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RUSH out to see Rush and you won’t be disappointed

We have been fed a Hollywood diet of ‘New York gets attacked by terrorists and gets saved by a lone hero' for far too long. As more and more of the big movie franchises gravitate to the same storyline, the world waits for a heroic film which sweeps you up and leaves you wanting more. James Hunt is the man and Rush is the film. KitGuru does the Haagen Dazs in the front row.

How is it possible to make a film, on a limited budget of less than £25 million, where everyone knows the story – yet have it completely captivate you from start to finish?

Cue Rush, which is now on general release.

Despite the posters running largely with images of James Hunt (well played by Thor star Chris Hemsworth), the film actually chronicles the story of the dramatic 1976 F1 season from Niki Lauda's point of view.

The rivalry between Hunt and Lauda was long in the making, yet almost completely fizzled out after the time span covered by Rush. As such, the real world story line builds to a natural crescendo in the rain drenched corners of Japan's Fiji Speedway circuit.

KitGuru is loved by those with a talent for tuning and clocking their system engines, as such you're likely to love the way Lauda approached the rebuilding of an average Ferrari car and turned it into a world beater.

For those of you who are more into the look of your box, rather than pure stats, the idea of Natalie Dormer cavorting as a nurse – in various states of undress – should stimulate your aesthetic senses as much as a brand new curved aluminium chassis.

While Chris Hemsworth is perfect for Thor, he's not quite good looking enough to play Hunt. Thankfully, he's a good actor.
While Chris Hemsworth is perfect for Thor, he's not quite good looking enough to play Hunt. Thankfully, he's a good actor and manages to play the part of an F1 World Champion perfectly.

Apollo 13 delivered a story that the world already knew, in such a dramatic and personal way, that it soaked up box office money. Rush does exactly the same thing.

Precision engineered Lauda would have fitted into the modern F1 scene without missing a beat.

James Hunt would engage in alcohol, drugs and women right up to the point when a race began.

The rivalry could not have been set up better by an Oscar winning script writer – and Ron Howard's direction keeps the action and humanity flowing fast.

No matter how hard core you think you are (or how many Friday the 13th films you have seen), it's incredibly hard to watch a burn victim have their lungs vacuumed after a smash – and this is where the film really delivers. The Hollywood-style ‘Rambo out of the foxhole/storming the building' delivers so much more in the way of blood and guts, yet no where near the drama of the acute human suffering that such situations really generate.

What was F1 all about in 1976?   James Hunt says it clearly, “We're strapped into, essentially, a bomb which whizzes around the track at 200mph”. Nuff said. [yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKAr42gxjhM']

KitGuru says: Total suspension of disbelief from start to finish, with a lot of laughs/flesh thrown in for good measure. While no one wants to see drivers die, it does make you long for the days when F1 was truly a blood and guts sport. 

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