Home / Software & Gaming / New exclusive content announced for GTA V on PC, PS4 and Xbox One

New exclusive content announced for GTA V on PC, PS4 and Xbox One

Rockstar has revealed a list of exclusive items and missions/activities to be included in the long awaited PC, Xbox One and PS4 versions of Grand Theft Auto V, although this new content will only be available to returning players, meaning those of you who had the willpower to hold out for the PC version of the game will be getting the short end of the stick.

Those of you that couldn't wait and originally played Grand Theft Auto V on the PS3 or Xbox 360, you'll be getting new events and rewards, including new vehicles and weapons. Some of you may remember that Rockstar released LA Noire a few years back, it is now bringing that detective game experience to GTA V with a new murder mystery mission for Micheal, which will see him follow a trail of cryptic clues and eventually unlock some camera filters for those of you who want to nab screenshots in-game.


Other bits of content include a new wildlife photography challenge, stock car races and according to Rockstar, there will be much more. Obviously, PC players will have mods, so if you miss out on Rockstar's own additional content, then you'll still have community made addons to fall back on.

For those of you that did own Grand Theft Auto V on a console, you'll be able to transfer your last gen character once to a new platform. Rockstar will be giving upgraders $1 million in-game cash, $500k for story mode and $500k for online mode to help you get started.

You can read Rockstar's full list of additional content along with a short FAQ, HERE.

Discuss on our Facebook page, HERE.

KitGuru Says: It's pretty disappointing that this new content will be limited to those who had owned the game on a console previously. That said, some of the new bits added in don't seem all that interesting. What do you guys think of this? How do you feel about Rockstar holding back content if you didn't buy the game on a last gen console? 

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  1. I only play games on my pc…
    I can understand upgrading form ps3 to ps4 getting additional content but taking it away from PC that never head it in the first place…

  2. Oh, you only have a PC, well your not allowed this additional content then… great move by Rockstar…

  3. It makes sense, shit i expect more for spending 60 dollars twice. I hope i keep my 600 million when i upgrade.

  4. I can’t see the problem here.. No matter what you still have to buy the game again. (If you want the new content).
    Truth is alot of people that own a pc also own a console. (Not all but alot.)

    I actually think it is nice that Rockstar actually puts the PC gamer up on the same place as the console gamers. You can still get the new content, sure you have to own a console and a copy of the game but it is the same for all.

    Anyways, it’s not like you won’t be able to find a torrent with all content somewhat next year when the game has been published sometime.

  5. bullshit. Nearly all the people who want to run GTA V on ultra on their PC DONT have a console. because if youre a gamer and you have a gaming PC there is no point in having a console.

  6. if you’re a true gamer at all no one would complain about games and just play them

  7. Well actually there is.. Not all games goes well with a PC. FIFA for instance..
    And hell, i also want to run it at ultra and have the whole PC experience bla bla bla…

    But still, it is a gift for returning players as they say. And TRUE GTA fans would not wait for it to come out on PC, PS4 or XBONE before they could play it, they would play for the storyline, not put grapichs higher.. So you could say that this is a “gift” for TRUE fans. (reason i put “” at gift is because it is not a fucking gift if you have to pay for it…)

  8. lol who plays fifa xD
    some of us dont have a PS3 or an Xbox you little rich boy.
    We dont expect games to be released for one platform only and I honestly find it a dick move from rockstar to have initially released it for consoles only.

  9. Most stupid thing I ever heard. So if you’re a gamer, you cant complain if a game is bad? what kind of stupidity is this? If you’re a normal person, you’ll complain if you paid for something and find out that you were ripped off, gamer or not. And if you don’t get that and are just a fanboy buying games only because its a certain series or a certain company that made it, then you’re just an example of the worst a gamer can be, a retard who doesn’t look at what he buys and lets bad companies like EA or Activision continue selling their shit for high prices because you blindly buy it anyway.

  10. They’re all peripheral/meh content so not a big deal. I actually did play it on 360, but I think the very minor new content is a fair enough idea. It’s so unimportant it’s gauged to not offend new players.

  11. The ones who find it fun? duuhh..
    Relax, bitch, no need for name calling here..
    Who is ‘WE’ ? There are many games that are console only, and there are many games that are PC only. If all games where available to PC, companies like SONY would not make money on their PS3/PS4 because there where no exclusive PS3 titles..

    And where is the source that indicates that the game where initially for consoles only? Because i don’t believe you. I think it was their plan all along to make it for PC, they just waited till the time was right.

  12. Well, i would still complain if the storyline was crappy or it was a rippoff from another game. You got to keep it real.

  13. I like this.. Bought it on XBOX when it launched to play with friends, buy it for the obviously superior platform and get free stuff.. WIN! 😀 To all those who complain: you didn’t give rockstar money at launch, so why do you deserve rewards for only buying one copy. This is a way to give back to the double investors..

  14. Exactly..

  15. all i care about is modding the shit out of gta 5 making it 100x better

  16. “little rich boy”…I’m sorry you cant call someone rich for owning a console and aa PC when a PC to run with max graphics in most games plus have a degree of future proofing costs probably 2x as much as a console (perhaps less with current AMD deals, but PC hardware is still considerably more expensive)

  17. Oh well, fuck Rockstar then.

  18. The ‘true fan’ argument is nonsense, anyone who pays is as worthy as anyone else for equal content, and those of us who don’t want or can’t afford a console should not be penalised for waiting for our own equivalent version for the sake of sucking up to console users. It’s a kick in the face for the entirety of that section of the market, which is not insubstantial. Also, if you want a console experience on a PC, just plug in a controller, job done.

  19. Then don’t be a single platform peasant.

  20. lol “Relax, bitch, no need for name calling here..”

  21. They’ll release it as DLC for first time PC users. They’ve only recently made this decision, otherwise it would’ve been said so months ago. Just another way for them to rake in the cash I guess. 🙂

  22. this is such bs why do console get the content, PC should too, bc it is being released after ps4 and x1 wtf, they shoud lt us have it bc of that

  23. I have it for PS3 and will now play it on PC.

  24. What? If you upgrade from the PS3 to the PC you will have those things. I will get the PC version. I have the PS3 version. I will get the exclusive content.

  25. Idiot. If you’re a gamer, you play on whatever the fuck you want. Each platform has its own exclusives. I own a PS3, Xbox 360, DSi, 2DS and a gaming PC. (not to mention older consoles and the PSP.)

    And if you have the money to get a PC that can run games on max settings, you should be more than able to buy the last-gen + GTA V. It is fucking stupid to be bitching about something that costs 200/250 dollars (game and console) and have a mear 1000 dollar video-card.

  26. I dont have a 1000 dollar video card lol, I have a two year old GTX 660 which still works perfectly fine. Also, its precisely because I spent 1000 dollars on my PC two years ago that I don’t want to spend another 250/300 dollars more on a game console.

  27. no im saying that because he has both. Not because he only has a console. I made c hoice between console or PC because Im not rich enough to have both. And on the long term PC is a better choice because PC games are cheaper.

  28. oh joy, another company with day one DLC. How great.

  29. lol. isnt it even worse if they made a deal with microsoft and sony to delay the PC version?

  30. Then I can assure you that you won’t be able to play GTA V on maxed settings and get a good experience. You can’t even run BF4 on ultra and not drop below 60fps so what’s the point?

    GTA V will not run amazing, it is a open world game with a shit-ton of polygons on the screen at the same time. It won’t run like Max Payne 3 did, it is literally impossible.

  31. yeah, I wont, and I only get 40 FPS on BF 4 at ultra, but hwo cares, its fine for me

  32. Exactly! Good titles i just cant play on PC. I usually wait till a console drops in price but I just bought a PS4 for Destiny and the new Metal Gear Solid.

  33. Pc doesn’t make you peasant. ✋

  34. Being a single plataform peasant makes it.

  35. For all the whiney PC users…. go buy a used version from gamestop and return it within the return period. As for a console, I’m sure one of your friends can let you use theirs…..unless you don’t have friends.

  36. Actually i have a PS3 but decided to wait for the PC version but now im being penalized for waiting.

  37. MGS V will be on PC aswell.

    EDIT: I will just buy it when the next Sly Cooper or Uncharted comes out.

  38. Of course it’s fair to give the content to people who bought it on ps3 and then also buy it on pc and to not give the content to pc only players, it’s a thank you from rockstar for buying the game twice!!

  39. Mods

  40. If you spend $1000 on a PC you should not need to buy a crappy console… Also anyone with any sense would not pointlessly buy a $250 console and a $40 game if they had a powerful PC they would just wait.

  41. It’s not crappy, specially when the best games ever made are there.

  42. What? That was nothing to do with “can you run the game”.

    I’d rather have a working title on my fucking PC than have mod support.

    I don’t know what you meant with that answer, but it is a really stupid answer. Makes no sense at all.

  43. then if i was a fanboy if would have said and i quote “if you don’t like those games go buy COD its the best game ever” thats being a fanboy im nothing like a fanboy…i buy the game if i don’t like it i go and sell it it’s simple as that why complain about a game that you’re going to complain about? if the story is crap then let it be crap you can’t do anything about it because you have already given the company the Money for that game so they;re happy they don’t give a crap on your thoughts if it’s Online and you don’t like a specific thing like for instance ” this gun is a bit low in damage and the recoil is bad maybe up the damage or up the recoil so it’s equal?” stuff like that is fine but generally complaining about say a story line of a game then you’re an idiot just wanting to complain about something about the game which you know they won’t change it’s simple as that

  44. That’s a little bullshitty; this whole ‘you have to buy the game twice to get specific content’ thing…

    But whatever… Someone will find a way to unlock it for the masses.

  45. It means I get additional content for free on the pc version due to mods… did you not play gta4 on pc?

  46. Yes I did.
    I Icenhancer’d the shit out of it. But that has nothing to do with being able to play it or not.

    I said that GTA V won’t run like MP3 because they are far from similar to each other.

    Mods have nothing to do with the port being good or bad.

  47. I’m saying that mod support will make our game better. Running on 144fps isnt an issue for me as long as I can use mods to make the game personalised to my taste – The port has nothing to do with it initially, port problems get fixed by Rstar or By mods. Just like every Pc game. Also you said whats the point in playing it if you cant run in 60fps ultra graphics which by the way i can. I replied Mods because Mods take priority rather than squeezing another 5ps out of my game.

  48. Have you played GTA 4? Because it doesn’t seem like you did.

    Fucking game still runs like shit. Talk about “fixing” the game.

    And no, I didn’t say you couldn’t run the game. I said Alexio couldn’t run the game, not you.

  49. Ran fine then and still runs perfectly now, what are you on about?


    GTA 4 was one of the worst ports ever made.

    If you search “worst PC ports”, almost EVERY LINK mentions GTA IV.

  51. The port wasn’t the best. It ran fine for me and all my friends. A lot of the issue was the media hyping it up to be bad when it was not.


    And it still runs. There.is.proof.

  53. What I’m saying is yes the game ran “shit” in some cases but in my experience it did not… but the media was saying ALL the game cop-ies on pc ran badly where this is simply not going to be the case with all systems is it? We aren’t talking about ACU here are we.