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Seagate release world’s first 3TB drive

If you are running out of storage and download a lot of HD movie content then the new product from Seagate might very well get you excited. They have just released the new FreeAgent GoFlex Desk which is apparently the first 3TB to be released to market.

USA prices are confirmed to be around the $250 mark, very competitively priced when you compare against the $180 2TB drive in the same range. Interestingly they are also offering adapter kits to allow for Firewire and USB 3.0 platforms.

KitGuru says: Very nicely designed too, don't you think?

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  1. Thats very well designed, would look great on my desk !

  2. is that pricing right? seems very underpriced going on todays market structure :confused:

  3. WOW! Look!
    They strapped 2 1.5TB drives together and called it a “3TB Drive” and all the sheep look in amazement. None of the sites bother to mention this is not made of 1 drive, of course because they want to attract more sheep. It’s a Seagate anyway, POS. I had 3 Seagates die in 1 day. They were only 1 year old.

  4. I actually wasn’t aware this was the case, one of our reporters emailed it to me today. thanks for the information Nunya.

  5. Zardon: As it turns out I could be wrong and it might be 1 drive. It’s unclear at this point after reading at x-bit labs today. If it is then I stand corrected. 🙂 But still… SeaSnakes makes POS drives! 🙂 Waiting for my 10 Hitachi 4TBs as I still got 5 Hitachis 8 years old still runnin’