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AMD retracts DirectX 12 compatibility statement

Last week we reported on AMD's Chief Gaming Scientist, Richard Huddy, saying that DirectX 12 would not be coming to Windows 7, despite Microsoft not yet announcing its OS compatibility plans for the new API. It turns out that Huddy “misspoke” at PDXLAN last week and AMD has retracted the statement.

In a statement made to KitGuru, AMD said: “there have been reports based on a video of Richard Huddy of AMD making speculative comments around DirectX 12 support on versions of Windows. Richard Huddy does not speak for Microsoft, and he was unfortunately speculating from Microsoft’s publication of key dates and milestones for Windows 7 lifecycle and mainstream support policy”.


AMD goes on to say that “Richard has no special insight in to Microsoft's Windows or DirectX roadmaps”. That said, AMD is admittedly collaborating with Microsoft on the next version of DirectX.

DirectX 12 is will be Microsoft's first ‘low level' API, allowing developers to squeeze more power out of PC hardware. The API is said to work across multiple platforms including Xbox One, PC, smartphones and tablets. However, we have a slightly long wait ahead of us as DirectX 12 isn't due out until the end of next year.

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KitGuru Says: When we posted our initial article quoting Huddy, we did note that Microsoft has yet to confirm its compatibility plans, suggesting that everything should be considered speculation. We still don't know for sure if DirectX 12 will be coming to Windows 7 but it looks like it is a possibility once again. 

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  1. I would still be very surprised to see it come to Windows 7. Nonetheless, it would be good if they supported 7 and instead of trying to force people to upgrade to 10 they focussed on making 10 a better OS to pull people over – i.e. using the carrot instead of the stick.

  2. Doesn’t DX11.1 a Win8 exclusivity already ? I have a hard time believing DX12 would be supported by Win7.

  3. Remember that Windows 7 End of Support ends January 13, 2015. So Microsoft have less than 2 months to release it. If not, forget about that.

  4. They just don’t want Win7 & Win8 to become the new WinXP where people just keep using it and won’t upgrade.. I see no problem in this. Why would you keep an old OS anyway? It’s been already 5 years if I’m not mistaken since Win7 came out.

  5. grammar nazi here.
    So, you’re telling me windows 7 is not supported atm and will be supported from 13 jan 2015 onwards?

  6. ALways for the same reasons…The compatibility of software and drivers, the costs, the usability.
    The first reason it’s not true if we speak about hardware old like windows vista and software programmed for it. But from xp to vista, there were a lot of trouble installing both.
    For a company, change a lot O.S.s is very expensive. The last came out only with windows 8 for the start button… If they will give it free with the good driver support like the past two O.S., there will be no reasons to stay with 8 or 7!

  7. One of the reasons why no one wants to get W8 is the lack of support for devices. Plus the interface was made only for touch screens, so use mouse and keyboard users are screwed for the most part.

    Expanding on lack of support for devices- Half the phones I wipe for my company aren’t supported by W8 normally. They install drivers that don’t work, or W8 won’t even recognize the device!

  8. The end of the year isn’t really that far off…

  9. Fuck M$ with their artifical market segmentation. contrary to XP and DX10, there is no technical justification and limitation this time around. They COULD do it.

  10. Upgrading just for the sake of upgrading is completely stupid. I require solid and major incentiveS (with a capital S at incentive) before I throw my money around. Name just 5 features (not 20 or 50, just 5) of win8/10 that make Win7 completely obsolete, insecure, slow and unusable…

    Win8/10 eats up to 450MB of video RAM, just sitting idle at the desktop! Win7 is below 100… With 2GB cards being the bulk of the market right now and by a long shot, and the latests DX11 games using more and more extra large textures, this stats alone is enough NOT to upgrade.

    Add to this recurrent compatibility issues and bugs, the obvious lack of true innovation and what you are left with is artificial market segmentation by M$ to force you to upgrade to get DX12 functionality. This is more telling than anything else. When your prodcut rock and is amazing, people ugrade naturally, without being coerced to do so. The fact that M$ will probably limit DX12 to Win10 is proof of that: Win8/10 suck hard.

  11. He said, they’ll end windows 7 support on january 13, 2015. No more support for win7 (at least free support). They really want people to jump to win10 which i would do too if it’s as awesome as it sounds.

  12. Windows 10 is looking OK so far. I’m hoping that if enough people give them feedback they’ll give the option to never install Metro at all, since it seems that all apps now function without Metro. I’d love this if they did it, and it would solve the VRAM hogging, since it’s reserved for Metro, unless I’m mistaken. I’ve put in my feedback saying this already – it was the first thing I did. Windows 8 was always trash for gaming with its gimped controls over desktop composition, problems with windowed mode (who doesn’t use multiple monitors these days?), and impossible to disable aero etc. Windows 10 still seems pretty gimped at the mo for gaming. Hopefully these will be fixed in 10 by the end of the preview though.

    If you get a chance, please install the dev preview and give all of this feedback, because the more people that do, the more chance we have of getting a solid gaming OS out of it.

  13. end of NEXT year

  14. They have to tread a fine line; contionuing to work alongside major hardware and software developers, to keep supporting the new tech without forcing practical limitations because they can’t get people to upgrade, and keeping their client base happy by not pushing people too hard to upgrade before they want to

    It’s can’t be easy being microsoft, nothing they do can ever go entirely right. Hopefully, DX 12 will come to Windows 7 – it’d be nice to see the tangible benefits of better resource usage

  15. Wisest Man That Ever Lived

    Because i dont want giant tablet square ugly icons on my desctop PC. I am not retarded, i can effectively click on the program’s icon. Its not like i have small phone screen and fat fingers to need giant multicolored rectangles all over.
    As you may not know every other windows suck. 98 was good, many people used it – 2000 not so much. Then XP – awesome. Then Vista… egh. Then win7 – awesome. Then windows 8… meh.
    And now they call next windows “windows 10”. Where is win9? They cant call it so because win9 must be good, but their new windows is shit – therefore windows 10.
    If they do not want to support Direct 12 on win7 then they can show it down their a**. My VNs require only DicrectX 9.0 and looking at how most games nowdays is garbage (if you dont count Dark Souls 2 last game worth playing was Skyrim), i feel pretty comfortable with my DX11.

  16. I never said Win8 or 10 are any good or that I like them. Was just stating something. No need to lose your pants guys.

  17. “grammar nazi here.” the original post contained a double negative. they were just pointing it out… in true grammar nazi fashion.

  18. Christopher Sellard

    bring on window’s 10 baby an that new dx12. forget the poor hater’s who are not fortunate enough to purchase dat new new.