Home / Software & Gaming / GTA V PC rumored to use Denuvo DRM service

GTA V PC rumored to use Denuvo DRM service

It is rumored that the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V will make use of the Denuvo Digital Rights Management service, the same one used by Lords of the Fallen and Fifa 15. DRM can be a touchy subject and can often make honest buyers feel punished with restrictions. However, it can arguably help to combat piracy, although a workaround always tends to release eventually.

Denuvo is supposedly one of the more ‘up to date' DRM systems although it has reportedly caused performance issues with titles like Lords of the Fallen. The rumor comes from the GTA Forums, with a thread being started which states “Rockstar will use a new DRM system in GTA 5 for PC. This system is Denuvo, which is also used in FIFA 15 and Lords of the Fallen. This system uses a special code which changes every game launch”.


The above image is from the Denuvo website, it previously didn't show Rockstar in the list of companies it was working with. However, it is worth baring in mind that Rockstar has yet to make any official comment on this so it isn't ‘officially confirmed' yet.

Additionally, the Denuvo website appears to be down right now.

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KitGuru Says: Hopefully  if Rockstar does incorporate this new form of DRM in to Grand Theft Auto V then it won't cause many issues or be too intrusive. I haven't played Lords of the Fallen of FIFA 15 so I don't know what Denuvo is like, maybe some of you guys can enlighten me? 

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  1. Here’s an idea – instead of fighting an uphill battle against piracy with intrusive DRM if publishers offer their titles across all delivery platforms, formats and territories at once instead of staggering releases and actually sell them at prices that reflect the minimal overheads (clue: it should be a substantial discount over highstreet retail pricetags) then it actually just becomes easier and economically viable for people to buy them.

  2. Also, instead of releasing for £50 on consoles, the months later expecting the same price on PC, reduce it accordingly, or release on time and for the same amount.

  3. Also, instead of releasing for £50 on consoles, the months later expecting the same price on PC, reduce it accordingly, or release on time and for the same amount.

  4. Fifa 15 doesn’t have crack yet because of this. 🙂

  5. Fifa 15 doesn’t have crack yet because of this. 🙂

  6. No one would buy it on PC for £50. £40 is a heck of a high price for a steam game, and day one sales for undiscounted £40 games are always bad.

  7. Patryk Zmyślak Zmyślony

    because no point in making this shit crack if most important is playing online and spending coins right? you think someone will host server for cracked players? and no point playing single player right? its the same as 14 13 … whatever

  8. Patryk Zmyślak Zmyślony

    because no point in making this shit crack if most important is playing online and spending coins right? you think someone will host server for cracked players? and no point playing single player right? its the same as 14 13 … whatever

  9. Im sorry to say that I probably disagree with most of you here: I get where the devs/publishers are coming from when they decide to have extensive DRMs on their games. I mean more than 70% of games on PC are pirated copies. This is enough to make me think twice before pirating and I find it sad that you guys dont understand why the publishers do that. This is also one of the many exaplanations as to why PC seems to pass after consoles nowadays.

  10. Im sorry to say that I probably disagree with most of you here: I get where the devs/publishers are coming from when they decide to have extensive DRMs on their games. I mean more than 70% of games on PC are pirated copies. This is enough to make me think twice before pirating and I find it sad that you guys dont understand why the publishers do that. This is also one of the many exaplanations as to why PC seems to pass after consoles nowadays.

  11. lol. really? you sound like a shill.

    There’s a reason why steam sales deliver a massive spike in sales for games…

    1. make it easy to get the product
    2. at a price that reflects the reduced overheads…


    You obviously don’t understand this.

  12. lol. really? you sound like a shill.

    There’s a reason why steam sales deliver a massive spike in sales for games…

    1. make it easy to get the product
    2. at a price that reflects the reduced overheads…


    You obviously don’t understand this.

  13. hmmm where did I say that I was against steam?

  14. True that, I won’t be buying any £50 PC game. That’s far too much

  15. I dislike DRM, but I dislike people who steal games even more. If publishers all went the Diablo 3 route I wouldn’t be surprised. The game suffers, but in the wake of millions of people stealing your product, you have to take drastic action.

  16. Anyone who justifies piracy in any form is not a gamer. They’re selfish, childish morons who refuse to see the implications piracy has on gaming as a whole.

    DRM has ALWAYS been around. Back when PC games still came with manuals, you had to enter specific words from specific pages and paragraphs or you were locked out of playing your purchase. Lose your manual? Tough luck, go buy another copy or find someone to lend it to you. Piracy be same prevalent in the heyday of file sharing – manuals became easy to duplicate, and the cost was a waste on development dollars. So, you got electronic DRM.

    The simplest way to put things is this: if you want DRM to go away, STOP PIRATING. If you don’t think a particular game is worth your (or your parents’) money, then DON’T BUY IT. Thus will do two things – it will reduce and eventually eliminate the garbage that some devs put out there, and it will allow the quality devs to continue making games. Piracy’s ONLY “benefit” is that it will eventually cause the closure of more development houses, which means fewer games overall to this platform, and if piracy continues, eventually no games to this platform.

    Use your heads – there is NO JUSTIFICATION for pirating. None. I’m a warehouse worker who has been gaming for almost 30 years. Why contribute to the downfall of the industry? Grow up, children…

  17. Neither is piracy theft, nor do pirates damage the industry. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/market-data-research/other/telecoms-research/copyright-infringement-tracker/

  18. Neither is piracy theft, nor do pirates damage the industry. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/market-data-research/other/telecoms-research/copyright-infringement-tracker/

  19. The problem with a lot of DRM is you end up with situations where the pirated game actually works better than the final product because of alway-on DRM failing, which happens way too often, not to mention the keeping track of your account on this game etc. is a huge pain in the ass and completely useless in fighting piracy.

    For whatever reason my “CD-key” for Max Payne 3 and my email I had registered it with didn’t match when I reinstalled, so after about 2 weeks of back and forth with rockstar I was sent a new key, but had to use another email…. Had I pirated Max Payne 3 I wouldn’t have had to deal with such nonsense, so if anyone is justifying piracy it’s those who use DRM.

  20. The problem with a lot of DRM is you end up with situations where the pirated game actually works better than the final product because of alway-on DRM failing, which happens way too often, not to mention the keeping track of your account on this game etc. is a huge pain in the ass and completely useless in fighting piracy.

    For whatever reason my “CD-key” for Max Payne 3 and my email I had registered it with didn’t match when I reinstalled, so after about 2 weeks of back and forth with rockstar I was sent a new key, but had to use another email…. Had I pirated Max Payne 3 I wouldn’t have had to deal with such nonsense, so if anyone is justifying piracy it’s those who use DRM.

  21. Why dont they just use steamworks??

  22. I have paid for every Blizzard Game since before Warcraft, and continue to do so. I just purchased the expansion to WoW, and am awaiting patiently for the next DIII and SC2 expansions. I however do download virtually every other game (few exceptions), cracked, because of one reason; Content vs Price. I refuse to dish out $60 for a 5 hour single player campaign (that is usually lacking) when all of the time and effort goes into multi-player. I could care less about playing with CoD fanboys who play 24/7, I want to immerse myself in a fantasy world. I will pay for Far Cry, I will never pay for CoD or Battlefield. Fact is, most AAA games could easily go freemium and make much more of a profit that way. Some of us could care less about the ‘carrot on a stick’ and just want to play through a masterfully crafted story.

    Edit: And the fact that PC versions are plagued with bugs and performance issues also deters me from giving the publishers my money!

  23. And how exactly am I supposed to know whether or not a game is worth my money? Reviews most of the time are very personal and in the case of the bigger sites such as IGN, are paid by publishers to give it a good review.

    There is DEFINITELY justification in wanting to try out a game before I buy it. I never used to pirate games but I do so now as to not waste my money on some absolute pile of shite (i.e. 95% of the games released these days). When do you EVER see demos for games anymore? 99.9% of games don’t have one and is the only way to really know whether or not it is worth it.

    What you also fail to realize is that it usually the real gamers who pirate, because they are fed up with all these half-baked, unoriginal and shit games. You say that devs will start making better games due to people buying them more, but you are so naive to the fact that any game that sells really well (the perfect example being CoD) just ends up becoming a cash cow. Have you seen ANY innovation in CoD since CoD:MW? There are countless other games I could list as well.

    Start making decent fucking games and I’ll buy them, otherwise you aren’t worth my time or my money.

  24. I can thank CDPROJECT RED for dumping DRM,they still get what “providing a product” means,i just hope that the pirates dont hit there products hard,but then again its wish-full thinking.

  25. i have been using pirate games since commodore 64 days and if piracy was so damaging to the industry why are they still making games !!!!!

  26. Yeah I get the desire to minimise loss of revenue but DRM either hinders, bothers or at worst, blocks legitimate buyers whereas pirates of the same games often get a smoother experience. At the same time the reluctance to offer modern and realistic prices (during an economic depression no less) further applies the stick to paying customers while the pirates get the carrot. Fighting IP bootlegging isn’t working, so the opposite approach might yield better results for all involved now. Take note, film and nudging industries!

  27. If you can’t figure out how to vet a game through independent sources in this day and age, you are completely beyond hope, All it takes is a little bit of patience, rather than buying something the very first day simply because it’s been released. If you can’t wait, you deserve what you get. Pirating is not a justifiable answer to “trying out” a game. It’s theft, plain and simple.

    Demos – even in the past – weren’t even accurate portrayals of the game as a whole. You get a short amount of time/space in the game cherry picked to make the game look amazing so you’ll buy it…how is that any different than what you consider to be a biased review process? Besides the fact that a demo only gives you access to a *portion* of the game, rather than you having the *ENTIRE* game. What incentive does one have to spend their money on it when they now “own” it? Sure, maybe a small portion of those pirating will actually purchase the game, but I’d wager that most won’t – and what of the games you decide you DON’T like? Are they deleted immediately, never to be played again? Unlikely…

    Do you understand your last paragraph at all? Games only become cash cows when people stop buying games on their merits, and buy them instead on brand loyalty. This is exactly what I was describing! The game isn’t automatically good because it spawned a sequel or six, but people don’t bother waiting to buy it anyhow, then decry the developers for making “shitty” games. STOP BUYING THEM! Even pirating them in some twisted form of revolt or punishment shows interest in that specific game; do you really think that they can’t/won’t/don’t track that information as well?

    The only way to stop shitty games is by speaking with your wallet – collectively, as gamers. Pirating isn’t justifiable, and will always serve as the reason that developers don’t take chances on new IP’s, or force ever stricter DRM down our throats. If you pirate, you’re part of the problem. It’s black and white.

  28. I logged in especially to reply to an asshole like you. You have no fuckin idea about why some people pirate the games..No one is able to pay 60 $ or more will pirate a game just for the sake of being cheap so fuck you. The main reason of pirating is people dont have money to buy a game but they are also humans and they deserve to enjoy themselves so again fuck you. and NOT BUYING the game will make it’s price reduced? where the fuck do you live in? In your own mind? for the third time FUCK YOU. I dont give a shit ass that you are a warehouse worker..warehouse worker for 30 years you helpless fuck?.Console games arent pirated and yet prices didnt drop you idiot or the quality increased too but because some asshole like you live with their heads up their ass they refuse to see that pirating isnt that big of deal and that pirates are greedy thieves..for the last time too FUCK YOU

  29. Yeah, I get why people say they pirate. It doesn’t make the justifications any more relevant. There are many people on many forums who admit to pirating simply to save money, feel free to seek those posts out.

    “The main reason of pirating is people don’t have money to buy a game but they are also humans and they deserve to enjoy themselves…” So basically, you’re justifying theft because…we’re human? What about the rights of the people who made the product? They don’t deserve to get paid because some selfish puke like you thinks a hobby is a right? You’re a fucking moron.

    Not buying the same shitty rehashed games will force companies to do one of two things: 1.) stop making shitty games; or 2.) reduce the price on those shitty games so they sell. Simple market economics.

    Console games are 100% pirated. Ever heard of ROMS? As recently as the PS3/Xbox 360 platforms, people were burning games to use on their hacked consoles; look it up, go ahead. You’re right that prices haven’t dropped, but I’d suspect it’s more a function of the first example in the above paragraph than the second. Console user bases get larger with every generation, and with more users come more idiots flush with money, happy to buy the newest CoD reskin.

    It’s very easy to say that “pirating isn’t that big of deal” [SIC] when you have no involvement in actually making the product. Just because the product is more intangible than say, a car, doesn’t make it’s theft any more justifiable. If you pirate games, you hurt the industry as a whole because of your selfish, idiotic sense of entitlement to someone else’s hard work, period. You fucking moron.