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Sony to confirm North Korea as source of hack this week

It looks like Sony's investigation in to the attack on its internal systems last week is coming to a close as the company is reportedly preparing to officially name North Korea as the source of the attack.

Sources close to the investigation have said to news site, Re/code, that the company is still finalizing exactly how much information to make public but an announcement is expected as soon as today. The attack took place last week, taking down Sony's office computers, a long list of secret files were also leaked, containing social security numbers and other sensitive employee documents.

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The impending announcement will be the first public acknowledgement of possible North Korean ties to the hack, it will also be the first time that Sony has gone in to detail on what has been going on behind the scenes.

So far the main theory that has been going around is that the hack was a retaliation to an upcoming movie, The Interview, which depicts the CIA ordering the assassination of Kim Jong-Un, the country denounced the movie earlier this year.

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KitGuru Says: It looks like Sony is finally going to let us know what has been going on and hopefully, give us enough information to stop rumors and theories. We will keep you guys updated once the announcement is made. 

Source: Re/code

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One comment

  1. Gary 'Gazza' Keen

    Only in North Korea is “peace” defined as cyber warfare