One of the problems with getting older is that at Christmas time, it's very hard to get a present that's anything like what you really want. Maybe you want a new car, or an animal, an upgrade on your house or maybe a really nice bit of aftermarket PC hardware. Either way, good luck asking your significant other or nearest and dearest family members to stump up the cash for it, even if they do know what it is.
Which is why it's so great that Uncle Zardon has come to town once again, bringing with him his red nosed reindeer by the name of Seasonic. Together they're set to drop off a fresh batch of presents for you kiddies, but you'll need to jump through a couple of hoops first.
Those hoops are international though, as this competition is open worldwide. Rejoice!
But first, the prizes themselves. What's in Seasonic's santa sack? Six power supplies for starters, including:
S12-430, S12G-650, MS12II Evo-750, G-550, X-850 and a P-1000.
You might remember the ranges these belong to, as Zardon reviewed a couple of them recently here and here.
The high end P-1000 model has an 80 Plus Platinum rating and a whopping seven year warranty
Along with those though, there's also six goody bags up for grabs, with a variety of items hidden inside.
If you're chomping at the bit ready to go, then I'll stop with the pre-amble and give you the meat of this story. Here's how you win:
Like the Kitguru Facebook page
Like the Seasonic Facebook page
Answer the following question:
What is your favourite Seasonic power supply model?
Answers must be emailed to:, with a number from 1-12 in the subject line. If your email is randomly chosen, that number will designate which prize pack you end up with. Also, you need to include your email address, mailing address and a phone number for inclusion.
The competition will start officially on the 22nd December 2013 and conclude on the 29th December 2013, with winners being announced shortly after.
So to recap:
Quick Rules
- Like the Kitguru and Seasonic Facebook pages
- Email the name of your favourite PSU to
- Make sure to include a number from 1-12 in the subject line
- Include your mailing address, name and phone number in the body of the email
- The competition runs from the 22nd to the 29th of December.
This competition is open to Kitguru fans worldwide and winners are randomly decided. KitGuru and Seasonic decisions are final.
Do not email KitGuru requesting special treatment, it won't be given. Do not contact any KG staff via Facebook or other social networking platforms, they are unable to influence the outcome of the competition and any badgering will have your entry invalidated. No staff of Kitguru or their family members may enter the competition.
By entering this competition you agree to the terms listed above.
Images sources: Bazaar Designs, Christmas Marine