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Female celebrities sue Google over leaked images

It seems like the celebrity nude picture scandal has yet to die down, not least because the leakers are continuing to dump their trove of images every few days, but because a number of the women that took or featured in the photos have now begun legal action against Google and are demanding monetary compensation for the search giant not removing the images from its results fast enough.

In a letter that the New York Post got a hold of, law firm Lavely and Singer addressed Google's senior management, including: Larry Page, Eric Schmidt, Sergey Brin, Kent Walker and a number of others, accusing them and Google of benefiting from “knowingly accommodating, facilitating, and perpetuating the unlawful conduct,” of the “victimisation of women.” Because of this, the women it represents, are demanding compensation and punitive damages to the tune of $100 million.

A quick Google search does indeed still show several of the images. Most of which we can't show here, obviously.

The letter also claims that the celebrities and their legal representation had been sending DMCA notices to many sites, including Google, to have the images removed. While most sites did so within hours, the law firm accuses Google of ignoring or delaying the take down notices.

“Google knows that the images are hacked stolen property, private and confidential photos and videos unlawfully obtained and posted by pervert predators who are violating the victims' privacy rights … Yet Google has taken little or no action to stop these outrageous violations,” it reads.

The lawsuit then draws a comparsion between the celebrities and the women in the lives of Google exeuctives, suggesting that if those women had had their privacy violated in the same manner, Google would be doing more about it. This is likely true, but it also fails to mention the fact that revenge porn goes on all the time, it's only now that ‘celebrities' have been targeted that the law firm and indeed most of these women are making a fuss of it. It doesn't make it any more right, but it does highlight some measure of hypocrisy in the letter's arguments.

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KitGuru Says: There's also a lot of hypocrisy surrounding the mainstream press' reaction to “The Fappening.” Considering tabloids and even some more reputable news sources spend much of their reporting on the comings and goings of celebrities, it seems a bit ridiculous to suddenly point a finger at others for invading privacy. Not only is it an invasion of privacy to take pictures of people all the time, but a culture of voyeurism is encouraged by this sort of reporting.

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  1. Non technical people simply do not understand the technical undertaking of managing curating the internet.
    It’s like playing whak-a-mole on a 1000 x 1000 grid, blind folded and with your most hated song of all time playing on repete.

    Utter hell

  2. I understand that they are frustrated, but lashing out at Google just shows me that they lack the understanding of how the internet works. What they don’t seem to get, is that those pictures will ALWAYS be there – heck I wouldn’t be suprised if the last survivor on earth would run around with a USB-stick with those pictures.

  3. I highly doubt that. Since most of the pictures were meh. They needed more top quality famous people. I didn’t even know half of ’em, which made it that much harder to masturbate to.

  4. Travis Christensen

    They are going to sue google but not apple for their shitty icloud security? The logic is strong with these dumbass celebrities.

  5. That’s what I’m thinking… How stupid they really are… Plus it’s a fucking algorithm that’s fetching the photos off of websites. What? Re-write the code? They could iclude some filter that shows no results when people google their name – that’s what they desrve.

  6. They should next time, use Google Drive so if anything goes wrong again, they can now sue Google like fucktards

  7. That would be pretty funny actually.
    Imagine the devs thought track
    ‘you want images of you removed? fine, all images of you removed from the search’
    ‘… what, you said all images, you didn’t specify!’
    Dev logic 101

  8. Women like these, are the ones that are victimizing women. The pure stupidity of them.

  9. Non technical people do understand the undertaking of managing the internet. Dumb people that are famous only about their looks and “talents” do not.

  10. Stephan Chase Morsanutto

    No no, the truly funny and stupid shit about this, is that you can find them just as easily with bing. So why sue google? Completely fucked up and unjustified, just some idiots who were too stupid to take care of their photo’s properly and want to make some quick money out of it

  11. I can only imagine their thought process went something like this.
    “Oh no, we’re naked on the internet. LET’S SUE THE INTERNET!!!
    … Google owns the internet, right?”

    If they get that $100 million, I am going to be unbelievably pissed off.

  12. Shouldn’t even sue Apple, anything can be hacked.

  13. I don’t think that it was even an iCloud hack. Like someone posted (don’t have link anymore soz xox) I truly think that it was a whole underground operation with loads of celebrity nudes like a black market type thing on the deep web/Tor and that the iCloud was a cover up? It might just be me overthinking it though…