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Kane and Lynch movie could star Gerard Butler and Vin Diesel

Despite the Kane and Lynch games being relatively well received, if a little hard to remember and it being over three years since we last saw a game in the series, Hollywood apparently sees it as an excellent property to base a movie on. On top of that, it reckons the best casting choice would be to put Gerard Butler right alongside Dungeons and Dragons fanatic (no, really) Vin Diesel.

While neither role is confirmed as of yet, the Hollywood Reporter is suggesting that talks with Mr Butler are further along than his potential co-star, who has yet to respond to the initial offer. If they do accept, ironically it might be Diesel that's harder to nail down, as with a new XXX movie and the next Fast and the Furious in the works, his schedule looks a little busy at the moment compared to Butler's, who's IMDB page only lists him as acting in London Has Fallen over the next couple of years – after wrapping up post production on the How to Train a Dragons sequel of course.

Well Lynch does have a lot of missing hair…

If they do get on board though, the story looks likely to follow the 2007 original game and its plot, where a death row inmate and a prisoner with mental health problems break out of jail and are hired on to recover a gang leader's fortune.

Of course this isn't the first time we've heard of a Kane and Lynch movie, with several names – including Jamies Foxx and Bruce Willis – linked with the main characters at different points over the past few years. While some might debate how solid Diesel is as an actor, I'd put him head and shoulders above Foxx.

Kitguru Says: I never played the Kane and Lynch games myself. Were they any good? But here, more importantly, would they make a good movie? 

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