Home / Software & Gaming / Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes PC requirements released

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes PC requirements released

Earlier this year, Hideo Kojima won over PC gamers by announcing that Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and its prelude, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeros, would be coming to the PC platform. We now know what kind of a rig you will need to run the games. It's important to note that while Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes will use the same engine, it is possible that the former will release with slightly higher requirements at the end of next year.

In order to play Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, users will need a 64-bit version of Windows (Vista or up), an Intel Core i5 Sandy Bridge CPU or higher, 4GB of RAM and an Nvidia GTX 650. The CPU requirement is fairly high while the GPU requirement is pretty low.


Interestingly enough, the CPU specification doesn't change on the recommended spec sheet so you will still make do with a Sandy Bridge Core i5. 8GB of RAM is recommended and as far as the graphics card goes, an Nvidia GTX 760 will do fine. No AMD alternatives were listed in the specifications released.

The fact that the system specifications have been released indicates that Ground Zeroes should be hitting Steam fairly soon. This will prepare gamers for Metal Gear Solid V, which is due to release at the end of next year with 4K texture support, improved lighting effects and higher shadow resolution over the console counterparts.

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KitGuru Says: Since we have the system requirements now, it is likely that we will see Ground Zeroes launch soon. It will be interesting if these requirements change when Metal Gear Solid V launches at the end of next year. Are any of you guys looking forward to playing MGS on the PC? 

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  1. So you’re telling me that, if I bought the game, I wouldn’t be able to play it at what they call “minimum” with my HD5770 which plays BF4 at 1366×768 HIGH 40-60FPS? Lel.
    Also, that’s a very small difference of GPU’s between “minimum” and “recommended” (let’s not even get into the CPU), the hell?

  2. http://www.hwcompare.com/13539/geforce-gtx-650-vs-radeon-hd-5770/ Actually, your card is on par with the minimum requirements. And given that you’re only gaming at a pathetic 1366×768 (lel JK). you should be able to get all settings to “High” if the next one up is “Ultra” or what not.

  3. Wait, so three things:
    1) You’re gaming under 1080p
    2) You didn’t know that the 5770 is equivalent in performance to the GT 650
    3) You think the difference between the 650 and a 760 is “very small”.

    Yeah, we’ll have to revoke your Master Race card.

  4. Lie down. Try not to cry. Cry anyways ;_;

  5. What about Mac support?…

    Well somebody had to ask!

  6. Are you high ? Considering I own both cards i’ll tell you that there is a very big difference between the 650 and the 760 .. smh. High settings in BF4 but in 1366×768… so much fail, did you do this on purpose ? Do some research kid.. http://gpuboss.com/gpus/GeForce-GTX-760-vs-GeForce-GTX-650

  7. Hard to believe right ! i hope my gtx 770 can run this.

    Nvidia GTX 770 latest driver

  8. A GTX 770 is better than the recommended card.

  9. Qazi Shehryar Khan

    No problem for me at all …. system requirements are fairly well considering the visuals of the game (better than AC Unity) … i play @1920×1080 on my I5 4670k and R9 290x 4GB 🙂

  10. By hope i meant high settings at 1080p, i’ve ftw 4gb edition.

  11. While i agree with every point i’d like to say this:
    You don’t need a top-of-the-line gaming PC to be a member of the Master Race. You just have to recognize that PC is objectively superior to consoles in every way possible as explained here!

  12. At last Metal Gear Solid is coming back to PC :), hopefully they release a HD/Remastered version of 1-4 in the future for PC too.

  13. GTX 760 = GTX 6… actually, now that I have searched more, the 670 got rebranded as the 760 Ti, so I have no idea what the 760 actually is relatively to the 6xx series, except that it should be weaker than the 670. But let’s assume they’re equal for now.
    So, GTX 760 = GTX 670.
    GTX 670 for recommended and 660 for minimum (EDIT: Oops :3), waw so much difference between MAXIMUM and MINIMUM, isn’t it? From one card to the following one in the same generation?
    What’s the problem with the BF4 example I gave? If I can play it at high settings with a resolution “slightly” higher than 720p (because of my 1366×768 monitor), it’s retarded that I wouldn’t even be able to play this at the “minimum”, as what they call it.
    I also love it when arrogant pieces of shit come to an argument and call me a “kid”, lelelel.

  14. His ‘Master Race’ card is revoked, not because he owns a entry level gaming rig, but because he had no clue on the difference between a 5770 anr 650 and 640 vs 760.

  15. You shouldn’t use those kind of comparison websites, they get it wrong most of the times. From what I searched, a 650 is equivalent to a HD7730-50 (can’t recall which now). So mine would be just slightly under the minimum requirements.
    On your last sentence, did you mean I could set it on BF4 or FC4? If FC4, setting it at 1366×768 “High” wouldn’t be a minimum to play it at. I’d say a minimum would be 720p LOW 30FPS, it’s called “Minimum” for a reason, some people can play like that and can’t afford more. Heck, a friend of mine plays BF3 at something lower than 720p LOW with… 10-15FPS, I think it was (he’s still trying to upgrade). And until a few days ago, with a quite unstable slow internet that could take days (over a week at least) of non-stop downloading to get something like BF4 installed. And you know what, he was what you can call “decent” at that game, and I wouldn’t even come close if I played like that. One doesn’t need at the very least a resolution like 1080p to be able to play a game, it’s just a “minimum”. Why would they let off possible buyers like this?

  16. “640 vs 760”.

  17. Its 650 and ‘670’…not 660. They never said you couldn’t play under 1080p anyway

  18. 1) So the fuck what? Give me some $200-300 for a monitor and some $300 (or maybe more) for a GPU so I no longer have to keep saving for this goal of mine, then! I already bought the PSU, mobo, case, CPU and case fans, only need the GPU and monitor now (I realize I don’t need that much money for a 1080p-capable GPU, but who said I’m going for that?).
    2) I can’t store every thing like that in my braincells, I’m sorry for not reaching your memory level, my master. What I did was I searched a bit and found the 650 to be similar to the HD7730 or HD7750, which are just a lil’ bit better in performance to my HD5770. Why would I know a fallacy?
    3) Yes, the difference between a 670 and a 660 is RELATIVELY “very small” between a minimum which people without a lot of PC money could be able to play at (720p “Low” 30FPS sounds like that minimum, imo, I’ve seen people play fine at way worse) and a recommended which I assume would be 1080p maxed 60FPS or 1440 maxed 60FPS.

    EDIT: 3) Ops, my mistake, forgot it was the 670 to the 650. 😛 Well, kind of, maybe.

  19. My mistake, oopsie! :3
    Well, not sure about the difference then, but 670 for recommended and 650 for minimum still sounds like not big enough of a difference.
    I bet that a GPU slower than a 650 would be able to play it at a resolution lower than 1080p. If one can play a game like that, why are they saying the MINIMUM one can play a game at (which obviously implies you can’t go lower without making it unplayable) requires a GTX 650?

  20. I like how you excluded any comment about the 650 in any relevance to being equal to the 760, and yes im lol’ing at yur 1366×768 res.. Time for a cpl upgrades kiddo.. No it’s not retarded you cant play at minimum , Games are getting alot more demanding these days and you need better hardware or a console if it’s too much to ask.

  21. Actually, GTX 650 is a bit better than 5770 in some DX11 titles and I guess it will overclock better.

  22. I excluded any comment about it? Learn to read. “CPL”? Learn to write too.
    And yes, it is retarded. Demanding? Yeah, sure… if they’re awfully optimized. BF4 only came out almost a year and a month ago, the graphics quality of BF4 and FC4 aren’t even that different.
    Also, I’m still lel’ing at the “kid” remarks, no arguments so can only insult. :’)


  24. You’re. An. Idiot. You didn’t get that I was pointing out how ignorant your previous post was. It’s a 650 vs a 760, you dumbass. The 7 comes before the 6. Get it? GET IT?!

  25. You don’t need to have a top-of-the-line PC, but you do need to be aware of what the different models are under the different manufacturers, along with their equivalent power. The whole point of being in the “Master Race” is being fully armed with knowledge, which the OP has very little of.

  26. Yeah a 770 with 4GB of RAM is well beyond what’s probably needed for 1080p at high settings. I wouldn’t be surprised if you could do Very High to Ultra.

    The upper range of “recommended” is usually for the highest possible settings and the highest possible resolution (which would be 4K for this game). So you’re pretty safe.

  27. When we talk about equivalent power, we’re talking about being in roughly the same performance range. That means while the GPUs will be equal in most games, they’ll be trading blows in others. The 650 will perform better in some games, the 5770 will perform better in others. Neither card will totally blow the other one out of the water.

  28. Funny how you’re nitpicking on one little mistake (which is probably a typo) vs. your own consistent errors. You’re wrong bro, shut up already.

  29. Yes, but 650 is performing better in more games.

  30. Wow. Seeing all these kids with shit computers and complaining they cant play it on high….

  31. You’re the retard here. A 760 is a REBRANDED 670, do some fucking research.

    EDIT: Actually, the 760Ti is the rebranded 670, the 760 is even a bit worse than the 670.

  32. “consistent errors”
    Sure thing, could say the same about you. :’)

  33. I guess my 840m card would play this?

    I guess.

  34. Thats either an accidental typo (smartphone keyboard) or I meant 640. Both GT 640 and GTX 650 should have the same number of CUDA cores and other similar specs, so a GTX 650 is a glorified 640 which isn’t something special.

  35. I think they listed at minimum spec because resolutuon is probably the last thing you want to lower when gaming. As many people have 1080p screens or at least TVs they probably mean a gtx 650 for minimum on 1080p.

    People can turn down their resolution to get some additional FPS if they wish.

  36. You’re a grown man arguing with a kid on the internet,stop and think about that for a few moments to yourself… guys like you are an actual embarrassment to the Pc Community…Grow up!

  37. OK this is a 50-60 euro game and people moaning that their low end rigs won’t play it?
    Now if you can afford to buy the game on release, you surly can afford an upgrade.
    AMD can be done for under a ton. (Do it yourself)
    Hope we don’t have a load of winging pirates………tut tut

  38. Only one making consistent errors is you.

  39. “kid”

  40. Sure thing.