Home / Component / Graphics / AMD could use GlobalFoundries’ SHP process technology for GPUs

AMD could use GlobalFoundries’ SHP process technology for GPUs

Although Advanced Micro Devices wants to cease using special process technologies for its products in order to cut-down their manufacturing and development costs, it looks like next year the company will have to use GlobalFoundries’ 28nm super high-performance (SHP) technology for its Radeon graphics processors in order to ensure their higher performance.

At present Advanced Micro Devices uses GlobalFoundries’ 28nm super high-performance (SHP) fabrication process to make code-named Kaveri accelerated processing units (APUs), but going forward the company plans to use the technology for other products as well. BitsAndChips web-site reports that in 2015 the company intends to use the 28SHP technology to make graphics processing units.

The 28nm SHP manufacturing technology is designed to enable high clock-rates at relatively low voltage levels. Therefore, it can allow AMD to boost frequencies without increasing power consumption. Moreover, since 28nm SHP also sports higher transistor density, it also helps to increase the amount of execution units compared to GPUs made using TSMC’s 28nm process technology without increasing sizes of the chips and thus manufacturing costs.


Previously it was reported that AMD intends to make code-named Bermuda and Fiji graphics processing units at GlobalFoundries using 20nm process technology. While the company does plan to use 20nm manufacturing processes, it looks like it may use 28nm SHP technology as well. Unfortunately, it is now not clear which AMD GPUs will be made where and using which process technology.

Separately, the web-site reports that AMD plans to use TSMC’s 16nm FinFET manufacturing technology in the first half of 2016 for its upcoming K12 and Zen central processing units.

AMD and GlobalFoundries did not comment on the news-story.

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KitGuru Says: Given that the information comes from an unofficial source, take it with a pinch of salt. AMD has publicly said that it wants to unify fabrication processes it uses in order to lower development costs by re-using IP across different product lines. As a result, it makes absolutely no sense to use TSMC’s 20nm SoC and GlobalFoundries’ 28nm SHP at the same time. It makes a lot more sense to use only one process technology for different kinds of products. At least, from AMD’s perspective it outlined for a number of times in the past 18 months.

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  1. Everyone is looking at a magic ball trying to guess where the next gpus will be made and with what tech.

  2. AMD has said they will be using GF more… It seems silly for them to have both Samsung and GF using the same exact process and not take advantage of it…

  3. It’s actually out there online in the open, if you know where to look for that sort of info 😉

  4. I am pretty sure Sherlock that in 6 months from now you will have something even more clever and specific to wright.

  5. Thanks for the reply, nice tone, a good reason why you won’t be able to find such info even when it’s out in the open. 😉

  6. I was thinking of removing the “clever” part. Just woke up.
    Anyway a week later you can find more info, a month later even more with links. Six months after you can even throw a few review links in your post.

    PS Smiles don’t help to look more intelligent. Sometimes it’s the opposite. 😉

  7. It’s funny you brought up something about intelligence, that came out of nowhere. Seems like my reply gave you an inferiority complex? Ooch 😉

  8. Oh great. A troll with narcissistic complex. Powerful combination.

  9. Hehe really? Look up Projection

  10. You have that too? Wow. We have a rare case here.

  11. LOL classic case in projection right there with you, don’t worry there is hope yet if you seek medical help.

  12. You also talk to the mirror while posting? Rare case with talents.

  13. Was a that a comeback?! Pretty weak XD. It’s confirmed then I caused you some serious ego bruising. Here’s a tip, be polite and bad things wont happen for you 😉

  14. Still talking to yourself? Maybe you should also follow your advice.

  15. Talking to myself? LOL you think you are my mirror opposite? Sorry I am not as ill mannered nor do I carry myself as dumb as you seem to carry yourself around everywhere 😉 Don’t hate, take the advice visit a psychiatrist soon, you can thank me later.

  16. You talk all the time about psychiatrists. Too much experience?

  17. LOL that’s coping mechanism in play. If you progressed in school you’d know what profession solves certain issues, obviously you were a failure. Not surprising most keyboard warrior trolls on the net never left their basements. Mental conditions + poor education, dangerous combination. You really should consider sound advice when you are getting it 😀

  18. You believe that writing more “clever” stuff, will make you look superior? I can’t wait for your next post.

  19. Nah I don’t even have to try because your post’s contents are so filled with ignorance and ill-mannered jibes that it’s too easy for me to casually type out a quick post that intimidates you XD

    The very need for you to bring up “clever” shows how much of a blow I might have dealt your pride. Ooch!

  20. Yes I am crying in a corner. Tell me more.

  21. Awwww XD

  22. Finally!
    That’s all folks!

    Have a nice day.

  23. Good so there will be no more mental ramblings from you and finally you’ll be going to the psychiatrist, good move mister you really need the help before it is too late for you. Have a nice day! 😀

  24. AHAHAHA!!!… here we go again. I didn’t knew that Duracell had a troll too. I thought they only had a bunny.

  25. LOL you took the bait like a true troll and what’s this? another poor come back? Aww come on you can at least try to sound a bit more entertaining than that XD

  26. And now he copies me. He calls me a troll. LOL.

  27. Only citing the obvious troll here, which is you. Hey went for that psychiatric check up? It’s still not too late for you.

  28. You had so much time to think something clever, and that’s your post?

  29. Aww poor trolls like you don’t have a life always responding on the same day to every post that I intimidate you with. Unlike you we have normal lives so we don’t have time to bug the trolls on weekends. Now I have some free time during tea breaks and will be tormenting you further XD.

  30. In what resolution do you run your “normal” life?

  31. You should be asking yourself that question =)) did you think of that all by yourself?

  32. I see you are sorry you didn’t think it first. Maybe next time you will think of something clever.

  33. Sorry? hardly, nothing impressive infact pretty low key and the max one could expect from an internet troll. You want more impressive jibes look to my posts further above they are a testament to the amount of nerves it gave you to carry on the barking I’ve got from you this far LOL. In fact you are indirectly admitting you are the one who is sorry by bringing that up XD.

  34. I see that you still think the more(quantity, not quality) BS you write, the more smart you will look. I love also how you advertise yourself. As I said before, a narcissistic troll. A! With talents. I forgot the talents. And yes I am still crying in the corner.

  35. LOL what a poor attempt at a come back, rehashing what was in my post already. Quality is not one of your traits. You might have gotten to ridiculous levels in terms of Quantity but me being adept at dealing with clueless trolls like you makes it impossible for you to top in Quantity let alone Quality. Try harder.

    Oh BTW do you want some Kleenex for your sore eyes? I am compassionate when it comes to these things 🙂

  36. And even more(quantity) BS and more self promoting comments. Do you eat plenty of beans before getting ready to type all those farts or is it just natural to you?

  37. *Yawn* rehashing the same thing again, out of ideas now?

  38. I don’t even have to try with you.

  39. Aww but you did, you have been trying with no success because it takes intellect to actually come up with something coherent, decidedly that is not your forte. Try harder XD

  40. I see that today we have one more narcissistic post. Well, I can only imagine all that disappointment in your real life.

  41. lol there is that inferiority complex again. If you knew what I did for a living you’ll turn green in envy 😉 Don’t let your inferior complex cloud your judgement.

  42. Inferiority complex? My God. You had two f$%^&&*() days to think, and you come up with the same BS, just from a different perspective? Please find someone with average intelligence to help you posting.

  43. LOL says the one who has been waiting for my reply for 3 days? You don’t have a life, we know that. The inferiority complex is getting bigger in you 😉 no wonder you like to keep bring it up when I put you down so easily. Don’t cry, try harder and apply some intellect for a change.

  44. I wasn’t expecting you to be so happy just with the thought that I have been waiting three days for you post. Please to give your life a meaning.
    Now find someone with intelligence to write your next post.

  45. LOL wow instant reply?! do you always wait on my posts day and night eagerly to endure another round of intellectual abuse and follow it up with those inferior complex mood swings? That’s disturbing and quite sad 🙁 hey did you visit the psychiatrist? Am serious here, honest.

  46. I recall a “John” with that same avatar pic you have in your account right now posting a lot at Fudzilla. Having fun putting down trolls like chizow et al.

    That john was more composed well mannered. If that’s you then it is real a shame you have changed your ways. I thought John was some of the better posters around on that site.

    If that’s not you then you can ignore this post.

  47. You do realize I don’t take you seriously, right?

  48. You do know that in whatever page you are and it is using Disqus it informs you about new replies right? It’s like saying to someone with a mobile phone “LOL wow instant answering the phone?!”. You are funny. :p

  49. Hmm then that john is someone else nvm

  50. Nope am looking at the time you replied, it’s almost in the same hour. I don’t have alerts on for these things, you have that on for yours?! Explains the quick replies I get everyday.

  51. It seems you know everything 😀

  52. You don’t excactly get alerts. Every time you visit a page where Disqus is used for the posting, Disqus informs you about new replies or likes in all your previous posts. It’s something you can’t avoid :p But I believe you already know what I am talking about.

  53. The alerts are emails. I have it switched off. The red bubble thingy on the top of the DISQUS dash board? yeah I know that but I only see it when I go to a site that has it in the article for commenting.

  54. Mail alerts for Disqus? No thanks! I do have a life! :p
    No, no I was talking about that red bubble. Half the sites I visit for hardware news and about a third of Greek sites for everyday news, use it.

  55. Greek you say? Friends of ATIinsider, Ellas et al at Fudzilla?

  56. I only comment on Disqus.