundler's get your wallets out: it's comedy time. That's right, not content with making over $10 million for charity with EA's Humble Origin Bundle just yesterday, the guys at Humble Bundle have already launched another, this time offering the comedy …
Read More »Humble Origin Bundle looks set to break $10 million, double record
The Humble Origin Bundle is not only the fastest selling bundle ever, the most popular ever, and the highest earning, but it looks set to double all previous monetary records – making it even more impressive that every penny of this thing goes to charity. At the time of writing …
Read More »Humble Origin Bundle breaks $5 million
Update: And now it's broken $5.1 million, making this officially the highest earning Humble Bundle ever. Original Story: In what is by far the fastest selling Humble Bundle to date, the latest one, partnered with EA Games, has broken the $5 million mark which makes it just a few thousand …
Read More »EA goes Humble with a new bundle
EA Games might not be everyone's favourite company, but it's trying to turn that image around. No not with some big new advertising campaign, but by writing a cheque to charity, using its games to fund it. Teaming up with the guys at Humble Bundle, EA is offering a huge …
Read More »Pay what you want for Saint’s Row the Third and Dead Island
The new Humble Bundle is out people and this time around it's Deep Silver that's offering up its game collection for your to bundle-buy. Available as part of the Pay-What-You-Want model this time around are: Saint's Row II, Saint's Row The Third, Sacred 2 and Risen 2: Dark Waters. Pay …
Read More »KitGuru interviews Story Bundle founder, Jason Chen
If you've been reading the news here at Kitguru for any reasonable period of time, you know we're big fans of the Humble Bundle. Specifically I, Jon, am a big fan of the Humble Ebook Bundle, because I'm a self-published author and we need all the help we can get. …
Read More »Humble ebook Bundle II adds XKCD and more
The Humble ebook Bundle II is still going apace, despite not selling quite as many as the average gaming bundle. However now, if you pay above the average, you'll get a few extra ebooks added to your library, including volume 0 of the XKCD comics. The basic stack of ebooks …
Read More »New Humble Bundle with Android arrives
Chances are you haven't finished playing even half the games that Humble Bundle has put out in recent months, but it's time for another bundle, this time with Android support – get your smartphones ready. It comes complete with Aquaria, Fractal, Organ Trail: Director's Cut, Stealth Bastard Deluxe and Pulse, …
Read More »Humble Indie Bundle 8 lands
Hot off the back of the successful Humble Double Fine Bundle, the indie loving crew behind the pay-what-you want game packs, has launched another one, this time packing in a load of different titles, including the beautiful anti-game, Dear Esther. As usual it's pay what you want (over a dollar …
Read More »Humble Double Fine Bundle is going well
I should have done a news story when this launched, but they always come at such unsociable hours for us Brits. Yes, a new Humble Bundle is out there for you to pay what you want for and it's all based around Double Fine, that Tim Schafer helmed ship of …
Read More »THQ Humble Bundle could be most profitable ever
Despite the furore that appeared shortly after the Humble Bundle announced its partnership with financially wobbly publisher THQ, it looks like it's going to be the most profitable bundle ever, with just under 12 hours to go to raise the last $300,000. The current record holder for most profitable Humble …
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