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Tag Archives: dell

Asustek, MSI get serious about branded desktops

Traditionally companies like Asustek Computer and MicroStar International were focused on designing competitive mainboards, graphics cards and other computer components. However, in the recent years the DIY market began to stagnate, which is why the manufacturers started to look at alternative revenue sources. Recently Asus and MSI began to concentrate on own-brand …

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Dell to make PCs of plastics obtained from recycled electronics

Dell this week announced two new eco-friendly initiatives that should significantly reduce the impact that manufacturing of personal computers have on the environment. Next month Dell will offer a line of all-in-one PCs made entirely of plastics obtained from recycled electronics. In addition, Dell will use the so-called carbon-negative packaging …

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Dell XPS 15 9530 Review

Today we take a look at a 2014 model laptop from Dell. The DELL XPS 15 9530 is a pretty standard looking 15″ laptop, but it incorporates an ultra high QHD+ resolution touch-screen (3200 x 1800 pixels), a quad core i7-4702HQ CPU with 16GB of DDR3 and a Nvidia GT 750m. …

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Shipments of 4K desktop monitors to reach two million in 2014

Thanks to dropping manufacturing costs leading to declines in average selling prices (ASPs), shipments of ultra-high-definition (UHD) desktop monitors with 4K resolution are expected to increase steadily this year. In the coming years, displays with UHD will continue to lose price and gain adoption, according to NPD DisplaySearch. Unfortunately, 4K …

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ARM and partners reveal initial server platform standard

Data centers demand standards-based software and hardware offerings to ensure ease of deployment and manageability. ARM Holdings and its partners on Monday released the first standard for servers based on ARMv8-A 64-bit micro-architecture. The guidelines will help server makers to build similar machines. ARM ‘server base system architecture' (SBSA) platform …

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Qualcomm thinks that 4K smartphones will be the next big thing

Smartphones went from 720p to 1080p very quickly and now, according to chipset manufacturer, Qualcomm, we are due to up the resolution on our phones once again. Tim McDonough, Qualcomm’s Vice President of Marketing, in an interview with Trusted Reviews said that 4K is is one of the primary focuses …

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Dell, Lenovo in talks to acquire x86 server business from IBM

For IBM, many of its low-margin business units are no longer important since they do not bring desired revenues and in many cases make losses without providing any strategic advantages. But there are companies, who are interested in acquiring select IBM’s businesses in order to boost their market shares and …

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Alienware’s Steam Machine to cost as much as an Xbox One

Alienware's Steam Machine has probably been the most exciting one so far, according to Gabe Newell himself, it's the one to watch and could be considered the flagship Steam Machine. Since its announcement people have been sceptical on the price and with good reason, Alienware PC's don't come cheap but …

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Dell’s new 4K display will cost $699, will hardly please gamers

Ultra-high-definition (UHD) is incoming for both video games and movies thanks to designers of graphics processors, developers of video games and Hollywood. Looks like the UHD hardware eco-system is also beginning to build up. Dell announced this week that its first affordable display with support for 4K (3840*2160) resolution will …

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Dell apologises for leaving NSA backdoors in hardware

Earlier this week at the 30th annual Chaos Communication Congress, Dell, among other US based tech firms, was accused of leaving deliberate backdoors in its software and hardware, to make it easier for the NSA to install malware and viruses on the machines and gain access to the information stored …

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Dell’s 4K monitors priced

Are any of you guys looking for a 4K display? You might want to wait a while because Dell is about to bring the price of 4K down again with its new monitors. The Ultra HD resolution has been pushed hard this year with prices coming down from $35,000 to …

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Biggest Dell shareholder calls for opening of books


The biggest shareholder outside of Dell, Southeastern Asset Management (SAM), has called on the computer firm to out its yearly books, making its financials available to all – ahead of what many are thinking will be a return to private ownership. SAM currently owns eight per cent of the PC …

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Aria cuts prices to tempt even more spending

While the UK is still looking forward to the credit card bills that will accompany a record breaking Boxing Day push of £2.6 billion, online retailers are not giving up hope that us consumers will consider one last wafer-thin-mint. KitGuru says ‘Better. Better get a bucket'. Shakespeare wrote of Cleopatra, …

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Dell PC sales drop, profit falls 18%

Dell have reported poor second quarter profits and the Wall Street Journal claim that there are tough times ahead for the company as they move away from selling personal computers. The profit for fiscal period ending August 3rd dropped 18% as revenue also dropped 8%. Dell added that their projection …

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4k screens are £1,000 an inch, but not for long

We work with some of the world's leading technology companies, especially when it comes to graphics cards. During a recent video shoot with one of the biggest, we were discussing that wonderful thing called ‘the future' and the discussion moved to image quality, preparedness and the cost of glass. The …

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Green pioneers direct current data centre with HP

While Dell is packing big and bad with the news that it has a brand new line up of tiny and powerful Copper servers with ARM technology, HP has not been resting. Instead, its engineers have been working with the biggest IT/communications service providers in Switzerland, to try and save …

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Dell ramps up 15 watt ARM multi-core servers

Go back far enough, and servers were mini-computers or even mainframes. Even something as humble as a 200MB hard drive was the size of a washing machine and it would thud and thunk as the read/write head flew across a massive spinning disk. Then came Apricot’s 486 servers and things …

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Dell rise to number 2 PC maker position, thanks to Apple

Dell have been having a good couple of months, as they rise past Acer to the number 2 position in the world, behind Hewlett Packard. Analysts have claimed that Acer have been having a tough time, thanks to Apple's iPad success, which has damaged the network and notebook markets in …

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Dell triple income in Q4 results due to corporate spending

Dell has had a good week, showing investors that their fourth quarter results for 2010 were extremely positive indeed. Their net income tripled compared to the same period the year before and much of this is based on corporate spending. Dell's statistics highlight that consumer markets are stagnating a little, …

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