Eye tracking technology has been around for a long time in research and accessibility spaces, but has often been far too expensive for average consumers to consider. Now though things are very different, which is why Tobii Tech has launched its new, gaming focused eye tracker, called the 4C. It lets you track targets, pan your view in first person experiences and make various other inputs – all using the power of your eyes.
The 4C is designed to work with laptops and desktop PCs, at various distances and is supported by an ever growing number of games, which we will be using to put it through its paces.
Eye tracking is not something that every game supports or is something that many gamers think they need, but the list of compatible games and supported features is growing. What we will be looking to figure out today is whether it will be worth you spending £140 for an eye tracker, when you could spend that on better internal hardware or a top flight keyboard.
- Size: 17 x 15 x 335 mm.
- Weight: 95 grams.
- Max Screen Size: 27 inches with 16:9 Aspect Ratio, 30 inches with 21:9 Aspect Ratio
- Operating Distance: 50 – 95 cm
- Track Box Dimensions: 40 x 30 cm at 29.5″ / 75 cm
- Tobii EyeChip: Yes
- Connectivity: USB 2.0
- USB Cable Length: 80 cm
- Head Tracking: Yes (not powered by EyeChip)
- OS Compatibility: Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 (64-bit only)
- CPU Load: 1%
- Power Consumption: 1.5 Watt
- USB Data Transfer Rate: 100KB/s
- Frequency: 90 Hz
- Illuminators: Near Infrared (NIR 850nm) Only
- Tracking Population: 97%
- Near-infrared (NIR), independent eye tracking.
- Supports eye tracking and head tracking.
- Includes Tobii EyeChip, cutting back on CPU overheat and power consumption.
- Supports over 40 games at the time of writing.
Come on.. am I the only one thinking this could be a replacement for TrackIR for use with flight sims such as FSX or Prepar3d, no more reflective headbands!..
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