KitGuru readers seem to love their high speed networks. Whenever you chat with someone who reads the site regularly, they seem to have more bandwidth than god and regularly run close to upsetting the ‘fair use' policies set by their providers. Imagine how upset they get when their networks falls over (or at least undergoes a huge stumble). Right now, it looks like the most fun is being had by BT Infinity customers.
Summer's approaching fast, but for many of us – we can't go outside to enjoy the site of folks licking ice cream in the park. Instead, we must battle against a mountain of work to keep the bread mill producing. In the 21st century, our ability to make/earn/eat the bread has more to do with out web connections than our farming skills.
BT Infinity may not be the absolute MoFo of all internet (according to Samuel L. Jackson), but it's certainly ‘The Daddy'.
Right now though, BT's connection seems to be suffering from the heat, with a rash of inexplicable slow-downs, stoppages and downright outages the order of the day.
If you're a BT Infinity customer and your line speed's been shot to hell, how can you tell that it is a genuine problem – or just ‘something a little off with your routing'? Simple. Use BT's Broadband Speed Checker and see if it reports the 20Mb/sec you paid for.


KitGuru says: Whether you choose BT, Virgin or one of the dozens of alternative options, one thing's for sure: If your service dies, then there's almost no chance you'll know anything about what really happened. Plug kicked out? Dodgy memory in a server? Entire data centre burnt to the ground? No idea? Neither have we. But we wish there was a simple site you could hit which would give you a simple update. No matter which network you use. Enter your phone number and get an update. Can't be that hard, can it?
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