ASUS NC1 active noise cancelling headphones feature 87% ambient sound reduction for private audio enjoyment during commutes and long flights. They are also very useful for office workers and students who wish to insulate themselves from noise sources. At a mere 130g, their fold-flat design renders them highly portable, and …
Read More »Grado PS1000 Headphones & Graham Slee Solo Super Ultra Linear Amp Review
After our review of the GS1000i headphones we were inundated with emails, asking if we could review Grado's most expensive headphones, the elusive ‘Professional Series 1000' (PS1000). With a staggering retail price around £1,700 these are a serious purchase, for a very serious music lover. Grado headphones split opinion, some …
Read More »Grado GS1000i Statement Series Headphones Review
Many of our readers might not have heard of Grado, however in audiophile circles they are known as one of the best headphone manufacturers on the planet. They have been in the Audio industry for over 50 years now and are one of the leaders in design engineering for the …
Read More »Apple purchase iMuff maker – preparing wireless phones?
According to the latest rumours circulating, it appears Apple have purchased Wi-Gear, the company responsible for the iMuffs range of Bluetooth headphones designed for the iPod and iPhone. These rumors were leaked to us in Taipei last night and another source who spoke to 9to5 Mac appears to have said …
Read More »Time to buy great separation? Thermaltake audio
Can you really achieve a deep, open sound with just 2 channels ? Audio engineers have been trying this trick since the invention of stereo. With headphones it's even more of a challenge. Given the difficulty, what can we expect from Thermaltake? The whole world and its war-dogs are focused …
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