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Valve was showing off a Source 2 Portal VR demo at GDC

When Valve announced the Source 2 engine and began showing off its VR headset at the Game Developers Conference, many were hoping that we would finally see a new game as well. Well it turns out that Valve did demo something new at GDC, it was a Source 2 version of portal built for virtual reality.

Unfortunately though, Valve is saying that it was just a mere technical demonstration and isn't a new game reveal. The Portal demo wasn't the first or second game, it was entirely new but right now, it seems that Valve isn't planning on announcing a return to the Portal series.

VR DEMO [yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfqMBYamZio']

As you can see in the above video from Valve News Network, Source 2 brings quite the graphics upgrade, although the footage we can see of the Portal VR demo is admittedly low quality.

Valve has been really quiet on its own games over the last couple of years. 2015 seems like the right time to launch something, given that the Steam Machine imitative is finally kicking off and The Vive virtual reality headset will be launching soon.

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KitGuru Says: This Portal VR demo is our first look at Source 2 and what it is capable of graphically. Hopefully the next time Valve shows something off from one of its big franchises it will be more than a tech demo. Do any of you guys think that Valve will release a new game this year? 

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  1. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    There’s got to be a release game with steam machines in november and it’ll probably have to be a source 2 game to boost sales

  2. That Portal d”3″mo looks sick!

  3. Ok so what happens if they make a third game and it doesn’t live up to the hype?