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Google taking efforts to stop back spammers – draws criticism

Google has announced via its blog, a new crackdown on website spammers that manipulate the back button in your browser, to send you to a page that looks convincingly like the search page you were just on, when in-fact, it's an ad filled mess. Well no more.

To prevent this happening in the future, Google is now issuing search engine removal for those that are found to be taking part in this activity and thereby are breaching Google's quality guidelines. Google has also pledged to continue chasing down those that using manipulations or deceptions to gain visitors, as opposed to generating unique and original content.


Despite this news however, a lot of people don't seem that pleased, drawing comparisons with Google's own practices which they find deceptive. One user commented on the Google blog post, that Google's search results for American services like Hulu, were deceptive, since those sites aren't usable by those outside of the US.

Others suggested Google's own paid for advertising, like sponsored links, was a form of deception, as those sites had no need of high-quality content, since they paid for the position.

KitGuru Says: Always good to see Google helping to crack down on spammers, but what do you guys think of the extra comments? Is Google deceptive with its results? [Thanks SearchEngineLand]

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