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Adobe still leads the way in Rip Off Britain scores

After running this morning's story about Crucial's inexplicable $50 bump for an SSD drive price when it gets sold to Brits, we got a timely reminder that there is one company that rips hard and faster than anyone else in this industry. KitGuru checks the sums before declaring Adobe the winner.

While Crucial can try to claim that shipping etc might make a couple of dollars difference to the price of its drives in one part of the world or another, the ‘download pricing option' from Adobe means that not even that defence is available.

Maybe it's the cost of providing software in a different language?

Nope – no luck there. When the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, they are carrying on a tradition from England in the 1500s – and they do it in English.

KitGuru has tried – and failed – to find a logical reason why Adobe software should be even $1 more expensive in the UK than it is in the USA.

The differences are WAY more than the sales taxes of any modern government, so we have focused on the numbers presented by Adobe on its various sites – for DOWNLOAD VERSIONS ONLY – so there are no material/postage costs.

Here's the comparison:-

Numbers will fluctuate +/- 20% with various taxes etc, but the differences here are WAY outside even that kind of movement. Impossible to explain.
Numbers will fluctuate +/- 20% with various taxes etc, but the differences here are WAY outside even that kind of movement.  They are impossible to explain.

KitGuru says: It's lucky that Adobe doesn't have a monopoly on this kind of content creation software. Oh. Wait.

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One comment

  1. Good example of how piracy can be completely justified.