With more than 80,000 comic/cosplay enthusiasts expected through the doors at London's Excel before the end of Sunday 27th October 2013, this staggering audience begs one question: What can you do at the show? KitGuru photographs some posters and makes some lists. You know. Just in case they are helpful.
We're not going to try (too hard) to be entertaining in this article. This is ‘for information only'. Kind of. If you turn up at the London Excel, here are some of the cool things that you will be able to engage in:-




Over on the Nintendo stand, there were loads of new games on show. Play at least 2 and you get double stamps on your ‘Swag Wheel' card, which guarantees you a prize!



The main stage is set at the back of a huge hall – filled with seats – and there won't be a single space free by Saturday night. In between cosplay competitions and the like, the projectors show rare/previously unseen shows. Example? The Tomorrow People.
But there is more than one ‘main hall' and here's a snapshot of the ‘menu' from the second:-

KitGuru says: There's more, but we're knackered. Look out for a follow up shortly.
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