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Cameron asks web giants to block child pornography

David Cameron, UK Prime Minister has said he was ‘sickened'  by the growth of child pornography online and said that more companies should be using their technical abilities to filter and block the imagery.

Google are said to be involved in a system which can deal with child pornography. Mr Cameron said “Internet companies and search engines make their living by trawling and categorising the web. So I call on them to use their extraordinary technical abilities to do more to root out these disgusting images.

There are encouraging signs that the industry is willing to step up – increasing funding and technical support for organisations combating child sexual abuse imagery online. But I want more action.”

Figures indicate that only one person in 15 viewing online pornography is caught. Police were alerted to 2,866 suspects in 2012 but only 192 of them were detained. This data comes from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre. David Cameron has received some negative comments on his failure to crack down on Google because of apparent close political ties to the company. He denies the claims however.

A source spoke to the Telegraph newspaper in the UK saying “If the Government wants to censor the internet, they should introduce laws which we can implement.But ministers are terrified of being seen as trying to censor the internet as it is associated with draconian regimes, so they are now expecting private firms to make judgments about what should and should not be seen by the public.”

Kitguru says: Should the government enforce more laws to deal with the problem?

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One comment

  1. Unfortunately, filtering only works for casual porn users, anyone with a bit of knowhow will be able to avoid the filtering measures. In the case of child porn, it should be a case of finding the servers/hosts of this disgusting material and taking them down.