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Tag Archives: Data

Google Drive users report losing data

A number of Google Drive users have experienced a loss of data, it has been reported this week. Roughly 350 users have been affected so far, including some who pay for Google Drive's more premium tiers. As reported by Bleeping Computer, complaints started racking up on the Google Support forum. …

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4G coverage still patchy, but EE is now the fastest


If you live in an area with decent 4G coverage, think yourself lucky, as much of the UK is still living without the high-speed wireless internet connection. If you're trying to figure out which carrier might be best for it though, EE currently holds the performance crown, snatching it from …

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Pokémon Go launch traffic was 50 x what Niantic expected


Even the best/worst case scenario for Niantic's launch of Pokémon Go traffic, was 10 times off in its estimation. The augmented reality developer ended up receiving 50 times the predicted traffic when it launched Pokémon Go earlier this year, which is why there were so many server issues and likely …

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Kim Dotcom alleges Clinton email scandal is just getting started

Although there's been a lot of political turmoil in the UK recently, with the U.S. presidential election ramping up, things are getting a little crazy there too. The latest scandal involves an email dump from the Democratic party, specifically relating to collusion with Hilary Clinton and according to Kim Dotcom, …

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Pirate Party could take control of Iceland following Panama leak

Update: The Icelandic Prime Minister, Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, has now officially announced his resignation. His deputy will continue on his stead until a new leader can be chosen. The Panama Papers leak which has painted targets on the backs of many of the world's leading politicians with suggestions of corruption and …

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EU demands tighter controls for U.S. data requisitions

Following its ending of the EU-U.S. Safe Harbour data exchange scheme last year, the European Union is demanding tighter controls and protections on how America requests information from EU companies. If those assurances aren't received soon, it may start taking enforcement actions against various firms. Safe Harbour previously gave U.S. companies the …

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VTech admits to toy hack that affected 6.4 million children

Hong Kong based toy-company, VTech, has admitted that the details of more than six million children and their parents were revealed in a recent hack of its Innotab child-friendly tablet. The hack revealed not only names and addresses, but often photos that the children had taken, as well as messages …

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Ashley Madison hacked data released in 10GB dump

Hackers that made off with the user account and financial details of some 40 million members of infidelity website, Ashey Madison, have made good on their threat and posted them online. The details, posted to a Dark Web address that is only accessibly by Tor, include usernames, passwords, account histories, …

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U.S. and EU near agreement on data sharing

Since the Edward Snowden revelations about the NSA, GCHQ and international data gathering and sharing came out in 2013, the world has been trying to figure out the right balance between privacy and security. To that end, the European Commission has been in talks with U.S. representatives to renegotiate “safe …

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Kim Dotcom’s data may be sent to the US after all

To say Kim Dotcom has been part of some protracted legal battles is a serious understatement. He's been fighting his own extradition – or at least dodging the trial – since January 2012 and has been similarly fighting to have seized Megaupload servers and his own personal hard drives sent …

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UK public bodies leaked confidential information 150+ times

Striking another blow against the idea that if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear from government surveillance this week, is the news that public bodies including the NHS, government departments, police and local councils, have leaked data unsuspectingly over 150 times in the past six years. …

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Most Americans feel powerless to stop data collection

One of the fallacies often pushed forward by marketers and policy makers, is that consumers don't mind data being gathered on them; whether that information is the meta data for their phone calls – “if you don't have anything to hide” – or personal data used for advertising purposes. However …

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Would you heat your house with a Facebook server?

As more effort goes into making our societies more environmentally friendly, it's becoming apparent that along with switching to greener methods of energy production, we also need to focus on making ourselves more energy efficient. That's why Nerdalize's idea for using some of the world's biggest datacentre servers to heat …

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Mobile data to near 200,000 petabytes by 2019

Considering mobile data was almost non-existent a decade ago, it seems amazing to think how far it's come in just a few short years. But it's set to go even further in a few more, as new research suggests that by 2019, annual mobile data usage around the world could …

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US Senator Rand Paul goes after mass-data collection proponents

Republican presidential candidate, Rand Paul, went after fellow senators that backed mass data collection yesterday during a Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee meeting, where he accused the government and federal authorities of building in an “institutional bias” by sidestepping the warrant system. Paul is also known for his filibustering, …

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Reddit breaks down takedowns and user info requests

When you're as big as Reddit, with its near 200 million unique visitors, many of whom post content of their own, you're going to get a lot of requests from governments and organisations for user information; and for you to take down allegedly infringing content. Dealing with those requests is …

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