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Google stop users reselling or loaning Glass eyewear

Google Glass is dominating the news today, the first kits have reached developers and videos are now hitting youtube of the product in action. I have to admit, the video quality is actually really impressive – ideal for sneaking video footage of people who would normally be scared away when seeing a camcorder pointed in their direction.

For those developers and first time testers who have paid $1,500 for the privilege of testing they have to abide by a strict set of rules. They are not allowed to sell, or even loan out the glasses to anyone else. While this should stop developers flogging their product for a huge mark up on ebay, the rules are quite strict.

Google say “you may not resell, loan, transfer, or give your device to any other person. If you resell, loan, transfer, or give your device to any other person without Google’s authorization, Google reserves the right to deactivate the device, and neither you nor the unauthorized person using the device will be entitled to any refund, product support, or product warranty.”

Some people are commenting on this already. If they have bought the product for $1,500 should Google still be allowed to control what they do with the Glasses?
Google Glass – if you are hand selected to get into the $1,500 test phase, be sure not to sell them, or loan them out. Google don't allow it.

Wired.com spoke to Corynne McSherry,  the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s intellectual property coordinator. She said “If it takes off like iPhones did, this is going to be part of people’s everyday activity, and now we are starting down this path that is going to be completely controlled. It’s not clear to me what they are doing is unlawful. It’s a contract issue.”

Additionally Google will know if the glasses have been transferred because each device gets registered under the buyers Google account. Google have yet to comment on whether the same restriction will be in place when customers can purchase the product later this year, or in 2014.

A user spoke to Wired – he kept his anonymity for legal reasons. He tried to sell the glasses and the auction rose to $90,000 before he found out he couldn't sell them legally. You can read more about that over here. When other Google Glass testers found out he was trying to sell them online they were furious. “People were acting like I had did something sacrilegious,” he said.

He pulled the auction and hoped that Google didn't notice.

Kitguru says: Strict rules to get into the early test phase for Google Glass, but should a person be allowed to buy a product at $1,500 then sell it online for close to $100,000 ?

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  1. LOLed at this one – “People were acting like I had did something sacrilegious”
    Google…. another religion emerges

  2. Should someone be able to sell it online for $100,000? Erm, yeah, if people are stupid enough to BID that sort of amount then hell yes!

  3. I do not recognize googles authority to to this and what they are doing amounts to THEFT of property and is illegal. this is NOT a contract law issue because the go beyond simply support and warranty (which is perfectly ok for them to make contractual and to not provide to a secondary user) the issue is the “deactivation” deactivating a device is tantamount to TAKING effective possession of said device and that is THEFT. period.

    If they wish to no longer support it. Fine. if they wish to void its warranty FINE. I have no problem with them discouraging the resell of these developer units.

    but to deactivate crosses a moral and legal line into property theft. Google does not own the headset YOU DO. its your physical property. do NOT stand by while they strip you of your property rights unlawfully.

    Google. please correct this and ADHERE to your do no evil business objective.

  4. Required: Name

    Well your device would die, because of the price and your ridiculous attempt of dictatorship Google.

  5. What people fail to realize is that this is a test phase, it is not meant to be released to the public yet, it’s their product, they want people to TEST these devices to improve it. Simply put, if you can’t abide by the rules, if you can’t be respectful and think you’re privileged and can’t read the rules before purchasing, then don’t participate. This “deactivation” will not cross over with the product when the public has access to it in 2014.

    For now, whoever has the device during this developer/test phase, why do you want to exploit this opportunity for greed?