Home / Professional / Development / Naughty Dog to continue pushing for 1080p 60FPS on PS4

Naughty Dog to continue pushing for 1080p 60FPS on PS4

Naughty Dog has confirmed that it is continuing to push for 1080p and 60 frames per second for all of its future games on the Playstation 4. The company's dedication to full HD resolution and smoother frame rates solidified after it released The Last of Us Remastered on the PS4, which garnered up plenty of praise from fans and critics alike.

Naughty Dog is currently working on its Uncharted series follow up, Uncharted 4: A Theif's End, we've seen a few impressive looking images from the game so far, including an in-engine PS4 render of Nathan Drake's face. Unfortunately though, its just a picture of a picture, rather than a proper shot.

Nathan Drake

While talking about achieving 1080p and 60 frames per second, Naughty Dog Community Manager, Arne Meyer, said: “I think that's what we want to push for with anything we're doing on this generation. That's sort of the mandate from when we were building the PS4 engine. Let's see if we can do this and hit it. We hit it with The Last of Us Remastered, so why not stick with this?”

Many Playstation owners are looking forward to the next Uncharted game. However, rumors have been floating around about a potential PS4 remaster of the original trilogy, much like the Last of Us, Meyer has addressed those rumors, stating that “I personally think it would work well, because there's a lot of attention on the studio between the success of Uncharted 2, 3 and The Last of Us. It'd be nice to give players the opportunity to go back and play the older games, and people who are new to the PlayStation platform.”

However, Meyer also noted that the team is very busy and doesn't know if they'll have the time or man power to dedicate to it any time soon: “I think that'd be great – but I have no idea how that could fall into our timeline.”

The Last of Us Remastered took around a year to create with a full, dedicated team working on it the entire time, so it's possible that Naughty Dog just doesn't have the time right now to properly re-create the first three Uncharted games for the PS4.

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KitGuru Says: It's nice to see that Naughty Dog has the right idea, gamers generally tend prefer the smoother 60 frames per second experience over 30. More developers should follow in Naughty Dog's footsteps and learn that 30 frames per second does not offer a ‘cinematic feel'. Are you guys glad to see a console developer striving to hit 1080p and 60 frames per second? Do you think that Naughty Dog will manage to hit both targets like it did with The Last of Us Remastered? 

Source: Eurogamer

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  1. Respect for these guys, they must be doing some serious optimization to achieve 60fps at 1080p with such impressive (for a console at least) graphics. It is also demonstrates that the PS4 hardware is capable of such feat, if only the developers do not dumb things down to avoid debate and stuff *cough*

  2. Actually all it shows is that PS3 games that are not graphically demanding can run at sub native 1080P for brief periods, any person who actually knows anything about technology will honestly tell you that while the PS4 will perform marginally better it still does not have the power to run 1920×1080@60FPS which is why all the big Devs are using that “30FPS@900P is more cinematic” B.S .

    On a APU that is far less advanced and way less powerful than even a budget entry level Kaveri APU your not going to get 1080P@60FPS on anything more demading than a PS3 end of cycle title.Without heavy compromises to things like draw distance texture quality and A.I

  3. is that a selfie?

  4. Naughty Dog clearly needs to expand its studio and create a remastering department for the Uncharted Trilogy box set on PS4. Get hiring guys. The customers are ready and waiting with money so why ignore the business.

  5. 4A Games also achieved 1080P @ 60fps for Metro Redux and those are among the best looking games. If a game studio really is pushing the bar and using a top-tier game engine I believe it’s still possible atleast for the Playstation 4.

    But most game developers are pushing deadlines instead of crunching numbers for maximum potential.

    Nice to see that Naughty Dog is still dedicated.

  6. Not even close to accurate about Kaveri (or technology). That APU series’ best barely runs Tomb Raider Medium spec 1080p30. Playstation 4’s custom APU runs Tomb Raider Ultra Spec 1080p60 w/ extra physics and added textures mixed in. I love how PC users think they know consoles so well.