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FBI officially names North Korea as culprit of Sony hack

After a week or so of unconfirmed reports and rumors suggesting that North Korea was behind the Sony hack, terrorist threat and subsequent cancellation of upcoming film, The Interview, the FBI has finally revealed the results of its investigation.

The North Korean government is indeed behind the Sony Pictures hack and obviously, the FBI has criticized the country's actions: “North Korea's actions were intended to inflict significant harm on a U.S. business and suppress the right of American citizens to express themselves,” the Bureau's statement reads.


The FBI's report goes on to say that an analysis of the “destructive malware” used in the attack was critical evidence against North Korea. As previously reported, there were indeed “similarities in specific lines of code, encryption algorithms, data deletion methods, and compromised networks” to malware used by the country in the past.

However, these hackers still have more of Sony's information. In-fact, they are currently using it to blackmail Sony in to erasing The Interview from existence. The hacking group sent Sony a message earlier today stating that it would hold on to but not release any more of Sony's private information. However, should The Interview leak, its attacks on the company would continue.

A White House spokesperson said yesterday that the country's national security team as mindful of the need for a “proportionate response”, President Obama has a press conference scheduled for later today, which seems like a good time to lay out the US's plan.

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KitGuru Says: Now that the finger has officially been pointed at North Korea, it will be interesting to see how the US plans to respond. After all, the hacking group did issue a massive terrorist threat. What do you guys think the US will do now that North Korea has officially been named as the source of attacks and subsequent terrorist threats?

Source: FBI
Via: Engadget

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  1. For a country who thinks they’re all that, this is fucking immature and dangerous. NK should lump up with China (fucking territory hogs) and should just burn. The whole world should just nuke ’em. And yes, that sounded immature. That’s because news like this is infuriating.

  2. For a country who thinks they’re all that, this is fucking immature and dangerous. NK should lump up with China (fucking territory hogs) and should just burn. The whole world should just nuke ’em. Fucking plagues to humanity. And yes, that sounded immature. That’s because news like this is infuriating.

  3. US, just hack that North Korean news channel, showing how nice the rest of the world is, how evil certain parts of North Korea are and prove that lies of the rest of the world are fed to its citizens. North Korean Citizens may be too fearful to start an uprising but at least they’ll know the truth about the world and their countries dictatorship

  4. bomb the shit out of the right people for once?

  5. For the people calling to nuke North Korea and confusingly China along with it (yes people have actually suggested that) this is a stupid solution. Killing millions of innocent civilians for the actions of its dickhead government is a dick move. Learn form history.

  6. I guess the US will do what it always does, start another bloody war ! Not immediately but it will get there.

  7. Best movie publicity ever! Release it and roll in the cash!

  8. and thus began the first cyber war xD Clearly sony has some secrets that are worth them not releasing the interview for, or they plan to release it later which would be some excellent publicity

  9. Read between the lines, folks. Whatever the hackers found in the Sony attack, is a lot bigger than the Interview movie . The hackers said cancel the screening, and it was cancelled. Team America: World Police was put forward as a substitute in various cinemas, and Paramount quickly shut that down. Were Paramount just playing it safe? Trying not to offend anybody? Or do they know what Sony was hiding, and they also want it to remain hidden. Somebody out there is pushing Hollywood around, and you need more than an unreleased Bond script to do that. Just WTF did they find in there???

  10. that might cause a war^^