Home / Tech News / Announcements / OCZ Challenge update: All 5 ARC 100 SSD’s hit 200TB mark

OCZ Challenge update: All 5 ARC 100 SSD’s hit 200TB mark

Regular readers will know of the challenge submitted to KitGuru by OCZ – to kill 5 of their ARC 100 Solid State Drives. If you need a recap, then head back to this original page posted on December 10th.

The drives all passed the warranty figure of 100TB on 10th January 2015 – our next test was to get them all past the 200TB mark. Would any fail?

Read original ‘challenge' editorial on 10th December, HERE.
Read 17th December 2014 ‘challenge' update, HERE.
Read 27th December 2014 22TB mark update, HERE.
Read 10th January 2015 100TB mark update, HERE.
Interview with OCZ on ‘The Past, The Present and The Future', HERE.

200TB Drive D200TB Drive E200TB Drive F200TB Drive G
200TB Drive H
200TB Drive D Anvil test200TB Drive E Anvil test200TB Drive F Anvil test
200TB Drive G Anvil test200TB Drive H Anvil test

We have no idea how long the 5 drives will last, but it will be interesting. OCZ are hoping that this test will go some way to repair their reputation which suffered in previous years after well known problems with the Sandforce 2281 controller. OCZ no longer use this controller and have introduced a new ‘ShieldPlus Warranty System' to reassure customers.

The ‘ShieldPlus Warranty system’ eliminates the requirement for ‘proof of purchase’ … if a drive fails. A brand new SSD is shipped to the OCZ customer of the same capacity, in advance. When the replacement is received by the customer they can then send their old faulty drive back with a prepaid envelope. Yes it all does seem too good to be true, but we can’t find any catch.

Anyway, be sure to check KitGuru regularly for updates on this OCZ ‘death test’. This is the first time any SSD company have proposed this idea so we have to give some credit where it is due! 200TB is now quite an achievement, and it will be interesting to see when the first drive fails.

Discuss on our Facebook page, over HERE.

KitGuru says: More updates coming as we get them!

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  1. 200TB with just over 20% health left? You’d think they’d die by then, but nope. I mean, who would write 200TB anyway? Nice to know the drive lasts a long time, thus saving money on buying new drives every so often.

  2. I’m starting to like how those drives perform 😮

  3. Charles Charalambous

    Samsung 840 pro survived over 2 petabytes

  4. That was a single hand picked drive. I’ve seen reports of the 840 pro going after 50TB (Still impressive), but the average is about 75-100TB

  5. leo is soo painfully boring to listen to -_-
    wish they had a writen version so i could just read it.

  6. Charles Charalambous

    Really that’s a lot less than I ever heard. You sur ethat is the pro model and not the non pro?

  7. Yeah 2PB, you are correct…but these two drives aren’t even in the same price segment. The ARC 100 is a budget drive that offers aims to offer much better consistency than other budget drives; the 840 Pro was formerly Samsung’s flagship SSD, with a 5 year warranty and rated for 75TB. The ARC 100 is rated for 22TB and is considerably cheaper at every capacity. Not every 840 Pro is get close to even 150TB, let alone 1PB, or 2.

    200TB is an impressive figure on an ordinary MLC drive, considering the 480GB SSD 730, bred with Intel’s own darling MLC-HET, is rated for only 128TB, and is one of the toughest MLC drives on the market.

  8. Were these drives just off the shelf or supplied by OCZ?