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Uber delivering ice cream – same day via taxi

UK'ers are struggling with the heat wave lately, although very few people are really complaining. We all love the sun after all, right? Well to help deal with the temperatures, UBER, the luxury taxi service are delivering ice creams throughout London today. 

Generally you would book an Uber car through an iOS or Android application, but the company are adding an ‘Ice Cream' option, so they will deliver the icy lovelies direct to your door.

Uber are offering five ice creams for £20, as well as tshirts and even sunglasses. This service is clearly designed for a sticky, overheating office team, or for a rich executive in London who isn't counting the pennies. The company are even offering options of Mr Whippy ice cream and 99 flakes!

Uber are automatically charging the cost to your account, so no need to rummage in your pocket for notes or coins. You can even split the bill with other UBER account holders, so the office thing works out even better.

The ice cream option has been available since 11am and will stop at 5pm just in time for most offices to close.

In the mood now? then head over to this page to order and for more information.

Kitguru says: We are trying it out now, so we will let you know how it goes!

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