Home / Software & Gaming / Valve removes Hatred from Steam Greenlight

Valve removes Hatred from Steam Greenlight

You guys have probably heard of Hatred, the game that centres around mass murder in an isometric view. Upon launching the game's trailer, the developer, Destructive Creations, became an instant talking point, with many throwing up their arms demanding that the game be cancelled.

The game is still in development but it won't be coming to Steam. The title tried to get on to the service via the Greenlight system. However, once this hit the news, Valve was quick to shut it down and ensure that the game wouldn't land on Steam. [yframe url='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytdEYapPXdY']


“Based on what we've seen on Greenlight we would not publish Hatred on Steam. As such we'll be taking it down,” Valve's Doug Lombardi told Eurogamer.

This is an interesting development as recently, Valve has been largely uninterested in curating its platform, allowing publishers to dump mass amounts of old titles on to Steam all at once.

Additionally, games like Postal are readily available on Valve's platform, which also allow to commit numerous crimes and kill people en mass in numerous ways.

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KitGuru Says: Following the initial controversy, it isn't surprising that Valve was quick to remove Hatred from Steam Greenlight, gaming sites would likely cause no end of uproar if the title had been allowed to stay. What do you guys think of this? Was Valve right to do this?

Source: Eurogamer

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  1. thats what the torrent sites are for 🙂


  3. Jurick Pastechi Genaro

    If you complain about this, then idk why people plays GTA still.

  4. Robert Tenty Ashford

    Yes but if you like the game doesn’t that mean that the developer has just been shat on twice? Initially by a store he wants to use not publishing it and then by you not paying them for it? 🙁

  5. ahh crap , I just voted for that as well. IT’S ONLY A VIDEO GAME.

    I don’t understand the logic behind some choices in the industry, it’s fine to blow up a little girl and massacre an entire airport in CoD but you can’t go on a mass murder spree killing nothing but adults because it may be offensive ?? Does anyone remember the game The Punisher ? The game where you tortured certain characters to death in various grizzly ways ? what about Manhunt? what about the Postal series ?

    Honestly I found Ride to hell : Retribution far more offensive than the trailer for this game, I mean have you ever played Ride to Hell ? It makes me cringe everytime I think about it and I’m a grown man….

  6. Seriously? Valve are pathetic, caving to the uneducated and unrealistic masses.

  7. Touché.

    P.s. I know where you live.

  8. I’d rather buy it since indie devs need it way more
    not gonna judge if it’s a giant corporate company, but an indie game? come on

  9. This is what ratings and parental controls are for… but… I’m glad this garbage was yanked off of Steam and I hope they pull more like it.

  10. The whole point of Steam Greenlight is so the community gets the games they want, who are they to say what games we are allowed to like? They have absolutely no problem with over the top violent games as long as they are from an established studio so wtf…

  11. i agree with them but also if you dont like it,its tough stop griping and move on from what i have seen from it its a totally fucked up mind that has brought this game out who needs a straight jacket

  12. Who cares if there is uproar? People shouldn’t be censored on the off-chance somebody else might get offended.

  13. Fuck off. They should publish all games, and let people decide what they want. Censorship because you have a weak mind is not good.

  14. It’s like Postal happening all over again. Everyone’s going crazy over a game what’s about killing people.

  15. Don’t be such a cunt. Just buy it DRM free from the developers directly. Even better for them, now they have publicity and they don’t even need to give a slice of pie to Steam for every sale.

  16. If people don’t want to play something they should have the choice of not giving their money to the developer. They don’t have to buy something that they find offensive and they certainly shouldn’t be so quick top think that playing violent games will turn people into crazed killers. Crazed killers sing in choirs too and you don’t see people banning them…

  17. They should release it on GOG.

  18. Nah. No sympathy for people who support censorship for indies or AAA devs. They already to get bitched at from various retards about not including a bisexual transgender paraplegic I’m ever fucking game. We don’t need any more forced compliance in the creative market. Especially because these people are obviously a minority.

  19. Yes very true it is a big problem but the industry is not mature enough for those games yet. Even GTA V is getting pulled off shelves in Target in Australia because apparently “promotes violence against women”.

    At the same time the game will be really hard to pass any classification. Remember Modern Warfare 3 Airport Massacre? The game was so close to be removed due to that but managed to get by because you know, it is a CoD game.

    I believe the complaints are from the majority public (non gamer) and a part of the gamer community as well. We don’t really need more violent games, not those that involve massacre innocent people in game. GTA makes it optional, you can choose to leave them alone or just go crazy but this game only one sole purpose, gear up and massacre the town.

    Not to mention it is a rather sensitive topic to be touched on as well. Which I believe lead to Valve removing it from Greenlight.


    The game is touching on very sensitive issue and Valve is not to blame for removing it from Greenlight.

  20. people need to just leave games alone they are just games :/

    also if people dont like something who said they had to buy it

  21. Valve got right to choose whatever games they wish to sell on Steam. There is chopping people’s heads off with shovel in Postal 2, there are kill-frenzies in GTA and that “remember, no russian” mission in CoD:MW2, but still, this feels different. Isn’t it the whole idea behind that game, to make people talking about it, thus making it popular even though it doesn’t represent much value? Sure, it’s a successful troll, but no one has to keep feeding it. If the character in game was after some alien creatures, or whatever – no one would give a phuck. That’s kinda like cutting in line to popularity in a legal, but still ugly way.

  22. Valve’s nothing but a bunch of pussy’s falling into the politically correct category that some companies do.Grow some balls Valve.

  23. It’s a videogame, instead of prohibiting this kind of games, start treating the mentally ill and don’t let them come close to anything that can be a weapon…

  24. I simply don’t understand people’s reaction to this game. I can’t name ONE very popular game that doesn’t let me murder people. It seems that killing is what makes games fun, so why is this one any different?

  25. Yolo

  26. because GTA is not a serious game

  27. But yet Valve has Manhunt still on their system and selling it. It is simple for one reason with all the violence and killings going on in the world via people just going on a small rampage, they don’t want to be seen as glorifying it all.

    As that would hurt their sales and that is all they care about. Guaranteed though if initial sales for Hatred start off good, it will be on Steam as quick as you can say.. “buy it from us”

  28. I understand why Valve has made the decision they did. However there are many points on why they shouldn’t have. Mainly I would rather see some sadistic kid jump on his PC to murder away than go to school and do it. Also Valve still has Manhunt and similar titles up. If they don’t want to condone blood thirsty violence why are many of those titles on steam still. Yes, games haven’t been proven to provoke such actions statistically or scientifically. However with that been said, developers are starting to push their limits. This title may be the game needed for the government to start stepping in, with “Hatred” as it’s back boarded mascot on video games are evil and cause mass shootings. Even if this wasn’t true we all know that most people above the age of 40 would look at this game and agree with the government. With that all out of the way I do have to say there is a BIG difference between a FPS with everyone having a gun and it being a literal “game” (like a sport with everyone starting on the same playing field), and a literal murder spree. To conclude I disagree with Valves decision on taking this title of green light. It’s the community choice on what games stay and which ones go. Is that not what green light is for?

  29. … “No Russian” was the most controversial moment of the entire CoD series, so much so that you’re allowed to skip it at any time.

  30. LoL “Valve are pathetic?” lol, I feel what your saying. And, while it IS just a video game, Some people believe this goes a bit to far. Especially since people (And by people, I mean young white males) seem to enjoy going around attacking and shooting people for no reason. Keep in mind, this doesn’t mean the game won’t come out. But just not on steam.

  31. It’s still there

  32. No game is serious that’s why you call it “game”…

  33. yeah but how many people honestly skipped it ??

  34. You “obviously” know NOTHING about what is minority… these games are “minority” for good reason. They are sick, backwards, and disease ridden at the core. To be clear (without being hateful, which is why people like you love this kind of crap and wear your life’s pain on your shoulder looking for every potential to inflict it on others) this is my opinion, and as long I / we, the majority, have this freedom, just like the freedom you demand, I’ll continue to support stuffing this trash. Have an awesome and positive day… go smile er something.

  35. You’re kidding right? Do I really need to go get you a list of the games where I can kill innocents? They are some of the top games of our decade you uneducated fool. I’ll give you some examples:

    Skyrim: It is completely in my power to go around and stab every man, woman, and (thanks to mods created by the PLAYERS) child in the game.

    GTA 1, 2, 3, Vice City, San Andreas, 4, and 5: Obvious
    MW3: Airport massacre
    Postal 1 and 2
    Conker’s bad fur day
    Ghost Recon
    Rainbow 6

    If you think your weak minded, simplistic approach to violent gaming is the majority… well it just proves how much you shouldn’t have a voice in this conversation. You are part of the very loud and bitch part of the public who ruins shit for the rest of the gamers who just fucking enjoy their game without shitting on anybody else. That is why you don’t deserve respect. That is why you are nothing but whiny trash in the majority’s opinion.

    Now kindly fuck off, and let the rest of us enjoy our games. I know I will probably buy this game to support the dev.

  36. You’ve made it pretty clear by your lengthy temper tantrum that you are very young and immature (at least I hope your not in your 20’s yet.. yikes).

    What I did not make clear, and for the benefit of other readers, was that games like Postal (cult budget game at best), GTA, and especially Hatred, that put you in a realistic fantasy position with no objective other than murdering people for no other reason than for the storyline anger of it, or worse, the ‘fun’of it are simply egregious.

    Skyrim was great… because games like these (for teens and adults at least) are imaginative, and have creative objectives outside of slaughtering everything for no reason. If you choose to go mow down everything in sight because that’s fun to you, well then great, but the games creators have a different point in making the game.

    How artistic is mimicking a serial killers wet dream? Not much… it’s shock for the sake of shock and selling shock to people like you makes them a little money. GTA is a perfect example of this. Let’s ride the edge of game “creativity” (laughable term at best) until pornagraphy and the idea of blatant murder is in the hands of every child as early as possible. And let’s not care, in the name of “artistic freedom”, if the parents don’t know about it unless we watch every second of gameplay.

    Next you’ll say something stupid like, “well, you @^%$… F’n Mario !**&^#$ jumped on *&^*&#$ mushrooms and killed them…”.

    But you have the freedom do say what you want… ‘MERICA!

  37. My point is just that no one said “it’s fine”. There was a reason the mission was in the game – it provided a stark example of how bad your enemies were, and gave you the ethical choice of shooting or not shooting. And even then it was widely criticized. To say that that covers a game which is about nothing but killing innocent people for no reason just seems a thousand steps too far.

  38. Wow. What a small minded reply. I can’t just have a hatred for self-righteous, liberal pussies like yourself, I’m throwing a temper tantrum? Wow. Very creative.

    However, your idiot logic shows in your comment. If Skyrim has a storyline, then so does GTA, and so does Hatred. You just don’t accept it because of your bullshit PC mentality. GTA has a deeper storyline than Skyrim in fact. Definitely deeper than “World ending is stopped by hero”. GTA has objectives outside of slaughtering people, but thats what people do. Skyrim’s community screenshots, outside of showing off mods, are mainly creative ways to kill people.

    This example of your dismissal of facts is called “confirmation bias”.

    “How artistic is mimicking a serial killers wet dream” – Who gave you the authority to judge what is art and what isn’t? Self-Righteous douche.

    “it’s shock for the sake of shock and selling shock to people like you makes them a little money” – 1: The game has more support than it has haters. 2: If people don’t want shock, then they don’t have to buy it. Welcome to a free market.

    “the idea of blatant murder is in the hands of every child as early as possible.” – You contradict your earlier argument with this line of idiocy. Remember when you said this: “This is what ratings and parental controls are for” Age ratings and legal restrictions on sales are in place. Its up to parents to do responsible parenting. Try having a straight argument before you contradict yourself like a retard.

    The fact that you ended with this: “But you have the freedom do say what you want… ‘MERICA!” – just further proves your ignorant bias.

    You lost here. You can contradict yourself all day, but you said it yourself. The controls and restrictions are there. Let people decide what they want. Oh wait, you’d rather us be like communist China, and let companies decide what is right for us. Again I say to you, Fuck right off you irredeemable, self righteous asshat.

  39. In all fairness we don’t know why the protagonist was set to go out and murder a load of innocent people just for the hell of it as no-one has seen any story related material from this game yet, maybe there was a perfectly good reason he went on a mental spree – admittedly I can’t for the life of me think what that reason may be but like I say no-one knows (yet).

    However if it does turn out to be just a murder simulator then it will indeed be a pointless game and not worth buying, I can’t make an informed decision untill more details are released.

    EDIT: As of 0752 17/12/14 Hatred is back on Greenlight.

  40. “Your rights end where my feelings begin.”



  42. Again… more Internet name calling, more attempting to beat down the enemy as though you are winning at some game, more anger because you can’t appreciate ones right to an opinion opposite of yours. Talk about self-righteous…

    Nothing you pointed out was a contradiction by any semblance of the definition. You took every point I made and twisted each one to keep your trolling streak above par… as expected.

    These companies are private… they have the same right to choose what they want to publish as you do to choose to troll people on threads like these.

    You talk about freedom? You don’t want “freedom”, you want what YOU want and want anyone else with differing opinions to go away. Aiken to a three year old that want’s that toy that mommy won’t give him because she knows it’s not good for him. Hmmm… Sounds like LGBT language to me…

    Live for a few more decades and then you might develop the ability to intelligently argue a point without berating those you disagree with using weak-minded tough-guy language on the Internet. I can see why your so angry about not having a game like this on Steam, it seems to fit your personality.

    We are all here, we are never going away… again… I support Steams decision… and hope for more of the same…

  43. See now, you have this idiotic sense that because I insult you, my point is wrong. That’s not how the real works moron.

    I’m not going to bother arguing with your retarded sensibilities. I’ve already won. Crrative freedom has already won. The game is back on Steam because people, not to be confused with detritus like yourself, recognize that censorship is bad. My point was made and validated by real world events. No censorship = Freedom, especially in a creative market.

    You’re a fucking insult to everything human intelligence has ever achieved if you can’t see such a simple point. It’s really no wonder why such atrocities are still happening in the world if you think people should be silenced because you don’t like what they have to say.

    Again, and for the last time, Fuck off. The game is back on Steam, and the world proves again that low IQ individuals such as yourself are dying out. You might as well be whatever pond scum eating bacteria shits in.

  44. Haha… Congratulations… as I’m sure that is the only positive thing you have ever been given in your broken, miserable life.

    Interestingly enough, judging by your profile it seems that you haven’t said a SINGLE positive thing to anyone you have ever written or replied to throughout your tirade-ridden commentaries. Your a foolish young man to think that your constant angry sentiment and online bullying will not leave you a very lonely individual until you make a change. Everything you post has to do with you being right (which is clearly objective to the rest of us), making outrageous and completely ridiculous assumptions about people for the sake of insult, knowing more about everything than everyone else, and/or troll digging to stir up controversy.

    Simply put… your a jerk. And it’s all over the Internet. That kinda sucks after a while doesn’t it? I hope you get tired of it…

    Enjoy your game…

  45. Really? Don’t have anything relevant to the discussion to help your shit point asshat? Pathetic.

    I’m glad you are so arrogant that you can make a judgement of a person based on an internet profile that I purposefully put no personal information on. As if your oversensitive, PC based opinion. You’re a fucking shit person. You hate on people for their beliefs and values, no different than I did here. You are a hypocrite. It shows in your comment about the Youporn e-sports team.

    Now, You can continue being a hypocritical shit bag, or you can fuck off. You choice. Either way, you’re done here. You have no more argument except for this pathetic Red Herring. You make all these fucked up assumptions, like I’m angry and that this is bullying, and I feel bad for you. You are not prepared for the real world. You are a giant pussy sitting behind a computer trying to shove your beliefs on others, and you call ME a bully? You’re fucking ridiculous.

    To answer your question, No, it doesn’t suck after awhile. If I’m right about something, and I know I’m right, then I will tell you. If you are wrong about such a blatantly obvious, neanderthal level point, such as Creative Freedom, then I will tell you exactly how fucking stupid you’re being. Right now, You are Wrong, and Retarded. Enjoy.

  46. My point was made. It never needed any “help”… ever… You keep making up your own reality if that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

    Dopey kid…

  47. Wow. Took you 4 days to come up with that lame response?

    Your point is moot. Your point is proven wrong. Massively proven wrong. The gaming community has spoken, and they spoke in favor of Hatred. Your shitty PC state of mind is made up of faulty, tyrannical logic. I’m satisfied to know that the majority of people don’t have such a flawed premise.

    I’ll enjoy Hatred. In fact, I might make a texture of the faces from that picture and make a WAYLIFE mod. I’ll screenshot this conversation, and see how many people enjoy blowing away a person like you in-game.

    It saddens me that such ignorance exists in this world. You would take the freedoms of others for a fucking video game. You sir, are pathetic.

  48. It’s interesting that you keep using the term “PC”… as if I were some sort of bleeding-heart liberal… If by PC you mean politically correct, as if that were some personality trait in the first place (well maybe with Obama followers, it is), you are again wrong in your assumptions. But as I see it, it wouldn’t matter to you since you’re just filling in the blanks with whatever comes to mind. All because you believe extremism shouldn’t be censored.

    At least you’ve managed to use a few more intelligent words (applauds), as misplaced as they are.

    In fact, if you decide to create a mod, I’ll send you a better pic of my face or likeness. I’ll be sure to have a huge smile in the picture as well… I would be honored.

  49. Oh… thought of you when I saw this genius work… bound to be a classic… http://youtu.be/8OQfGtJnBpg

  50. Red Herring. You’re done.

  51. You lead in the off topic from the start by all of your insane, judgmental, presumptive, etc… statements about me, which had nothing to do with the point. YOU made new points to try to be right by flaming me. I think you made yourself done form the start… the troll got trolled…

    Now go play some games kiddo before mom comes home.

  52. You don’t know how fallacies work do you? I was on topic, and branched off. Bridging topics =/= red herring. Educate yourself.