Home / Software & Gaming / Blizzard officially cancels MMO Titan after seven years in development

Blizzard officially cancels MMO Titan after seven years in development

Blizzard has apparently canned its upcoming next gen MMO, Titan, after seven years in development. Rumors began swirling around the title once again last year when it was reported that Blizzard was taking the project ‘back to the drawing board' but it seems that it will never see the light of day after all.

In an interview with Polygon, Blizzard co-founder and CEO Mike Morhaime, mentioned that the company never actually officially unveiled Titan, although that didn't stop the developers from talking about the game over the last seven years.

“We had created World of Warcraft, and we felt really confident that we knew how to make MMOs. So we set out to make the most ambitious thing that you could possibly imagine. And it didn't come together.”


We didn't find the fun. We didn't find the passion. We talked about how we put it through a reevaluation period, and actually, what we reevaluated is whether that's the game we really wanted to be making. The answer is no.”

Morhaime mentioned that the decision to cancel Titan was a tough one to make but ultimately, when Blizzard makes these decisions, it results in higher quality work.

“The discipline of knowing when to quit is important. We were losing perspective and getting lost in the weeds a little. We had to allow ourselves to take that step back and reassess why the hell we were doing that thing in the first place.”

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KitGuru Says: Titan was set to be Blizzard's next big MMO, the thing that may finally move people from World of Warcraft but it doesn't look like the game is going to see the light of day. However, this should free up resources to work on an even better game for release in the future. Did any of you guys follow Titan's development history? What do you think of Blizzard as a developer? 

Source: Polygon

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  1. Incomming World Of Warcraft 2

  2. World of Warcraft 2 with new and improved graphic VR included in price of $599 a year 😛

  3. Over 1300 days played between my toons… Honestly Blizzard wasn’t even heading in the right direction with it’s flagship… why would I buy their next game?

    They ruined Arena.
    They ruined the community
    and worse, they ruined raiding / raiding guilds by making the game so damn casual that unskilled players were far more abundant than skilled. Which lead to guilds failing raids hard, trying to find GOOD members to fill slots.

    I used to love the shit out of this game. 400 days played prior to BC…

  4. They already announced they’re gonna make 10 years worth of WoW content xD Complacency is the killer of all companies yet ironically it is most demanded by investors.

  5. Thats 3.5 years of time playing WoW. Sitting in front of a computer monitor… Jesus Christ.

  6. Finnegan A Lemerian

    I don’t buy the bull put out by Blizzard. They could have just been honest and said, “Pay to buy plus subscription on top of that just doesn’t work anymore so we have to find a workable business model.”

  7. I have a hard time believing anyone could do something for 1300 days and still find it fun. The fact that you even played it that many days is an incredible tribute to Blizzard. Stop whining and do something important with your life.

  8. Somehow I’m sure you’ve spent an equal amount of time sitting at a computer monitor over time, kiddo.

  9. Define “important with your life”. Are you willing to finance whatever it is, or help in anyway?

  10. In what world does 400 days equal three and half years?

  11. I used to feel bad about how my raiding schedule used to be (Tue/Thur 10 man, Wed/Fri/Sun 25) until I saw how people play these retarded flash games.

  12. Important as in, creating a better future for other people.

  13. wait for it…

  14. That Guy Called Phil

    Blizzard is such a f’ing useless studio anymore. They ruined Diablo, they ruined WOW, what do they have left? Fans who are clinging to hope that they will fix it. Blizzards investors need to pull the plug on the executives over there and bring in some fresh ideas rather than the same tired old j’asses just trying to get by as s……l……o……w….l…..y as possible to milk a paycheck. Go f yourselves Blizzard.

  15. F other people. Why should it be important for me to do something for you? Much more important to do something for yourself that you enjoy as long as you’re not HURTING other people.

  16. Maybe it was just YOUR time to move on (and mine too). I’ve played WoW since end of 2004, and then the expansions for like 3 months at a time. While I can see that the game’s changed, I think a lot has to do with the fact that I am burned out; too much WoW, too much any mmo really. I think WoW is still a solid game for the newcomers, but for us, old timers, it’s just time to move on.
    Don’t blame the restaurant if you got tired of ordering the same dish, it’s time to look at what else is on the menu.

  17. … lol People don’t always game to play a game as much as play with hundreds of friends… and yes i get laid often.

  18. 1300 days divided by 365 = 3.5


  19. It’s working for FFXIV right now…

  20. in the world of AZEROTH!!! Kappa

  21. If all you care about is yourself, then good for you; please don’t have children.

  22. Half the fun of wow, at least leveling up, was getting new spells/abilities and new skill points. Well… they pretty much killed that. I can’t imagine having to level up 90 levels and only get a new skill point every 15 levels… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  23. If you want to judge people based on hobbies they partake in and then tell them they have no life, please kill yourself.

  24. I think there’s a chance it may improve over time now that ghostcrawler has gone. With that guy at the helm he killed the game with his heavily biased and heavy handed approach. At the moment players are still stuck in the aftermath of his dark legacy, but as time goes by and his filthy stain is removed then perhaps it will get it’s mojo back.

  25. The under the sea adventure and ninja panda’s killed wow for me.

  26. WOW days are 24 hours long. 1300 days means exactly that. 1300 * 24 hours (unless the OP has already massaged the number). Assuming I occasionally slept (seen the Southpark skit?) then he has acually played a lot MORE than 1300 days.
    There is no way I am going to check mine. The numbers would be far too depressing! lol

  27. Wow really? KILL myself? That seems pretty extreme. And judgy. Pretty judgmental.

  28. They probably cancelled because they felt like it wouldn’t be profitable. Which means it probably would’ve been somewhat fun to play..

  29. K what do you do that is ‘important’?

  30. knowing when to quit? XD hahaha right, blizzard of all ppl definitely knows when to quit, just look at WoW…………………………

  31. I teach science to 147 7th graders who live in poverty.

  32. Doesn’t sound bad. But I imagine that’s your job.

  33. Unfortunately teaching takes up way more time, energy, and emotion than a “job.” Especially if you teach in a poverty school.

  34. Nah WoW changed a lot. Whole communities died out right at the end of LK. LFR just brought people into the game that didn’t care to put effort into the game and blizzard chased the money.

  35. And telling someone not to have kids isn’t judgmental? Pot, meet kettle…

  36. I never claimed to not be judgmental, and in fact I don’t have a problem with judgmental, I was referring to the fact that he was telling me to kill myself based on judging people, when in fact he was also judging. Moreso than me, probably.

  37. I never claimed to not be judgmental, and in fact I don’t have a problem with judgmental, I was referring to the fact that he was telling me to kill myself based on judging people, when in fact he was also judging. Moreso than me, probably.

  38. Speaking of judgmental, you labeled someone a whiner and made the assumption that they do nothing important with their life based on one internet post.

  39. “I help people so that they can enjoy their lives. Oh, you enjoy your life? How worthless is that…”

  40. I’m glad you don’t teach them English, imagine all those kids walking around using made-up words like “Judgy”. This argument seems to have escalated somewhat and suggestions of suicide are a little over the top. However, perhaps you should follow the children’s logic of “You started it” and avoid insulting random strangers who are making a comment about a game underneath an article about a game.

  41. Like I said below, the only reason I brought up him being judgmental is because he was using my judgment as a reason that I should kill myself… When he himself was also being judgmental. I don’t personally have anything against being judgmental.

  42. WELL I could easily make the case that all words were once non-words 🙂 New words are created everyday. And slang is taught in English classes. The meaning and appropriate usage of slang is almost as important as understanding professional language.

  43. Lady Ibis… Since it appears that you have never played WoW… the responses are what you would see in-game. A bunch of Keyboard Commando’s, that geek in their mother’s basement eating Twinkies and drinking energy drinks.

    It’s no use in arguing with them. Their valid argument is to go kill yourself, or that you’re a noob, etc…

  44. lol… got it. /arguments

  45. The game is having it’s tenth anniversary in two months, which means that the game has been out for roughly 3,540 days as of right now. If he had 1300 days of play time, that means that he’s been averaging about 37% of every day the past ten years playing WoW. That’s 8 hours and 48 minutes per day. On average. For ten years. I call bullshit.

  46. lol Ok so your a Teacher .. Nice and your hatin on the people that play video games lol If you dont agree with this why in the fuck are you even posting about a dropped video game..

  47. Because all of the responses are as insane and invalid as “Go kill yourself” right? You two are sure full of yourselves aren’t you? Great argument to Mark John Mcvey’s comment though Lady Ibis, yikes.

  48. I believe things should be done in moderation 🙂

  49. You must be oh so hardcore if you’re complaining about the fact that lower difficulty levels were created so that players who weren’t dedicated to mandatory attendance raiding guilds could see end-game content. I’m sure you’re the king of lfr, since apparently you aren’t doing heroic level raids, which are still every bit as challenging and difficult to put together as raids have ever been.

    Your 1300 days claim means you’ve played 9 hours every day for the past ten years, so that’s BS.

    Your 400 days prior to BC means you put in around 13 hours every day for just over two years, so I don’t buy that one either.

    Did you just come here to make up shit so you could complain?

  50. I don’t mean to diminish what you’re saying, but I’m pretty sure it takes up exactly as much time, energy, and emotion as a job, since that is, you know, your job.

  51. Well it depends on your definition of “job,” my definition is “what you get paid for,” and teachers surely go far beyond what they get paid for. At least, the ones I know 🙂

  52. Reaper of Souls is actually the most fun I’ve ever had with Diablo. D3 wasn’t that great, but it’s pretty awesome now.

    MoP is the most fun I’ve had with WoW since Burning Crusade. Not everyone feels these things are ruined. Let’s also not forget about Starcraft 2, which is fantastic.

  53. Their ~ $85,000,000 a month from subscribers says differently…

  54. You mean that game which nets them ~ $85,000,000 a month from subscriptions alone?

  55. so do you play wow

  56. I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here.

  57. lol no. ain’t nobody got time for that

  58. If you got fired, would you still do any of the things you do for your job? No. That means it’s what you get paid for.

  59. what is wrong with you? you need someone to finance you to have the initiative to do something memorable with your life?

  60. Ah, Bradley, how little you know about teaching dear sir! If you have kids I do so hope you will ask their teachers about what they do to help your kid!

  61. Glad I’m playing FFXIV:ARR, Blizzard customer money well spent on that one. Also, no one said this was your “holier than thou soapbox” I’m sure you spent alot and time on money on a hobby or a *cough* job that produces zero results.

  62. I don’t care if you taught a class full of Helen Keller’s to cure cancer, the way you look down on people is horrendous. I believe those kids were better off without you.

  63. Oh so you believe everyone should follow your limited, narrow minded boring view on life and bask in your own sense of self righteousness. Makes sense

  64. Of course you don’t know what he’s getting at. You’re a boring idiot.

  65. YEP! You got me! 😀

  66. Right again Jacob!

  67. Ah, well, sadly without me, they actually wouldn’t have a science teacher at all, so I’m sure these kids lives are completely ruined! But – at least they will never be under the impression that video games fall under the “important events in life” category, so phew, I guess I saved them there!

  68. I don’t need anyone financing me, but if someone wants to tell me what to do, as if what I do isn’t good enough for them, they damn well better be paying me or they can STFU.

  69. I refuse to believe that anyone would assert such an air of superiority over someone else based solely on a hobby. Either you’re a troll, or you’re solely responsible for the smug clouds covering the country. I’m praying for the former, or you’re doing serious damage to those kids that your half-assed teaching can’t fix.

  70. Yeah because you’re the only one that can teach them basic seventh grade science right? Christ..what a self absorbed ass. Hopefully for every awesome person out there that does good deeds for others for the good feeling, there’s not a person like you.

  71. Will Hiem Lickmanouver

    And this is Blizz’s way of say “Well we wasted time and money on this game and while we were doing it our WoW subs have dropped to the lowest they’ve been in a long long time. Well lets make another xpac for WoW and drain the money from people some more.”

  72. Will Hiem Lickmanouver

    Actually I play about 9 hours every day so it’s not bullshit. If you have no job or happen to be a kid either living with their parents or attending college I’m sure he had plenty of time to sit around and do nothing.

  73. Ever since activision came on the scene blizzard has gone down hill. We should call them “show me the money.” as they will use any scheme possible to make an extra buck. Vivendi came up with warcraft, star craft, diablo and wow. All game of the years. Then activision came on the scene in 2007 with no creative ability and have just lived off existing titles ever since. They have created heroes and hearthstone, moba clone and card game clone. Nothing new, just same old same old. Blizzard is dead and gone, activision is here to suck, i mean stay.

  74. Please, lady Ibis, as the discussion is about the article above, please keep your inane comments to yourself. If you have a pertinent comment to the article or any experience at all in video games you would like to share, knock yourself out. I just spent 5 minutes going through troll spew.

  75. they are just waiting for Everquest Next to come out so they can steal 85 % of a game from them again…

  76. i played everquest for ten years, and it was twice or 3 times the game for its time period than WoW is.

  77. I agree, BC was the beginning of the end. I found the game got – too big.


  79. I love how teachers complain and tell us all, oh we do so much more work than everyone else, oh woe is us, bow down to us , kiss our feet, seriously, I call BS, myself and my wife work 9+ hour days, something a teacher will never know, in the united states anyway.
    I can tell you in my state they work 8 to 2:30 and get every single weekend off plus 2 months off in the summer , plus now a guaranteed half day every two weeks, plus two weeks vacation and 2 weeks sick time, every holiday under the sun and Christmas vacation April vacation etc.
    I’m sorry even if you have to correct 300 term papers a week you still don’t come close to the average persons job. you think dealing with kids is rough? go trade places with someone working the lunch rush at a mcdonalds , go put up and take down carnival rides for 8 bucks an hour, or how about run a rock crusher for 9 hours a day, a job where the vibrations are so bad you don’t stop shaking for an hour after your shift ends. Maybe be a paramedic like I did for 11 years working 24 hour shifts for 10.50 an hour, dealing with every drugged out heroin addict, puking sick person , people with exploded colostomy bags, or maggot infested pressure sores, burn victims and gun shot wounds. You ever smelled burning cooking flesh? or liquified flesh? you NEVER forget it. SO suck it up. you are not , all that. Teaching to poverty kids, as you put it, does not make you special, you don’t need a child to be rich to enrich his/her mind.

  80. Yes but the atomic weight of boron, now that’s important.

  81. Probably because as a teacher she feels awful for all the idiots out there who aren’t even educated enough to spell “you’re” correctly, and therefore won’t ever get a decent job or wage and will end up frustrated, angry and living in shit all their lives.

  82. Most assuredly not an English teacher.

  83. Judgmental???????? you just told someone not to have children, you elitist, self absorbed fool. You are a Science teacher, not the Dalai Lama, or Buddha, you are not wise, by any means, because simply, you think you are. It was said best by Confucius who said,”He who believes he is wise, is truly a fool.”

  84. all words were once non-words? , so the first word for water, was not a word? The guttenberg bible was printed in emoticons?

  85. Geez Lady Ibis, did you want a medal with those fries? After reading all
    your comments…! I am not even American and … wow lady! I am a
    professional, a woman, a bloody hard working registered nurse and a
    single mother with a nasty disability, AND I am a proud gamer! My gaming
    IS important.

    I suppose in your sheltered poor existence you
    would not give credit to those individuals that do take it to the max in
    their chosen sport, that of e Sports. Wait – that’s gaming – they need a life – don’t they? Pfft

  86. I was thinking the same thing and went and did the math. He would have to have no life to play that much. I suppose if he was a shut in he would have that much time. I have a lot of time on my account but I also leave my account logged in a lot. My kids also play on my account. And even with that I come no where near 1300 days total. Many times I would be sitting at the computer logged in and on another monitor paying bills or watching a movie and just hitting the space bar every so often while waiting on something.

  87. Was Keyser Soze name taken? Is that why you jumbled up the name? Awesome movie. I watched to about half way through before I had an inkling about who Keyser was. My wife always gets mad at me when I figure out the twist before the movie ends. I never tell her unless she asks but when she does it irritates her that I am right and she wasn’t.

  88. I am not a teacher but it actually takes up way more time in some instances for some teachers. I know teachers who would give out home information so that students could call them if they needed help. I know some teachers who would come in early or stay late to help. I don’t see a lot of that now but when I was going to school in the 70s and 80s I witnessed a couple teachers like that.

  89. Steve you do know that just because the students are there 8-2:30 that doesn’t mean that is the teachers hours. My wife puts a lot of volunteer hours in at the school. She does crossing guard before and after school and in between she does all the “admin crap” laminating, sorting papers, stapling etc for the teachers. Teachers get to school 1-2 hours before class and leave 1-2 hours after class. Then they are expected to come to many school functions.

    Uggg, how did I start defending teachers? Many of today’s liberal teachers annoy the crap out of me. Even though I think liberal teachers are the bane of society I won’t say they don’t put in a lot of hours or have the patience of a saint in many instances. I have volunteered for school trips and I think because I am the only guy who volunteers I get the “problem kids” in my group. With just that little time with only those few kids I think I would go crazy if I had to deal with a whole class.

    There are teachers who are useless but overall I think that teachers have a rough job.

  90. But then, you never really know how a complete stranger lives their life, either.

  91. at least she seems to be a real teacher..


  92. Finnegan A Lemerian

    For WORLD OF WARCRAFT, not a brand new IP.

  93. Finnegan A Lemerian

    Another overhyped game and series. Pfft. Something that is an established franchise and IP. A brand new, unproven IP isn’t going to get that.

  94. Um, I’m pretty sure he means that he played the game every day for 1300 days, not that he’d logged 1300 days worth of playing hours. Even if he did play for 1300 hours worth, at 8 hours and 40 minutes on average, that leaves enough time for a full time job and a full night’s sleep assuming he didn’t play all day on his days off… anyway, maybe he didn’t do much of anything but play WoW, but it’s very doable.

  95. It’s possible he meant to say he played every day for 1300 days straight but that’s not what he said. When people talk about play time they go by the time it says under /played. Which doesn’t give you how many different days you logged in. It adds the hours you were logged on. He says he played 400 days before BC. If we use your theory that means he had ~900 days after BC which puts him quitting before Cata. The ruining of raiding and such came after that. Mostly in Panda. He would have had to play continuous those 900 days otherwise he would have no idea how many days he played. Well unless he was real anal and marked on his calendar which days he logged on. So he had to be playing past Cata to see how raiding has been changed so much.

    As far as having enough time for a full time job that could be possible but unlikely unless his job was working at home. Most people have travel time to and from work. Let’s say 1 hour round trip. Then they have things such as showers/grooming/cleaning house/washing clothes/cooking/eating/shopping/paying bills etc Let’s say that is 3 more hours a day total on average That’s 4 hours gone. With playing that’s about 13 hours. Full time job 8 hours more. 21 hours gone. That leaves 3 hours for sleep. We could say that someone else does all that shopping/cooking/cleaning for him but unless that someone is his mom I doubt anyone else would be doing it. The wife wouldn’t put up with 9 hours a day playing. Even if you shave an hour or 2 off the shopping cleaning etc time it still just leaves 4-5 hours sleep.

    So to wrap it up they guys who life is tied up in WoW. 1300 days playing is kind of sad.

  96. What’s World of Warcraft? That name is familiar though.

  97. I was getting excited for this, but if Blizzard has decided not to do it, then I respect their decision.

  98. Well if you have played WOW for over 1300 days, then ofc you’re gonna start finding it boring and just look for the mistakes in the game. Project Titan could have been a great MMO for all we know.

  99. 1300 is just a freaking lot o.O

  100. Go get them Jacob!

  101. Good luck remembering all the names 😛

  102. except for those who have time!

  103. We have a genius over here!

  104. Yea I agree with you, however im still going to try out the next expansion, as a “last hope” for WOW

  105. omg did he just run in?

  106. The under sea adventure was just……. uggggghhhhhhhhh D:

  107. I don’t call bullshit at all. I was sucked in for seven years. I’m self-employed and get paid well for what is basically a part time job. I would have weeks where 5 days of the week I would play from the time I got up till the time I went to bed. Pathetic? Maybe. But I’m not going to judge someone on what they deem to be fun for them. They don’t have to live their life by my standards. Only I have to do that.

    I could easily see this as true. I have a couple of toons still there on the server with 400 days played time on each. Miss ya, Mac! lol

  108. Don’t forget that the game doesn’t boot you for like 30 minutes if you go afk. I know there were many, MANY times I’d leave the game running while I’d walk away and do other stuff. So there are many dozens of hours of /played time that I was doing other things or had gone to bed.

  109. Apparently you have not seen the south park episode… How do you kill that which has no life?

  110. Kristian Colasacco

    I’m sorry, but I still have to take a second to LOL at you. Dude, you played WoW from launch and even then it was a dumbed down, easy version of EQ. I don’t want to hear complaints about how easy it later became, it always catered to bad players. You should have played Everquest (which later did it’s own dumbing down), Anarchy Online or Eve if you want to be hardcore. Right now you’re just some guy that’s whining that an easy game became easy and in the process looking like an idiot.

    We are not impressed.

  111. After 6 and a half years of my youth, Project1999 grabbed me by the balls again in 2012, hahaha

  112. I’m making an uninformed comment based on how I perceive your life just as you have to all the gamers in this forum. Just because you don’t have time for video games, because YOU chose to become a teacher, doesn’t mean you have the right to judge other people for spending their time gaming. I’m a Network Technician who works around 50-60 hours a week. I make time for gaming because it relieves stress and is really fun. Based on your comments throughout here something I’m sure you know nothing about. You know what they say “Those who can’t do, teach.”

  113. for reals. they get soooo mad if I forget their name, and yet half of them can’t even remember mine, and they only have 5 teachers!

  114. lol that’s wonderful Ms. Angel. not sure what you mean about not being American though.

  115. if you choose to believe that life began with the Biblical Adam and Eve then you can think what you want about language, I’m not going to argue with that line of thinking.

  116. like I said multiple times already in this thread, I was referring to him telling me to kill myself for being judgmental, while being extremely judgmental himself. it wasn’t a remark about my own non-judgmentalism (which I’m not claiming) or wisdom (which I’m also not claiming).

  117. not sure what your point is.

  118. I don’t know what you’re trying to say in this comment, either, but if you’re trying to say that that’s what I teach… no, it’s not. I teach kids how to safely play with fire, research scientific theories on the Internet, create models of concepts, and use instruments such as graduated cylinders.

  119. that’s literally the stupidest comment on this entire thread. I work 70 hours a week MINIMUM. how on earth do you think I am able to lesson plan, grade papers, call parents, buy lab supplies and set up labs, DURING my school day when I am teaching students 100% of the time?

  120. cool

  121. actually no, but good use of inferencing skills. the reason they wouldn’t have a teacher without me is because we have a severe teacher shortage and there is literally no other science teacher available in our city. look it up. tulsa oklahoma teacher shortage.

  122. yep that’s true I’m teaching them to be evil hateful little munchkins that go around making video gamers feel bad about their lives.

  123. true story

  124. oh wait did I already reply to this? cancel out second reply

  125. Not saying teachers have it easy but with all due respect you’re a 7th grade science teacher for poor kids and the way you talk is like you’re better than people because they game. Maybe that isn’t how you feel but you’re perceived as a troll with the maturity of a 13 year old. That isn’t somebody I’d want teaching my kids anything much less how to play with fire.

    You make it sound like being a 7th grade teacher you are being impactful on these kids lives when in reality you’re blowing smoke up your own ass. You’re teaching less fortunate kids science, you arentaren’t teaching th intellectually challenged. Get over yourself girl its a high school teaching position.

  126. sorry I can tell you in my state of Massachusetts there are no teachers in the school buildings 45 minutes after school gets out. the principals offices are closed, the teachers parking lot is empty. as to mrs wonderful saying she works 70 hours a week grading papers. that’s absolutely bull. kids do not turn in papers to the teacher every day, nor does correcting papers take 40 hours a week. ALso for her to say has to write the lesson plan.. well 99% of states have state run mandated lesson plans, teacher don’t have to write them , and if they do have to they only have to do it for one year then reuse it. she tries to say shopping for lab supplies is a part of her job that’s takes literally hours and hours each week, for 5 years I drove kids to school on a small bus, and I can tell you very very very few teachers were there early. especially since teachers do not have keys to the school, and the doors were not opened until 7:15 am. also teachers don’t need patience anymore, 68% of boys ages 12 to 17 are on behavioral drugs according to the department of education. and girls aren’t half the troublemakers boys are. add to it they have security guards now, and the average class period is only 45 minutes per class, so if someone is acting up and you cant send them out of class you only have to hold out for a maximum of 45 minutes. SO if you do the math the max that teachers work is approaching 40 hours a week, now add in to that , guaranteed every weekend off, every holiday off and then some, plus April vacation February vacation, Christmas vacation, summer vacation, half days, snow days etc. Sorry just doesn’t add up. there is this myth that all teachers are out buying supplies so the kids can learn, snif snif, im all my years including college I never saw a teacher give out a pen, pencil or piece of paper unless the school provided it and that wasn’t very often.

  127. Just so you know Madame Teacher, a month ago 5 lads from china, who called them selves Team Newbee, split a purse of 4.5 million dollars for 5 days of playing one video game. Id consider their lives as successful, all due to playing video games.

  128. Not American as in I am not American and find “poor American” so sad, especially when used as an excuse. It is a social problem, not an excuse. To us not of the United States your attitudes are amazing, from good old fashion godliness to mega extreme patriotism – shoving it into places it is truly unwanted. I doubt you get my point, but others will. This is going nowhere now and truly off topic, apologies to the group for this.

  129. Shut up Fanboy!!

  130. how do you kill that which has no life?

  131. I love reading these comment’s. Yes I played Wow for several years way back when.. I came here to read timeless, redundant, never ending WoW arguments. All I learned from playing WoW is that the vast majority of the player base are the shittiest lifeless people on the planet. All you crybabies do is wine and hate since BC. Yet many of you still play.. Why? Cause nobody wants anything to do with you in real life. You literally have nothing better to do.

    The arguments never change: He is a loser cause he /played X amount of days. I have this great job. I don’t live in mommy’s basement. I get laid by crazy hot bitches. He is a troll. He paid for that ranking… Just read these comments here lol!!! It never ends. You people suck at life. If you had a great life I promise you wouldn’t be playing MMO’s period. You just wouldn’t. I don’t expect any of you people to agree with me. You have to rationalize your pathetic existence some how. When I played WoW I learned people’s alter ego’s are disgusting. Nothing is real in your game. Very very few of the friendships last past the game in real life if you ever even made any. When you are surrounded by the bottom of the bucket of the real world’s humanity, you get the worst of people. Gaming communities blow ass and Wow’s being one of the worst. Also, nothing funnier to me than gaming elitist snobs. That shit is hilarious.

    I’m not saying all gamers are terrible people. I am saying the vast majority of you people truly suck at life. When I played WoW religiously, it was in reality the lowest saddest point of my entire existence. I lost most of my friends. Got fat as fuck. No women wanted me. Was almost flat broke the entire time. Was just getting by. So happy all that is over now. I’ve pulled a complete 180. These games turn you people into degenerate sloths. If I ran the world. I’d ban TV and gaming. Be glad I don’t run the planet.

    Anyway. I’ve been a Blizz Gamer since D1. That’s like what? 20 years ago? I have had so much fun playing Blizz games and give them credit for killing much of my time, over the years in good fun. Was it worth missing out on life? No. After hearing the rumors about Titan for so many years, I had to read about this announcement. I do agree Blizz went to shit since be acquired by Activision. They have pissed away much of their best talent and the only game still worth a FK is StarCraft.

  132. Meh the insults don’t really matter. Honestly I don’t expect anyone but myself to understand what I had gone through while playing or how much of a life I lived outside of playing the game. I don’t expect anything I say to change peoples opinions but It doesn’t really matter.

  133. Sozer Im sorry for my limited Speeling ability I hope it dosnt cause you to kick your cat or harm a child. But truly I could give a fuck less about proper grammer or spelling.. Grammer Nazi’s are worthless..