The response to KitGuru's earlier article about YOYOTech's brand new £8,000 mega box, the XDNA Aurum 24K was really positive. While we can argue about whether any PC can be worth that much money, there's no doubting the beauty of this hand-crafted monster. You wanted more, so here's more.
While we reserve the full on 24mp shots for actual reviews, here are some of the up-close-and-personal type images that we've managed to sneak around this new system, starting with a shot of the whole thing – panel off. More details on the system itself over here.







KitGuru says: While the sheer physical size and wallet-emptying price will keep the YOYOTech XDNA Aurum 24K out of the reach of most enthusiasts reach, there is still a high level of Want-Want around this box. Reminds you of the golden days of Tech Porn.
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