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You can visit Sword Art Online in your Rift

If you have an Oculus Rift DK2 headset, you can do something that thousands of digital characters never could: visit Sword Art Online and then leave, without dying. It might be a little nerve racking putting on your headset to watch the bootup sequence and character login portion of the experience, but I can assure, it's safe.

In-fact, if anything it's a little boring. There's very little to this ‘experience,' at the moment, but fans of the show may get a kick out of the handful of references in it. There's also a small environment to explore, though if you've used the Rift before it isn't anything that will blow you away.


This is still a very early stages project and is made as more of a tribute to the game than anything else, but you can open up your inventory and the soundtrack will be familiar to anyone that's watched the show.

Considering Oculus once stated that it wanted to create an MMO that over a billion players took part in, the show itself isn't' actually that far fetched. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your view) the technology to tap into our brains quite as much as the Nerve Gear is still a long way off, but still, we're on the right track.

For those wanting to try this demo out, you can download it for free from Oculus Share.

KitGuru Says: Do you guys think we're only a few decades away from a Sword Art Online-like scenario? Where people get lost in virtual worlds? 

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  1. I’m excited for this (not the getting-stuck-in-a-virtual-world-where-death-is-permanent side). This could be the future of MMO.

  2. Please upgrade the Oculus Rift to Nerve Gear. I’m waiting for a VR Game from SAO and AOT. Thanks.

  3. I doubt it, at least not the way we know MMOs. Even games like SAO, Alfheim, The World, have too much information happening in too many places, you have no perspective of the overall battle. It would largely devolve into ancient/medieval military tactics, with you having to know the fight beforehand, requiring you to wipe multiple times and discussing fight mechanics for each new boss/area, which obviously wasn’t possible in SAO. This is very elitist, and is unlikely to catch on quickly. The third person perspective is just objectively better at this point in time, tactically and mechanically. We would need to see an overhaul of what we take for granted in MMOs, and game mechanics in general.

    On the flip side, virtual worlds such as Accel World work due to (I’ve only read a few chapters when it first started) the largely 1v1 style battle system, although I don’t know if that continues being the case as it goes on.

  4. What I think is that we need either an implant to interface our sensory neural network with a computer, or an incredible lightweight neural scanner that scans and interprets all neuron signals in the brain.

  5. You’re right. If something like this were to occur, it would be a new form of a game altogether (so we can’t actually compare it to what we have now). It will be very interesting to see what happens (I wonder who will take the burden of making a large scale rift-MMO).

  6. Dale Peter Golder

    Once this happens I’ll fly over to where ever you are and we can do a VR party because I honestly can’t wait for this to become reality lol, SAO is a future people really would look forward too 🙂

  7. 1 thing i remember reading was according to some SAO Trivia,
    Kirito’s/Kazuto’s computer was a 24 GHz 8-Core CPU.

    We’re probably awhile before we hit those speed (without super extreme cooling).
    I doubt the game would use all the CPU, but it does help show the differences between technology.

  8. seriously thought with advances in graphene and room temperature superconductors we are not impossibly far away maybe im just a dreamer 🙂

  9. Why Fly? Just log into the same server lol.

  10. I agree. Computer technology has advanced fast over the years.
    We might come close to those speed around 2022 to 2025.

    I mean just look back 10 years from now.
    In 2005, nVidia top cards (most recent) were GeForce 7 series and ATI’s (before bought by AMD) top video cards were the X1000 series.
    (I did a quick google search so hopefully the above is right).

    Comparing those cards to now is beyond night and day.

    Looking at CPU’s around that time, i see Dual-Core CPU’s were starting to become a normal. Again CPU’s now are miles better than then.

    So yeah, i can see in 7 to 10 years another major advancement happening in hardware.

  11. We can’t reasonably make a CPU that goes faster than 5Ghz that isn’t water cooled due to the issues with cooling. I think the real alternative, that will probably happen, is Server Motherboards becoming Consumer. Instead of having 1 Quad Core with 8 threads, we could have 4 Quad Core 8 Threaded CPU’s, equaling 32 Threads, at lets say 5Ghz. FYI, with that much computing power, assuming solid state HDD’s, you could convert a DVD to MKV in about 15 seconds.

  12. Now I could also see this happening, non-workstation motherboards having multiple CPUs.

    Doing that would increase the power as well as spreading it out and not straining just 1 CPU.

    And damn, DVD to MKV in 15 seconds, nice.

    Now i know since most games wouldn’t use it, is 1 reason we don’t have motherboards with 2 to 4 CPU sockets, but someday we probably might.

  13. if he doesn’t fly over it will be less safe for the first full dive. They might die o.o

  14. To give you an idea of what it is like now, I can rip a DVD to MKV or MP4 in 15 minutes using my i7 2630QM at 2.7Ghz.

  15. I mean, I guess ping could be a feature…

  16. Well that stuff already in exists in servers so you don’t really need it on your consumer side since the server is what does all the calculations in an MMO. The client just renders the output of the calculations.

  17. In fact, MS has already demonstrated this in I think early 2014/late 2013.

  18. i’m still thinking, how can nerve gear captures brain activity that involves muscle to move without making our real body moving

  19. Ross John Arthur Burford

    Yeah but.. The author of SAO shows he has no idea about technology and how it works… with the games looking like we have now i’m fairly sure you wouldn’t need a 24 GHz * core CPU to run SAO

  20. whats sword art online?

  21. if this would be created by Ubisoft… we would need a 100Ghz 32-core CPU and 256GB of DDR7 9999Mhz RAM…

  22. Re-wiring??…

  23. It has begun.

  24. its a type of anime (japanese show), I perfer you should watch it!

    Link to it:

    (it has english subs so dont worry)

  25. If there were a chance to be trapped two years in SAO, I would take it.

  26. I never said it NEEDED a 24GHz CPU, All I said was the Main character had one was all.

    My direct quoted comment:
    “I doubt the game would use all the CPU, but it does help show the differences between technology.”