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Tag Archives: Data

Google gave Wikileaks staffer emails to US government

One of the worst parts of the Edward Snowden revelations back in 2013, was that they explained how it was possible for the US and other governments to force companies to hand over information on their customers without telling anyone. And that's exactly what looks to have happened in the …

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Nick Clegg wants to protect journalists and whistleblowers

Nick Clegg, the current leader of the Liberal Democrat party and deputy prime minster in the UK, has called for journalists to be given more protection when it comes to releasing information that is in the public's interest. Specifically he said that he wants them to be able to technically break …

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Dotcom to get cloned drives from Megaupload trial

It turns out that after all the legal wrangling and back and forthing in the courts, Kim Dotcom is going to have access to some of the evidence against him, as the Court of Appeals has ruled that although the raid on his house in January 2012 was legal, the …

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EU and US encrypted internet traffic booming

It was bound to happen in the wake of the Snowden revelations last year, that let us all know just how much our goverments and others were keeping tabs on us, but we're only starting to see the data for the trend shift now. In a report by Sandvine, encrypted …

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WhatsApp to take on Skype with voice calls

WhatsApp might only have just announced its acquisition by Facebook for an eye watering $19 billion worth of cash, stocks and employee share options, but it's already got new developments planned. One of the biggest, is voice calls, which means the messaging service is no longer just challenging the likes …

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Barclays data reveal could have been inside job

Barclays bank and its customers had a nasty shock yesterday, when it was revealed that the information of people that use the bank, was being sold on black markets and used for all manner of criminal activity, from fraud, to blackmail and other scams. While the bank has a looming …

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Is it better if we can sell our own data?

That's the question one company believes it already knows the answer to. Handshake, is an upcoming platform that's designed to put the power of big-data, back in the hands of big-society, by allowing individuals to sell their data on, instead of companies. The idea behind Handshake is to eliminate the …

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GAME reports XBox ONE outselling PS4

We all mourn the passing of the huge number of high street gaming stores. Steam and the other online download engines provide an excellent service and there's no turning back the clock, but the high street stores provide a ‘finger on the pulse' which KitGuru loves. Here's a great example. …

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What happens to spam after you die?

It's an interesting question – and certainly something that can be classified, for now, as a ‘first world problem'. But, sooner or later, the question of ‘What happens to a person's data when they're dead' will come up for almost everyone on the planet. KitGuru plays the theme tune from …

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4G auction revenue falls short


The auction of the 4G mobile spectrum which was epxected to raise upwards of £3.5 billion for the treasury has fallen short of its aims, only generating £2.3 billion – just over 10 per cent of what was paid by mobile providers back in 2000 for portions of the 3G …

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UK mobile networks stretched by Happy New Year

As Big Ben struck midnight and 2013 began, a huge wave of personal messages swept through the UK's mobile networks. And yet, the networks survived. That's some serious infrastructure. KitGuru pulls out the TallyMan Pro and does some counting. We've all had issues with mobile networks. The most common happens …

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Analysts ponder 3% drop in chip market for 2012

While everyone seems to agree that 2013 will be lucky for most, 2012 is definitely turning into a disaster zone for most of the chip producers on the planet, in one way or another. Analysts at the Carnegie Group are now saying that they think they predicted 2012 to be …

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