Earlier this month, Devil May Cry 5 launched to great critical acclaim. We already knew that the game was selling well, as it debuted at the top of various chart lists. Now, Capcom has revealed a more specific number, with Devil May Cry 5 surpassing two million sales in just …
Read More »Valve finally shows off Steam UI overhaul
As far back as 2013, we have been hearing about Valve's plans for a Steam UI overhaul. There have even been multiple leaks of what the new library screen might look like. Now this year at GDC, Valve is finally going forward with its plans, showing off the newly spruced up version of Steam for the first time.
Read More »Oculus Rift S announced with higher resolution display and built-in tracking
After some initial rumours late last year, we have heard very little since about the future for the Oculus Rift. That changed today with the announcement of the Oculus Rift S, a sequel headset that makes a few design changes to the Rift and bumps up its spec for a …
Read More »Call of Duty: Mobile launching soon, beta sign-ups now open
Call of Duty Mobile has been talked about as a possibility for years now but it looks like the success of PUBG and Fortnite has pushed Activision to finally make the jump. In partnership with Tencent, soon, Call of Duty: Mobile will see release in Asia, North America, South America …
Read More »Crytek demos real-time raytracing in CRYENGINE
There has been a lot of talk surrounding real-time raytracing over the last year. Nvidia, Microsoft and AMD all announced plans to begin supporting the technology at GDC 2018. Now this year, Crytek is carving out its own piece of the pie, releasing a real-time raytracing demo for CRYENGINE. CRYENGINE …
Read More »Jade Raymond joins Google ahead of gaming push
After a few years of leaks and various rumours, Google is set to sit down and talk about its gaming plans more at GDC this month. Ahead of the big event, Google has revealed that Jade Raymond has joined the team as a VP, after leaving EA Motive. Jade Raymond …
Read More »Google working on its own gaming console, controller design appears online
There has been talk of Google releasing its own gaming console since as far back as 2013. Over the years, these rumours have been consistent and Google has confirmed plans to enter the gaming market with acquisitions of studios and the public testing of a new streaming service. It looks like we are now closer than ever to seeing Google's own gaming hardware too, with the controller design being revealed over the weekend.
Read More »Microsoft preparing a cross-platform push for Xbox Live on PC, mobile and Switch
Microsoft has been pushing for cross-platform gaming for a few years now. Things started off with Xbox and PC, but with the impending launch of Project xCloud, Microsoft is also looking to push Xbox Live support to iOS, Android and even other consoles, like the Nintendo Switch. Microsoft is currently …
Read More »Despite recent rumors, the PS5 still seems to be a few years away
Over the last couple of weeks, some wild rumors have been floating around suggesting that PlayStation 5 dev kits are already in the wild, with the console set to release either this year or next year. We chose to abstain from talking about it at the time because a PS5 …
Read More »Steam reportedly brought in $4.3 billion in game sales last year
Over the last few years, there has been a huge increase on the number of games released on Steam annually. Over the course of 2017, it is estimated that Steam brought in $4.3 billion and it seems that the top 100 selling games on the platform made up for a …
Read More »Epic Games shows off impressive ray tracing and performance capture demos for Unreal Engine
At the Game Developers Conference (GDC) earlier this week, we learned that Microsoft, Nvidia and AMD were all working on bringing Ray Tracing technology to the video game world. Now, the folks over at Epic Games have talked more about it during their ‘State of Unreal' panel, showcasing three videos …
Read More »Nintendo’s Switch is getting four times the amount of games this year, PC continues to be a favourable platform
Nintendo’s Switch has enjoyed quite a lucrative first year, with 2017 giving us a new Zelda, Mario and Xenoblade title among third-party support. 2018 is set to be a great year for the console, as game developers are making approximately four times as many games for the platform. The information comes …
Read More »It looks like loot boxes are here to stay in 2018
If you think loot boxes are so 2017, it seems that you’d be wrong as it looks like the practice isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. For the past three years, more than 4,500 developers who have attended the Game Developers Conference have expressed their intention of implementing “paid item crates,” …
Read More »Final Fantasy XV PC version finally shown off at GDC
The Game Developers Conference is underway right now and it appears that Final Fantasy XV director, Hajime Tabata had something very interesting to show off. After months of talking about a PC version of Final Fantasy XV in interviews, we finally got to see a public demonstration of what the …
Read More »Microsoft’s Xbox Creators Program aims to get indies on to console faster
It looks like indie developers may soon have free reign on Xbox Live and Windows 10 as yesterday at GDC, Microsoft announces the new Xbox Live Creators Program. This new program targets indie developers and gives them the tools to “rapidly publish Xbox Live enabled games on Xbox One and …
Read More »Rumour claims GTX 1080Ti may appear at upcoming Nvidia event
There have been rumours floating around about the GTX 1080Ti for months now but unfortunately, we have yet to actually see the GPU. The graphics card was previously expected to make an appearance at CES during the Nvidia keynote but it was a no-show. However, with GDC coming up at …
Read More »Valve to show off a compilation of Portal VR experiments next week
The Games Developers Conference is set to kick off next week and Valve will once again have a presence there. This year, Valve will be holding a virtual reality demonstration that will bring us all back to the world of Portal and the labs of Aperture Science. Valve is going …
Read More »Sony: PlayStation 4 is dominating in Europe, no need for price-cut
This year Sony Corp.’s PlayStation 4 turns two years old and normally it is time to cut the price of the system in order to increase its sales. But while it is logical for Sony to reduce the price of the console, Sony claims that PS4 is doing so well that …
Read More »Nvidia to detail GeForce GTX Titan X in mid-March
Nvidia Corp. made quite a surprise this week, when it unveiled its forthcoming top-of-the-range GeForce GTX Titan X graphics card at Game Developers Conference. Unfortunately, the company decided not to reveal a lot of details about its new flagship graphics card and while we do know that its performance is …
Read More »Gabe Newell claims Valve has solved the VR motion sickness problem
The man himself, Gabe Newell, is confident that Valve has solved the virtual reality motion sickness problem with its new headset, ‘The Vive', claiming that “zero percent of people get motion sick” while using Steam VR technology. Virtual Reality had some initial problems with causing motion sickness, although over the …
Read More »Nvidia preps VR SLI multi-GPU tech, positions Titan X as ultimate VR graphics card
While it is still unclear whether virtual reality technology will be adopted by the mass market, it will certainly be adopted by core gamers and video game developers. As a result, Game Developers Conference this year is flooded with various VR demos and hardware. Nvidia Corp. is naturally following the …
Read More »Valve was showing off a Source 2 Portal VR demo at GDC
When Valve announced the Source 2 engine and began showing off its VR headset at the Game Developers Conference, many were hoping that we would finally see a new game as well. Well it turns out that Valve did demo something new at GDC, it was a Source 2 version …
Read More »AMD demonstrates unannounced flagship Radeon R9 at GDC
Advanced Micro Devices uses yet unannounced Radeon R9 graphics card for a virtual reality demonstration at the Game Developers Conference, the company confirmed on Thursday. The GPU developer reveals no details about its new flagship graphics card, but those, who have seen it in action, notice impressive performance. Although AMD …
Read More »GeForce GTX Titan X poses for cam: 4-way SLI capable, ready to ship
Nvidia Corp. demonstrated its upcoming GeForce GTX Titan X graphics cards in its booth at the Game Developers Conference and allowed the press to take pictures of the board. Just like its single-chip predecessors from the ultra-high-end league, the novelty uses an ultra-quiet cooler, is multi-GPU-capable and is not very …
Read More »Nvidia GeForce Titan X 12GB: What you need to know and expect
Nvidia Corp. unexpectedly unveiled its highest-performing single-chip gaming graphics card at the Game Developers Conference on Wednesday. The new GeForce GTX Titan X will emerge on the store shelves in the coming weeks and will be the pinnacle of the “Maxwell” architecture. Let’s recap what we already know about the …
Read More »Cross-buy and universal apps coming to Xbox One and PC
Microsoft had another presentation today, this time at the Game Developers Conference, revealing some more on its plans for the future of Xbox and PC gaming. One of the bigger announcements to come out was cross-buy support for Xbox One and Windows 10 PC titles. Phil Spencer took to the …
Read More »Warhammer End Times: Virmintide combat looks satisfying
Games Workshop has a bit of a history of hiring on odd choices or relative unknowns to make its games, but it's gone a different route with the upcoming Skaven slaughter simulator, Warhammer End Times: Vermintide by having FatShark do it. Although that developer is hardly as well known as …
Read More »Valve: Steam Machines will launch this November at ‘console prices’
Valve Software finally announced launch timeframe and approximate prices of Steam Machines at the Game Developers Conference 2015. It looks like machines running the company’s own operating system tailored for video games will finally hit the market late this year and will not be too expensive. The software developer said at …
Read More »Sales of Sony PlayStation 4 surpass 20.2 million units worldwide
Sony Corp.’s PlayStation 4 continues to demonstrate incredible sales dynamics never seen before in the history of video game consoles. At the Game Developers Conference the platform holder revealed that cumulative sales of PS4 systems had surpassed 20 million units worldwide. As of the 1st of March, 2015, sales of …
Read More »Khronos unveils Vulkan: API for wearables, computers, cars and drones
Khronos Group on Tuesday introduced what was originally known as the next-generation OpenGL initiative, a brand-new application programming interface called Vulkan. The new API is designed to replace OpenGL in the long-term future and will address loads of markets and platform. The Vulkan is a new low-overhead/high-throughput API that provides …
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