Home / Software & Gaming / Turtle Rock Studios defends Evolve DLC strategy

Turtle Rock Studios defends Evolve DLC strategy

Turtle Rock Studios revealed its pre-order and future DLC strategy for Evolve earlier this week and there are a fair few gamers that aren't too pleased about it. However, studio co-founder, Phil Robb, wrote a few words on the Evolve forum to clear things up a bit.

The studio co-founder is insisting that despite the amount of pre-order bonuses and planned content set to launch shortly after release, none of the DLC will be finished in time to send off with the final product:

“If we thought we could have finished all those monsters and hunters for ship we would have put them in the box…. Hunters and monsters are a pretty big undertaking, they cost a lot of money and time to make. We’re hoping that once people see how much new hunters and monsters bring to the game that they’ll feel like they got their money’s worth.”


He then goes on to explain that while new monsters and hunters will come out as paid DLC, new maps and game modes shall remain free. Additionally, you can still play with those who own the DLC and not feel like you have to buy in order to keep up with the rest of the player base.

If someone owns DLC that you don't, you will still be able to play together. This way additional characters won't upset the balance of the game.

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KitGuru Says: Evolve has potential for tons of DLC but at least Turtle Rock is trying to organize things in a way that doesn't lock anybody out of the game should they not own a specific new character. That said, many have brought up that Evolve feels like it would have been better off launching as a free to play title and then charging for new skins and characters. What do you guys think? Does Evolve feel like a full priced release to you?

Source: Evolve Forum

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  1. Charles Charalambous

    Stupid strategy and it may backfire on them. If the new maps and game modes are lackluster dlc sales will be very low. As I can’t imagine too many people jumping on the hunting pass until they at least see how good thae game is and how good the post support/content is. Personally i’d rather they spent their time getting SLI to work on launch rather than monsters being stripped from the game…

  2. Why is it stupid? It baffles me that people don’t understand the undertaking that making one character actually is, let alone many. Its completely possible that they couldn’t finish it in time. I mean.. the alternative is releasing the game in 2017 when all the characters are finished an integrated.

    Nothing is being stripped. They aren’t added in yet.

  3. Charles Charalambous

    The game has already gone gold and I bet they are just holdign it back. Also it is stupid £15 for a monster??? Abe’s Oddysey new and tasty is only £15 at full rrp. 1 full game lovingly recreated and improved vs one monster in evolve? What’s better value? Evole alpha was fun but nothign ground breaking. Definitley not worth getting excited over.

  4. Dude read the article. They clearly say “If we thought we could have finished all those monsters and hunters for ship we would have put them in the box”. That means they aren’t finished.

    “Also it is stupid £15 for a monster???” – I wasn’t aware they told us the exact contents of the DLC pack. Where is that information? From what I gather here, there be monsterS and hunterS (Plurals matter, and ” new monsters and hunters will come out as paid DLC”). Then maps are free.

    If you don’t think one of the best Asymmetrical games to release isn’t groundbreaking, then stop gaming. You’re either jaded, or part of some idiotic bandwagon. The game has 3 100% different monsters, and many 100% different hunters. Each one brings new gameplay and strategy to the mix. Each hunter requires a player to know how to use it, and to know how to play with his/her teammates. If you don’t see how that is groundbreaking, then just stop gaming.

  5. Charles Charalambous

    Dude do you really believe that how many companies have said that, then the content was found on disc already made! I got the pricing information from eurogamer. It was not groundbreaking dude. Stop gaming because I find a game where you have players fighting against unique monsters (kind of like dota in a way) not groundbreaking… Suggsting it has never been done before… If anyone is jaded it is you.

    Look at dota team of 5 all entirely unique against another unique team of 5. Even left4dead 4 people against 4 others with a bunch of unique zombies. THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE. How can something that has already been done be groundbreaking? I admit there was some impressive stuff with the game but nothing GROUNDBREAKING. It’s simply more polished than others.

  6. “then the content was found on disc already made!” – PART of the content was there, like with what Bungie was doing with Destiny (Which has many other problems I know). This is done to reduce the size of patches, because if people had to download a 5GB patch, people would bitch anyway.

    “kind of like dota in a way” – nope. Not like Dota at all. How you make that connection baffles me.

    “5 all entirely unique against another unique team of 5.” – Cool story. This is a team of 4 against 1. Again, not like Dota at all.

    “Even left4dead 4 people against 4 others with a bunch of unique zombies” – Nope, that is not like Evolve at all.

    “HIS HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE.” – It hasn’t been done like this. The only thing that came close was the AVP game, where some people played as human, some as Alien, and some as Predators. Even there the characters weren’t unique, and strategies were the same for each map.

    What this conversation has told me is that you don’t play that many games, and don’t have the knowledge or experience to have the conversation.

  7. Charles Charalambous

    Well aren’t you an ignorant dipshit. Le tme get home and show you the ton of PC games I have on steam + mny x1, psvita, 3ds and wiiu collection…

    The only difference with evole is it is 4 v 1. The ONLY DIFFERENCE IS IT IS 4 V 1 INSTEAD OF 4 V 4… It’s 4 versus one very powerful monster. Yes there are new interesting elements to it BUT THIS HAS BEEN DONE BEFORE IN TERMS OF CONCEPT. JUST NO GAME HAS DONE 4 V 1. It has always been more.

    Edit: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Failboatoffail/games/


  8. well in all honesty what did you expect ? DLC has become a major cash-cow for the games industry and we only have ourselves to blame, if we didn’t buy it they wouldn’t make it.

    I am disgusted by the amount of day-one DLC that is available aswell as pre-order bonuses (especially the ones that force you to buy from a certain store), but none of this will ever go away as it is worth too much money.

  9. You call me ignorant, yet here you are insulting and being angry. Typical. You even quoted your steam profile after posting a contradicting argument. How cute. FYI, buying a lot of games doesn’t make you an expert. You probably only play Dota.

    “The only difference with evole is it is 4 v 1” – Thats not the only difference. It is Asymmetrical, and the other games you mentioned are not.

    “BUT THIS HAS BEEN DONE BEFORE IN TERMS OF CONCEPT.” – No it hasn’t, especially by the games you quoted here.

    This is where you contradict yourself: “JUST NO GAME HAS DONE 4 V 1. It has always been more.” – Know what that means? It means its not been done before. AKA unique, AKA “groundbreaking” by your definition, but in reality its not the 4v1 that makes it groundbreaking.

    I wonder if you can figure out why its groundbreaking without busting a blood vessel.

  10. Charles Charalambous

    Right for starters you were the oen who started being insulting and angry look at the thread already…. So don’t go putting that on me.

    My point is not contradictory maybe opinionate ddepending on how easily amazed someone is. The Asymmetrical 4 v stuff HAS BEEN DONE BEFORE. 4 V 1 however has not been done, reducing the number down to 1 and making that 1 more powerful IMO is not groundbreaking. Same concept as other games just 1 enemy that is significantly stronger than if there were mutliple like other games (obviously to balance the numebrs out).

    as for my linking my games, no one said I was an expert you just assumed that by calling me one… You said I play no games yet I have prooved otherwise.

  11. Oh man.. So much wrong here.

    “you were the [one] who started being insulting and angry ” – No I didn’t, I simply said you don’t have the knowledge or experience to make this judgement. IE: Installing rims and a ridiculous muffler on your car doesn’t make you a mechanic

    “My point is not contradictory…” Sorry Idk what the other half of this sentence means. This part is wrong though. Exhibit A, where you say : “BUT THIS HAS BEEN DONE BEFORE”, then in the very next sentence you say “JUST NO GAME HAS DONE 4 V 1.”. That is the definition of contradiction. No “opinionate” about it.

    “reducing the number down to 1 and making that 1 more powerful IMO is not groundbreaking.” – This is why you don’t have the knowledge or experience to make this judgment. If you think that this is all thats happened, then stop gaming. You are jaded. With this logic, CoD is just Rogue Squadron except they put you on the ground instead of in a ship.

    “no one said I was an expert…” – I didn’t either, I clearly said you weren’t, and you just keep proving it over and over again.

  12. Charles Charalambous

    All you have done is proove 2 people have 2 different opions and made a giant deal out of trying to proove while I was wrong which made me have the natural reaction of trying to do the opposite *claps slowly*. If reducing th enemy count to 1 and giving it a strength boost is groundbreaking to you then fair enough. No one is an expert in games,…. Not even you anyone who thinks they are is kidding theirself.

    Oh by the way trying the bet aon my xbox one tonight and PC tomorrow. Already have it pre ordered as I will still have some fun out of it. JUST AN FYI

  13. “All you have done is proove 2 people have 2 different [opinions]” – Nope. I have shown you that you are wrong with empirical evidence. You have reinforced this with your contradicting argument.

    “If reducing th enemy count to 1 and giving it a strength boost is groundbreaking to you then fair enough” – That isn’t what Evolve has done. Try taking a deeper look after clearing up some of that jadedness.

    “No one is an expert in games” – I guess all those people with “Expert” in their title in reference to games are just posers eh?

    “Not even you” – I understand that. I also understand that you cannot see what Evolve has done because of your jade. You’re taking a “4 wheels = car” approach, instead of looking to see if the car is a hatchback, or maybe has a truck bed.

    I’m not going to watch you play a game.

  14. Charles Charalambous..just walk away. You can share your thoughts all you want with this kind of person And in the end it will get no where….. Should add.. I see his points just as well.. minus the pointless insults.

  15. Implying I’m somehow wrong? Go ahead and point it out. None of this was based on opinion.

  16. If content can’t make it into the game before release, then it should not be made available later for a price. The way he said it means this content is supposed to be part of the main game.

    What I’d like to know, is why do they keep trying to explain these obvious saletactics? Gamers aren’t stupid and not once has lying to us worked in anyone’s benefit.

  17. I don’t mind the DLC as long as the content is worth the money.

  18. “JUST NO GAME HAS DONE 4 V 1.”

    “The Hidden” on source is a X v 1 game.
